monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 24 Nov, 2019 03:21 pm
The NYT is out to get Trump. That should not be their job.

That's overly dramatic, as the NYT prints a hell of a lot of information every day and only a small fraction concerns the president and his corrupt administration. You're right it shouldn't be their job — because office holders are supposed to comport themselves in a dignified manner, be truthful, and obey the laws of the land. But in the face of Trump's unceasing war on half the country and clear disregard for the traditions of public decorum the press has had no choice but to pursue these ugly stories and reveal the sordid activities being done on Trump's behalf.
They are biased, they omit facts favorable to Trump.

Bias? Um, what "facts" are favorable to Trump? The tax cuts that were supposed to pay for themselves and the resulting growth of the deficit? The trade wars which threaten the global economy? The broken promises to fix healthcare and repair infrastructure? Denying the reality of climate change and not working to deal with its effects? Promoting social divisiveness?
In short, they print the crap you haters live for.

Yeah, not a drop of hate can be found on the right. Hell, you guys would never go after someone like Hillary Clinton for thirty years; I've only heard Fox and Breitbart say nice things about her.

Sun 24 Nov, 2019 03:22 pm
- Swear to say the truth.
- Pfew... You still believe in that stuff?
0 Replies
Sun 24 Nov, 2019 03:37 pm
I've only heard Fox and Breitbart say nice things about her.

Pundits are not journalists. That takes care of Fox. Breitbart is answer to papers like the NYT.
Bias? Um, what "facts" are favorable to Trump?

The balls out economy, the lowest unemployment for minorities, and peace.
But in the face of Trump's unceasing war on half the country

Who said deplorables? Why do Trump supporters get harrassed or shamed, and called out on social media or banned? The hate for the voters is crystal clear, and it is not Trump supporters doing that hating.
Sun 24 Nov, 2019 05:49 pm
If anyone here has a personal relationship with Michael Bloomberg, would you please, for me, tell him to go **** himself.
Sun 24 Nov, 2019 07:26 pm
If anyone here has a personal relationship with Michael Bloomberg (snip)

I think this might be a necessary evil in "fixing" the current status with becoming the "leader of the free world" today.

If you can simply buy the presidency, then Houston, we most certainly do have a problem.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 07:48 am
Yeah, him coming to the democrat race complicates things a little more than the other billionaire in the democrat 2020 primary.
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 08:33 am
Mulvaney Asked About Legal Justification for Withholding Ukraine Aid

Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, asked officials in the budget office after President Trump’s July 25 call with the Ukrainian president whether there was a legal justification for withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine, according to two people briefed on an internal White House review.

The discussions, which took place via email in August, came after the hold on the $391 million had already been put in place. Mr. Mulvaney also asked the officials at the Office of Management and Budget how long the aid could be withheld, three people familiar with the review said.

The emails, which were first reported by The Washington Post on Sunday, were surfaced during a review by the White House Counsel’s Office that is examining the events surrounding the Ukraine call. They raise the question of whether Mr. Mulvaney was seeking after the fact to justify the hold, which is central to Democrats’ impeachment investigation into whether Mr. Trump abused his office for political gain, or whether his request was routine.

An administration official on Sunday played down the significance of Mr.
Mulvaney’s inquiry, saying that anytime the budget office holds money, it produces a legal justification document. Mr. Mulvaney, the official said, was simply asking to review that document.

The person also hinted at growing tension between the budget office and the White House Counsel’s Office, which the person said had never raised questions about the legality of the hold in real time.

“To be clear,” said Rachel Semmel, a budget office spokeswoman, “there was a legal consensus at every step of the way that the money could be withheld in order to conduct the policy review. O.M.B. works closely with agencies on executing the budget. Routine practices and procedures were followed.”
The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

The overarching purpose of the review by the counsel’s office was to clarify the actions of White House officials involved in the call between Mr. Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, and it has helped officials establish a timeline around the withholding of the aid and the call. It originally centered on why John A. Eisenberg, a deputy White House counsel, decided to place a rough transcript of the call in a computer system typically reserved for higher-level secret documents.

On the call, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Zelensky to “do us a favor” and investigate a political rival, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., and a debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine had interfered in the 2016 election. The White House has released a rough transcript of the call.

So far, the review has included interviews with a number of White House aides and officials on the National Security Council. The White House Counsel’s Office has also reviewed the system that carries official emails to look for information related to the withheld aid.

