monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 18 Jan, 2020 12:15 am
that's why the majority of the country is determined to vote trump out and repeal any and all of his "legacy" as soon as possible.
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 12:44 am
that's why the majority of the country is determined to vote trump out

That is not true. If it was we would not see the desperation and frustration of the Democratic party and the MSM knowing they have lost the 2020 election. And we see plenty.
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 12:57 am
Total projection on your part. /wish fulfillment only.
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 01:01 am
That's what you said in 2013 when I predicted that a Republican would win the 2016 presidential election.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 04:57 am
that's why the majority of the country is determined to vote trump out and repeal any and all of his "legacy" as soon as possible.

This raises an interesting question. Trump has basically juiced the economy by repealing regulations and, in general, giving banks and corporations a green light to do pretty much anything they want. So what happens when he leaves office and his successor, whether it's Sanders, Biden, or any other Democrat, begins the process of reviving the regulatory process? The howls coming out of Wall Street will be heard around the world. Corporate CEO's will be sound the alarm bells on every talk show. The markets will tank. A financial crisis will ensue and talk of "recession" will be everywhere. And in the next congressional election cycle the Democrats will be thrown out. Probably forever.
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 05:17 am
Trump has basically juiced the economy by repealing regulations and, in general, giving banks and corporations a green light to do pretty much anything they want.

Actually, Obama handed the criminal banksters massive amounts of TPTF funds, without telling them what to do with it.

Trump has made enemies of the federal reserve, who've sent the cash rate into the negative, without any plan for how they're going to cover the cost of the federal bond notes they've been buying back at a loss, when they mature.

So what happens when he leaves office and his successor, whether it's Sanders, Biden, or any other Democrat, begins the process of reviving the regulatory process?

Drawing long bows there. The impeachment "process" will be the end for creepy Joe. Sanders isn't showing promise, either, and Pelosi looks like she has one foot in the grave, lately.

The howls coming out of Wall Street will be heard around the world.

Drug addicts need to dry out, occasionally.

Corporate CEO's will be sound the alarm bells on every talk show.

Or jump out of windows high enough to make a real noise.

The markets will tank.

In China, maybe.

A financial crisis will ensue and talk of "recession" will be everywhere.

Talk is cheap, and your premise is solely based on Trump losing the election.

He won't .

And in the next congressional election cycle the Democrats will be thrown out.

Sounds feasible.

Sat 18 Jan, 2020 05:21 am
He won't .

That'll be a lot worse. Like partying on the Titanic.
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 05:29 am
As I've stated several times on this thread, how does a totally inexperienced entrepreneur even qualify for the role of US president, slash commander-in-chief of the military?

It's your system that needs attention. You have a bunch of geriatrics who've never experienced life as an average American, making all the important decisions about how your lives pan out.
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 06:33 am
how does a totally inexperienced entrepreneur even qualify for the role of US president, slash commander-in-chief of the military?

The qualifications for the office are spelled out in the U.S. Constitution. Mr. Trump met them. A significant number of voters apparently love the guy.
It's your system that needs attention.

You mean having people elect their representatives and choose the members of the Electoral College?
0 Replies
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 06:35 am
Builder wrote:

As I've stated several times on this thread, how does a totally inexperienced entrepreneur even qualify for the role of US president, slash commander-in-chief of the military?

It's your system that needs attention. You have a bunch of geriatrics who've never experienced life as an average American, making all the important decisions about how your lives pan out.

Sat 18 Jan, 2020 07:27 am
How Trump Is Spreading a Conspiracy Theory About Pelosi, Biden and Sanders

WASHINGTON — The first version of the conspiracy theory was hatched on Twitter last Friday, Jan. 10.

“Don’t rule out that the reason Pelosi hasn’t sent impeachment to the Senate is to hurt Warren and Sanders, and to help Biden,” Ari Fleischer, a former White House press secretary for President George W. Bush, tapped out on his iPad. “By timing the trial so it takes place during the Iowa lead-up, she has leverage over the liberals.”

Mr. Fleischer’s message was retweeted 1,400 times.

Seven days later, Mr. Fleischer’s theory that Speaker Nancy Pelosi was attempting to influence the Democratic primary — for which there is no evidence — was being promulgated by President Trump.

“They are rigging the election again against Bernie Sanders, just like last time, only even more obviously,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Friday, claiming his Senate trial was designed to keep Mr. Sanders, the Vermont senator, grounded in Washington instead of campaigning in Des Moines ahead of the Feb. 3 caucuses.

“Crazy Nancy thereby gives the strong edge to Sleepy Joe Biden, and Bernie is shut out again,” the president added.

