monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 27 Nov, 2019 04:26 am
And even funnier because it was completely unscripted, unexpected, and three years on, still not accepted by half the nation, yourself included.

What's "not accepted"? Everyone accepts the fact the Clinton lost and there's no mystery as to why she lost. Sure, it was unexpected — even for Trump — but that doesn't mean it was inexplicable. There was some belief that Trump might change his tone after assuming the office but as the details of his campaign began to be exposed and he started his pitiful martyr act it became obvious that his divisive rhetoric was the real message and not a campaign tactic.

Not acceptable is a different thing entirely. Many people found Obama's leadership unacceptable for his entire eight years. That doesn't mean they didn't accept the fact that he won two elections. They found Bill Clinton's behavior unacceptable. GW's reasons for invading Iraq were unacceptable to a lot of people as well. Even USAmericans have enough political maturity to accept that their guy lost. They can accept the results of an election. That doesn't mean that, once in office, they'll find the winner's performance acceptable. And if the officeholder is found to have acted in an illegal or treacherous manner, impeachment and removal from office are acceptable. Says so right in the Constitution!
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 05:34 am
Says so right in the Constitution!
But among the authors of this hit or miss document were the first Deep State moles.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 06:01 am
The big scam
Pay for NRA executives surges as gun rights group cuts key program funds

The tax filing also showed perks for top officials that are typically associated with the corporate world, including charter and first-class travel with companions as well as dues for health or social clubs.

Corruption is endemic in the modern right.
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 06:19 am
Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

President Donald Trump appeared to hang his personal lawyer out to dry in an interview with former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday night, insisting that Rudy Giuliani's push for a Biden investigation in Ukraine was not done on his behalf and noting that Giuliani has “other clients.”

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

“I know that he was going to go to Ukraine and I think he cancelled the trip. But Rudy has other clients, other than me. He’s done a lot of work in Ukraine over the years,” the president continued.

According to the White House's own rough transcript of Trump's now infamous July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump himself repeatedly brought up Giuliani in the same conversation where he reminded Zelensky of all that America does for Ukraine and asked him for a “favor.”

“Rudy very much knows what’s happening, and he is a very capable guy,” Trump told Zelensky, after asking him to investigate a widely debunked conspiracy theory about Ukraine interfering in the 2016 election.

“If you could speak to him that would be great,” he said.

In early November, Giuliani wrote on Twitter that his probe into “2016 Ukrainian collusion and corruption” was done to “defend (his) client against false charges.”

Giuliani's consulting business—Giuliani Partners—and Ukraine activities are reportedly being examined by federal prosecutors. Two of Giuliani's associates—Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman—recently pleaded not guilty to campaign finance charges, and Parnas' own firm paid Giuliani Partners for consulting work. Both men reportedly met with Giuliani before meeting with Ukrainian officials to push for the investigations.

Region Philbis
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 06:27 am
Trump appeared to hang his personal lawyer out to dry
it was only a matter of time, wasn't it?
0 Replies
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 06:38 am
but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.
And with war crimes so even better.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 06:56 am
The divisions were on display Tuesday night at a raucous pro-Netanyahu rally in Tel Aviv. Angry supporters reportedly chanted “Die Leftist” and “Arrest the Investigators” and carried signs reading “Cops — Or Criminals?”

Speakers railed against the attorney general and prosecutors — who have been given security details in recent days — parroting the prime minister’s portrayal of the indictments as a “coup” attempt by an unaccountable deep state and a biased media. One protester attempted to grab the microphone of an on-air journalist as another spat on him.

The rightwing love of law and order evidenced once more.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 08:58 am
WASHINGTON — President Trump had already been briefed on a whistle-blower’s complaint about his dealings with Ukraine when he unfroze military aid for the country in September, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Lawyers from the White House counsel’s office told Mr. Trump in late August about the complaint, explaining that they were trying to determine whether they were legally required to give it to Congress, the people said.

The revelation could shed light on Mr. Trump’s thinking at two critical points under scrutiny by impeachment investigators: his decision in early September to release $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine and his denial to a key ambassador around the same time that there was a “quid pro quo” with Kyiv. Mr. Trump used the phrase before it had entered the public lexicon in the Ukraine affair.

0 Replies
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 11:30 am
The NRA is the gun manufacturing industrys advertising section.
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 11:40 am
Trump Keeps Losing in Court. But His Legal Strategy Is Winning Anyway.

Just run the clock out.

Wed 27 Nov, 2019 01:39 pm
Doctored photo of Trump's head on Stallone's body sent out by Trump on twitter today...


And then, there's this...
61 Percent of Women Are Ready to Impeach and Remove Donald Trump
A new CNN poll finds a 21-percent gender gap, as women form the vanguard for presidential accountability.

Perhaps we might posit a relationship between these two thing. Just perhaps.
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 01:41 pm
I suspect he'd be doing this anyway but it has particular utility now.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 01:54 pm
Truth imitates fiction. Viz comic printed this shortly after he became president.

Wed 27 Nov, 2019 02:11 pm
From the NYT, breaking new. If trump says it, it's fake news.

Russia Inquiry Review Is Expected to Undercut Trump Claim of F.B.I. Spying
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 03:00 pm
Apparently it does!
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 03:04 pm
My favourite line is, " You evil motherfuckers! Do you have any idea how much those tits cost?"
0 Replies
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 03:08 pm
The F.B.I. never tried to place undercover agents or informants inside the Trump campaign, a highly anticipated inspector general’s report is expected to find.

We only have until Dec.9th nothing new here. The FBI did a lot of other things. The FISA abuse matters here. Plus the NYT will say anything to make people think it is going the way Democrats want it.
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 03:14 pm
I like the way you guys are trying to spin the Stiehl "dossier'. Remember, it was the GOP that first started it an then abandoned it when Trump became the candidate and then every duck joined the skein.

Wed 27 Nov, 2019 03:24 pm
and then every duck joined the skein.

Isn't that how a political party works? Everyone used to the status quo hated Trump. Republicans too.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Nov, 2019 03:28 pm
That was quick.

0 Replies

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