Mr. Mulvaney has previously told associates that the aid was released after budget officials raised alarms that the deadline for doing so was approaching.

Officials close to both Mr. Mulvaney and the White House counsel, Pat A. Cipollone — who have been at odds since the beginning of 2019 — expressed frustration that some of the details of the review had leaked.

So, I wonder who is leaking these details out? Mr Mulvaney to cover his own back? If so, good luck with that after his "good over it" remark.
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 08:36 am
Why Giuliani Singled Out 2 Ukrainian Oligarchs to Help Dig Up Dirt

VIENNA — They were two Ukrainian oligarchs with American legal problems. One had been indicted on federal bribery charges. The other was embroiled in a vast banking scandal and was reported to be under investigation by the F.B.I.

And they had one more thing in common: Both had been singled out by Rudolph W. Giuliani and pressed to assist in his wide-ranging hunt for information damaging to one of President Trump’s leading political rivals, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

That effort culminated in the July 25 phone call between the American and Ukrainian presidents that has taken Mr. Trump to the brink of impeachment and inexorably brought Mr. Giuliani’s Ukrainian shadow campaign into the light.



Plenty of corruption...the swamp is steadily growing.
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 08:40 am
When I see "Dig Up Dirt" I feel that reading beyond that is pointless. It's a biased opinion after that and therefore pointless.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 08:42 am
Rick Perry tells Donald Trump: 'You really are the chosen one'
Energy secretary briefed president on Old Testament kings
Perry: ‘God’s used imperfect people all through history’

Donald Trump met with ridicule when in August he claimed to be “the chosen one”, his apparently messianic self-confidence clashing with a press corps sceptical of the sincerity of his own religious beliefs as well as his behaviour and record in office. He subsequently said he’d been joking.

But his energy secretary, Rick Perry, thinks the president should take himself seriously.

“God’s used imperfect people all through history,” Perry told the Fox News host Ed Henry in a video clip widely shared on Monday. “King David wasn’t perfect, Saul wasn’t perfect, Solomon wasn’t perfect.

“And I actually gave the president a little one-pager” – a possible reference to the short and colourful briefing notes Trump is reported to prefer – “on those Old Testament kings, about a month ago.

“And I shared it with him, I said, ‘Mr President, I know there are people that say, y’know, ‘You said you were the chosen one.’ And, I said: ‘You were.’

“I said, ‘If you’re a believing Christian, you understand God’s plan for the people who rule and judge over us on this planet and our government.’”

Discussing the interview on air, Henry said Perry “thinks at this moment and this time, Donald Trump was sent by God to do great things”.

Henry said Perry also “pointed out to me he believes Barack Obama was sent by God as well, for that moment and that time”.

The notion that Trump is a ruler of less-than-perfect Christian values sent to benefit the godly – a second King Cyrus, perhaps – is common on the religious right.

His own religious commitment seems questionable in the extreme but the thrice-married, porn star- and Playmate-paying, pussy-grabbing, customer-defrauding, disability-mocking, race-baiting, Nazi-sympathising, oft-bankrupt, impeachment-threatened president counts evangelical Christians as a key bloc of support.

Perry, a former governor of Texas and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination who like other senior Trump aides has found himself under the shadow of the impeachment inquiry, will step down as energy secretary in December.

Mon 25 Nov, 2019 08:49 am
The White House has released a rough transcript of the call.

It would really be more helpful if the entire call were faithfully and accurately transcribed and made public. Why are we supposed to accept the White House's version? Sen. Angus King had his staff read and time the entire released version and it came nowhere near filling the time that elapsed during the actual call. Trump's claim of a "word for word, comma for comma" transcription is pretty far-fetched, although no one believes anything the liar says anyway.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 08:58 am
You should still read the story, McG. You claim it is "biased" solely based on the words "dig up dirt". That's just a headline. It's not an opinion piece — there's plenty of hard reporting in the body of the story. If you look at the entire story, weigh the charges, consider the evidence, and still think the story is biased, then you can explain for us how it's biased. That makes your charge more convincing than just turning up your nose and mischaracterizing it as someone's "opinion". Here's a bit more from the piece:

In an interview, Mr. Giuliani acknowledged that he had sought information helpful to Mr. Trump from a member of Mr. Firtash’s original legal team. But, Mr. Giuliani said, “the only thing he could give me was what I already had, hearsay.” Asked if he had then directed his associates to meet with Mr. Firtash, Mr. Giuliani initially said, “I don’t think I can comment,” but later said, “I did not tell Parnas to do anything with Firtash.”