An idea that caught fire on Twitter and became grist for Mr. Trump demonstrates how the same echo chamber of right-wing media that boosted him in 2016 is exerting its power again just before the first primary votes are cast in 2020.

There was nothing new in terms of the process that got the idea in front of Mr. Trump. But the evolution from online conspiracy theory to Fox News fodder to presidential talking point demonstrated how a world of conservative influencers, Republican lawmakers and online media outlets can drive disinformation through repetition and amplification.

Two days after Mr. Fleischer’s tweet, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House minority leader, appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s show on Fox News and repeated it. “This is the dirty little secret nobody is talking about: why the Speaker held these papers,” Mr. McCarthy said on Sunday. “This benefits Joe Biden. This harms Senator Sanders, who is in first place and could become their nominee.”

In fact, Mr. Sanders is not the national front-runner for the nomination and never has been, although he had a narrow lead in a recent poll of likely Iowa caucusgoers. But Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign in recent weeks has been seeking to elevate Mr. Sanders, viewing the self-described democratic socialist as the president’s ideal Democratic opponent in November.

The Trump camp, in turn, is worried about Mr. Biden’s competitiveness against the president in Midwestern battleground states, and would like to do anything possible to trip up the moderate former vice president in his tight primary race against the liberal Mr. Sanders.

Mr. McCarthy has continued to repeat the theory and profess support for Mr. Sanders, repeating the talking points in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News. His television commentary was then written up by Breitbart News, the right-wing news and opinion site.

On Thursday, The Federalist, a conservative website, ran an article with the headline: “Is Impeachment Delay How Democrats Are Rigging Iowa Against Bernie Again?” It said Ms. Pelosi’s decision to delay impeachment “provokes the question whether she is deliberately helping Joe Biden.”

One day later, the message had reached the White House, where Mr. Trump, a frequent purveyor of conspiracy theories, presented the idea as a fact.
“It’s easy to see why Bernie and his supporters would think the establishment is screwing them again,” said Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, noting that the campaign often looks to Mr. Trump’s Twitter feed for its daily message.

Conspiracies surrounding Mr. Sanders’s political fortunes have been a particular fixation for Mr. Trump, dating back four years. During the 2016 campaign, Mr. Trump circulated the false and unsourced claim that an “analysis” — he did not say who wrote it or where it was published — concluded that Mr. Sanders would have won the Democratic nomination if not for superdelegates, the party leaders and officials who were not bound to vote for the winner of their states’ primaries or caucuses.

At the time, Mr. Trump and his advisers realized the potential political benefit in lobbing these kinds of accusations. Their campaign, which relied heavily on depressing Democratic turnout as a way to win battleground states like Florida and Michigan, stood to gain by fanning the flames of the rivalry between Mr. Sanders and Hillary Clinton and dredging up the bitterness that many Sanders supporters felt over their loss.

Even after winning the election, Mr. Trump continued to claim that Mrs. Clinton had somehow robbed Mr. Sanders of victory. When Donna Brazile, the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman, released a memoir in 2017, Mr. Trump inaccurately said the book showed that Mrs. Clinton “bought the DNC & then stole the Democratic Primary” from Mr. Sanders.
In an interview, Mr. Fleischer said he had not seen the idea about the timing of the impeachment trial anywhere else and had not consulted with anyone when he first pitched it on Twitter. “I just do my best to realistically assess what’s happening in Washington,” he said. Mr. Fleischer said he believed that Ms. Pelosi does not think Mr. Sanders can beat Mr. Trump in November, and that “she has one big thing on her mind: that’s winning the White House.”

He said his tweet took off because “if it has merit, it starts to gather momentum.”

“If it has no merit, it’s just another tweet,” he added.

Republican staff members on Capitol Hill said the theory gained traction because of a broader narrative — pushed by Mr. Sanders’s own supporters — that Mr. Sanders was generally getting a raw deal from the mainstream news media and other candidates in the race.

In a statement on Friday, in response to a question from The New York Times about the president’s conspiracy tweet, Mr. Sanders denounced the theories. “Let’s be clear about who is rigging what: It is Donald Trump’s action to use the power of the federal government for his own political benefit that is the cause of the impeachment trial,” he said. “His transparent attempts to divide Democrats will not work, and we are going to unite to sweep him out of the White House in November.”

Ms. Pelosi’s team has also made it clear she was not trying to meddle in the nominating process.

“Impeachment has nothing to do with politics or the presidential race,” a spokesman for Ms. Pelosi, Drew Hamill, wrote on Twitter this week, responding to Mr. McCarthy’s accusation. “As usual, the Minority Leader has no idea what he’s talking about.”

Sat 18 Jan, 2020 07:28 am
Lash wrote:


Which is probably why Australia is burning right now unlike America.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 07:46 am
At least two protesters have been killed and dozens injured in central Baghdad when Iraq's security forces launched tear gas canisters to disperse demonstrators trying to breach the capital's Sinak bridge, according to activists and officials.

