Notable piece of information on Giuliani from this
NYT piece
Quote:A third marriage has fallen into divorce court ruins, revealing monthly expenses of $230,000[/bold] for six homes and 11 country club memberships.
And that's just the houses and memberships. So, what to do?
Quote:The Trump administration turned out to be very good for the business of being Rudy Giuliani, though it was no simple matter to say precisely what that was.
“Probably in the last two years, people have talked to me about hundreds of deals,” Mr. Giuliani said this fall.
...He hired himself out to a Turkish money launderer, Reza Zarrab, and argued his case directly to the president and the secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, in the Oval Office. Mr. Zarrab had been accused of moving $10 billion in gold and cash to Iran, evading American sanctions. He eventually pleaded guilty and became a prosecution witness.
Lots more at the link. Now consider how susceptible Giuliani might be to the manipulations of Putin or other such.