monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 28 Dec, 2019 02:01 pm
Trump has not.

But that doesn't mean he hasn't committed impeachable offenses. And remember, the charges against Trump concern matters of state, not moral and ethical misconduct.
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 02:10 pm
Good luck with that one.

I'm sure that the Republicans are interested in conducting a fair trial and would be happy to have Mulvaney, Pompeo, Perry, and Bolton clear Mr. Trump by providing unequivocal, eye-witness testimony.
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 02:16 pm
You appear to have missed the essential point here. The Democrat "Investigation" failed to establish a prima face case for a crime of any sort. It should be dismissed out of hand.
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 02:36 pm
What constitutes a prima facie case for you?
0 Replies
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 02:45 pm
The Democrat "Investigation" failed to establish a prima face case for a crime of any sort.

georgeob, the Republicans could try to make the case that Trump's actions didn't rise to the level of an impeachable offense but denying that anything happened at all is arguing in bad faith and demonstrating political cowardice at its worst.

Sat 28 Dec, 2019 02:54 pm
hightor wrote:

Trump has not.

But that doesn't mean he hasn't committed impeachable offenses. And remember, the charges against Trump concern matters of state, not moral and ethical misconduct.

tRump has committed innumerable crimes. Before and during his residency; and the Constitutional crime of Bribery in the Ukrainian crime spree; for just one of his Impeachment crime. He is so disgusting, a true accident of nature that should be .........; I'll just leave it at that.
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Sat 28 Dec, 2019 03:09 pm
theRump is so corrupt he has made the entire Republican party, members of both houses on congress, Rep Judges and his voters corrupt unless they publicly disavow him. He is evil incarnate and putrefies everything in his environment.
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 03:31 pm
theRump is so corrupt he has made the entire Republican party, members of both houses on congress, Rep Judges and his voters corrupt unless they publicly disavow him. He is evil incarnate and putrefies everything in his environment.

Oh my! The sheer drama of American life. Now all you need is to get yourself one.
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Sat 28 Dec, 2019 03:35 pm
In a way we are very very lucky that Trump does not have a higher IQ, but given the harm he had done it is a frightening idea in having a Trump type person with a higher intellect showing up.

We can not for one count on any of the GOP congresspersons honoring their oaths of office to protect the constitution not even again a moron such as Trump let alone some future super Trump.

It does not look good for our republic future.
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 03:36 pm
the Republicans are interested in conducting a fair trial

Why would they be interested in that? The Democrats were not.
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Sat 28 Dec, 2019 03:49 pm
Again, people calling Trump a moron makes me question their intelligence. Trump has outsmarted the MSM, corrupt politicians and weaponized intelligence agencies. Morons are not capable of such things. He is much smarter than the average bear.
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Sat 28 Dec, 2019 03:57 pm
Report claims that global warming is affecting Canada twice as fast as the rest of the world

Got some real mental giants in Canada.
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Sat 28 Dec, 2019 03:59 pm
Bill, the problem with theRump is he is a moron regarding everyday matters but when it comes to corruption and criminality - he's an evil genius.
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Sat 28 Dec, 2019 04:08 pm
The media is controlled by globalist elites. Germans and other Western Europeans are fed a steady diet of lies and exaggerations. Of course they think that way.

Germany’s state-run and mainstream news outlets have been obsessed with President Trump, churning out one negative story after another ever since he took office three years ago. A Harvard study in 2017 found that German media coverage was “extremely negative” toward the U.S. president.

The study by the Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center showed that during “Trump’s first 100 days in office, 98 percent of [Germany’s state-run] ARD’s news coverage that assigned value to a story about him was negative.” This figure was higher than that of CNN, NBC, Washington Post, New York Times, or any other media outlet surveyed in the study.

With a gigantic budget of over €8 billion, Germany’s state-owned media plays a key role in dictating the narrative and shaping public opinion. Germany’s political establishment had been rattled by the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Berlin had placed big hopes in Hillary Clinton’s presidency. The German government even handed out $5 million to the Clinton Foundation in the months leading up to the U.S. election. Following the ‘upset’ of 2016, German state media are incessantly venting their fury at President Trump.

Germany’s leading state-owned TV channel ZDF cheered the last week’s congressional impeachment, describing it as “a symbol of hope for democracy.” The state-run Deutsche Welle even congratulated Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party, calling it a “huge success.”

Germany’s mainstream media outlets, too, are implicit in peddling the agenda set by the political elite. The leading German news magazine Der Spiegel regularly brings out title stories that are deemed anti-Trump and anti-American. Shortly after President Trump took office, the magazine published a cover illustration showing him beheading the Statue of Liberty. The magazine’s star reporter, Claas Relotius, was caught planting false stories, including a fake news story portraying Trump supporters as racists. Der Spiegel reporter’s fake coverage earned him the ‘CNN Journalist of the Year’ before getting caught.

A little proof to back up my claim.
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Sat 28 Dec, 2019 04:15 pm
The Democrat "Investigation" failed to establish a prima face case for a crime of any sort.

I think most of us understand that there is no amount nor degree of evidence that will satisfy george nor many others on the right. Evidence is irrelevant. The only "relevant" aspect is any conclusion that Trump is or may well be guilty of impeachable offences.

That's the starting point and everything is reverse engineered from it.

Thus any witness - no matter who that witness might be - who testifies and gives evidence which points to guilt will be denigrated and labeled biased. All documentation pointing to guilt will be (where it cannot be suppressed) re-interpreted to suggest that meanings and intentions are ambiguous or contrary to any reasonable interpretation of them.

Indeed, all such evidences and testimonies brought forward will be flipped and considered as evidence/proof that Trump is being unfairly attacked by his enemies lurking covertly throughout government and the press.
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 04:38 pm
Thus any witness - no matter who that witness might be - who testifies and gives evidence which points to guilt will be denigrated and labeled biased.

No first hand knowledge is enough denigration. Bias is a gimme.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 07:07 pm
The cinese case has nothing whatever to do with progresdives arwestern socislism eiyher. Iy is rsghef reminiscent of ghe rifht wing attempt to delegitimize any viewd s except their own.
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Sat 28 Dec, 2019 07:17 pm
Where have you been for the last three years. Trump did commit the crimes hes accused of. Thats why hes been impeached
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 07:21 pm
Shat nonsense
0 Replies
Sat 28 Dec, 2019 07:21 pm
commit the crimes

What crimes? There has not been one criminal act named. Reality awaits.
0 Replies

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