Riot police on Friday hurled sound bombs and fired tear gas after protesters attempted to breach cement barriers previously erected by security forces, three activists and a security official told The Associated Press news agency.

A medical source told Reuters News Agency that one of those killed had a tear gas canister launched directly at his neck.

"Saboteurs attacked the barricades in the Sinak bridge area and security forces have been using non-lethal methods to stop them for hours," said a spokesman for the prime minister.

The bridge is close to the capital's central Tahrir Square where thousands have been camped out for months, with recent clashes causing the authorities to restrict access to the crossing.

Mass protests have gripped Iraq since October 1 with protesters demanding sweeping reforms, new leadership and snap elections.

They see their political system as profoundly corrupt and keeping most Iraqis in poverty.

More than 450 people have been killed since the demonstrations erupted. Gunmen killed two local journalists covering protests last Friday in the southern city of Basra.

Despite numbers recently dwindling, protesters took to the streets again last week, determined to keep up the momentum of their protests despite attention turning to the threat of a US-Iran conflict after Washington killed Tehran's top general in an air strike inside Iraq.

In an effort to bring back focus to the goals of the protest movement, anti-government protesters in the southern city of Nasirya gave the government a week's deadline to take serious steps to implement changes. The deadline runs out early next week.

0 Replies
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 08:34 am
Germany Moves To Expand Anti-Free Speech Laws

Our European allies are becoming fascists.
A survey, conducted by the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach(and published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) found that only 18 percent of Germans feel free to express their views in public.

No more advice is needed from Europe. We need to learn from their obvious mistakes and this crap and censoring speech is one of them.
Walter Hinteler
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 08:40 am
If you had read the original report - from May 2019, >link< - you perhaps could notice what nonsense you'd written.

For the majority of Germans, the right to freedom of opinion is guaranteed in Germany. Nevertheless, almost two-thirds are convinced that there are many unwritten laws today that restrict freedom of expression on certain issues, especially in public places. On the one hand, this applies to issues that violate social norms and sayability rules, but on the other hand it also concerns issues that move many, but which, according to the impression of a large part of the population, are not taken seriously by the leading elites: this includes the refugee issue, as well as how to deal with Islam. With the emergence of nationalist groups, terms such as "patriotism" or "love of the fatherland" are also perceived as taboo. Demands for language regulations to counteract discrimination are met with incomprehension by most of them. (My translation from the Allensbach website)

Full Allensbach documentary
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 08:42 am
farmerman wrote:

what do you call the militias whove pledged gun violence this weekend ?? These are Trumpies.

"Show me the money."

Show your work Farmerman. Which militia's? Where did they pledge this?
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 08:46 am
@Walter Hinteler,

you perhaps could notice what nonsense you'd written.

The nonsense is what your government is doing to its citizens. 18% is not a good number when it comes to freedom.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 08:46 am
It’s a pretty big deal.



Fearing a repeat of the deadly march by white nationalists in Charlottesville in 2017, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on Wednesday declared a state of emergency and temporarily banned people from carrying guns and other weapons on the grounds of the state Capitol, where thousands of gun rights activists are expected to rally next week against stricter gun control laws.

Northam said he made the call after hearing "credible intelligence" from law enforcement that armed militias and hate groups, some from outside Virginia, planned to disrupt the event. He said the threats of violence, picked up on the internet and on dark web channels by state intelligence analysts, included "conversations fueled by misinformation and conspiracy theories" similar to talk that preceded the "Unite the Right" march in August 2017, at which white nationalists clashed with counterprotesters, one of whom was killed when a man drove into a crowd.
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 08:51 am
glitterbag wrote:

Anything else we can do for you cupcake?

Yeah, why don't you go and make him a sandwich, sweetheart?
0 Replies
Sat 18 Jan, 2020 08:58 am
At the time, Mr. Trump and his advisers realized the potential political benefit in lobbing these kinds of accusations. Their campaign, which relied heavily on depressing Democratic turnout as a way to win battleground states like Florida and Michigan, stood to gain by fanning the flames of the rivalry between Mr. Sanders and Hillary Clinton and dredging up the bitterness that many Sanders supporters felt over their loss.
Well, yeah.

We've been following this propaganda line here, of course, but the first instance I'd seen was from McCarthy. I hadn't known that Fleischer was the originator but I'm not at all surprised. He's one of the sleaziest motherfuckers around (as when he pushed the idea that any criticism of Bush after 9/11 was a traitorous act). Since college, he's been a media flack for numerous Republicans. It's all he's ever done. Now a multi-millionaire, of course.
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