hightor wrote:
Quote:The interpretation you offered appears to have been contrived to match as far as possible the issues in the Democrat's current articles, but I know of no other sources for its justification.
So using the leverage of the office to secure personal political favors from foreign governments is not an abuse of power? And this practice should become an option for future presidents to employ at their discretion and kept from public view?
Nearly all important dialogues between heads of state involve some element of quid pro quo. This was certainly the norm through WWII and much of the Cold war, Indeed it's a fundamental element of international relations. Our President has a sworn duty to enforce our law: that duty exists whether there is any political benefit (or penalty) to the President for doing so.
There isn't much doubt that VP Biden's misuse of his Obama-assigned responsibilities for relations with both China and Ukraine, and his son's subsequent trip to China with him on Air Force 2 on a state visit - during which his son got more than a Billion dollars in capital from a government controlled Chinese company for his newly established Venture capital firm, and soon afterwards was appointed to a lucrative position on the Board of a Ukrainian Petroleum firm - both involved at very least the appearance of foreign bribery (and very likely the fact of it) for influencing our relations with them. Biden even took the step of threatening the removal of the (then minimal) military & financial aid we were providing Ukraine unless they immediately suspended a corruption investigation which included, among others, company that had hired his son, for a seat on their Board - for which he has zero qualifications or experience. Two years earlier Biden had also arranged for a very unusual appointment of his son to the Navy (starting at the rank of LT (i.e. O-3). Soon afterwards he was summarily discharged by the Navy for drug abuse. There ample evidence of a pattern of misuse of office by VP Biden here.
Much is sanctimoniously made by Democrats of the harm and risk imposed on our dear ally Ukraine by Trump's temporary withholding of aid to them. The fact is their Obama administration had earlier consistently refused to provide any equivalent military aid to Ukraine , presumably in keeping with Obama's whispered request to then President Medvedev that he tell Vladimir he (Obama) would have more flexibility after the election. And, as forecast, soon after the 2012 election he sent Sec. State Clinton to Russia with her silly "reset button" -- all this after ignoring Russia's seizure of Crimea and ongoing invasion of the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine. Well over a year ago Trump had reversed this policy with a decision to provide and finance weapons for Ukraine previously completely denied entirely by the Obama Administration. Very hard now to be moved by Democrat crocodile tears.