I believe you are being excessively categorical here, and, once again, trying to put your words in the mouths of others. When I addressed my own preferences for certain things I meant exactly that. They are indeed subjective, however I would strongly object to the imposition, on me or on others, of any scheme that might prohibit the expression or realization of those preferences for me and those of everyone else as well.
A good illustration might involve the absurdities in Bernie Sander's loud and repeated declarations that "health care is a human right", then followed by Sanders ' own prescription for just what that would entail; who would pay for it and what everyone would get, and not get. In effect he is saying "everyone has a "right" to do exactly as he requires or instructs them to do' - a truly laughable absurdity.
The truth is that in a free society people have a right to do exactly what they wish in any matter, except for explicit prohibitions established in law in a system, such as ours, which is Constitutionally constrained to the protection of enumerated human rights and the government of which is limited to powers Constitutionally assigned to it.
Progressives peddle this nonsense frequently, and usually in the name of "liberating" people from this or that challenge. The Marxist doctrine for the socialist paradise of the late, unlamented USSR proclaimed that the party was the "vanguard of the people" and it (alone) knew what was good for everyone. It allowed no one and nothing to stand in the way of its plans for this paradise, and exterminated millions of people in the process. It also promised that, as the proclaimed nirvana was approached, the state would merely "whither away", while in fact the state became a totalitarian monster that presumed to govern every aspect of the lives of the people it enslaved, and whose only priority was the preservation of the state itself. It also turned out that the promised socialist paradise was merely a bureaucratic tyranny that delivered only poverty to everyone, but its governing elite.