He added, though, that there would be nothing improper about seeking information about the Bidens from the oligarchs. “Where do you think you get information about crime?” he said.

But Chuck Rosenberg, a legal expert and a United States attorney under President George W. Bush, said the “solicitation of information, under these circumstances, and to discredit the president’s political opponent, is at best “crass and ethically suspect.”

He added: “And it is even worse if Mr. Giuliani, either directly or through emissaries acting on his behalf, intimated that pending criminal cases can be ‘fixed’ at the Justice Department. The president’s lawyer seems to be trading on the president’s supervisory authority over the Justice Department, and that is deeply disturbing.”

Mr. Bondy, the lawyer for Mr. Parnas — who was arrested with Mr. Fruman last month on campaign finance-related charges and has signaled a willingness to cooperate with impeachment investigators — said in a statement that all of his client’s actions had been directed by Mr. Giuliani.

“Mr. Parnas reasonably believed Giuliani’s directions reflected the interests and wishes of the president, given Parnas having witnessed and in several instances overheard Mr. Giuliani speaking with the president,” the lawyer said. Mr. Parnas, he added, “is remorseful for involving himself and Mr. Firtash in the president’s self-interested political plot.”

Does it sound "biased" to you?
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 09:14 am
hightor wrote:
You claim it is "biased" solely based on the words "dig up dirt".

Nothing in the anti-Trump witch-hunting crusade is free of bias.

The only way to get beyond bias would be if legislators would start proposing policies and explaining honest analyses of how the policies will work in order to solicit consent from the GOP.

They're not going to do that, though, because their strategy has completely shifted to one of inventing covert tactics to pursue agendas that they don't put on the table for discussion.

E.g. if they come up with a policy for power plant reforms, the intended goal is actually to create jobs but they do so under the guise of environmental protection. So it's impossible to have a discussion about such policies when the stated intent is just designed to market a policy whose actual intent is unspoken.

That is why they just have to go on attacking Trump or anyone else who stands in their way; i.e. because the only way to govern covertly is to have people who cooperate in policy-making where the actual intent is separated from the stated intent designed to market the policy to the public.
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 09:30 am
Nothing in the anti-Trump witch-hunting crusade is free of bias.

Ha-ha-haaa! No detectable bias there!
The only way to get beyond bias would be if legislators would start proposing policies and explaining honest analyses of how the policies will work in order to solicit consent from the GOP.

The story is not about legislative policy, for christ's sake. Your entire post is superfluous — the points you raise have nothing to do with the investigation of possible criminal conduct by Trump's associates working at his behest.
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 09:58 am
Could Donald Jr. or Lara Trump Run for Office in New York, and Win?
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 10:16 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Sickening display of hero worship. It kills me when folks think they speak for God; from any side in politics or even unfortunately in church. I personally am of the opinion that since Jesus come and died and rose to go to heaven, we are now under the NT and our way into the Kingdom of God is through Jesus. But that is my own personal belief. I don't think we should mixing government with religion, it is a slippery slope which if history tells anything, end in wars.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 10:16 am
It's 'cause it should have read, "fight corruption" instead of "dig up dirt." You know, the other side of the bias divide.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 10:23 am
It's NY, who knows, they might be able to distance themselves from Trump and make everybody forget how they all profited off their dad as President. People have short memories; other people, don't care.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 11:01 am
hightor wrote:

Nothing in the anti-Trump witch-hunting crusade is free of bias.

Ha-ha-haaa! No detectable bias there!

I am against witch-hunting whether it is directed against Trump or anyone else. I want to see dissenting parties work together, and a witch-hunt is a way to squelch/attack dissent instead of incorporating it into functional, multi-party democracy.

I don't want to see the GOP take over government any more than I want to see the Democrats do so. They need to respect each others' dissent.

The only way to get beyond bias would be if legislators would start proposing policies and explaining honest analyses of how the policies will work in order to solicit consent from the GOP.

The story is not about legislative policy, for christ's sake. Your entire post is superfluous — the points you raise have nothing to do with the investigation of possible criminal conduct by Trump's associates working at his behest.

The story doesn't have to be about it for it to be the bottom line, which it is. The anti-Trump movement has been attacking Trump since before he was elected instead of focusing on policy-making, which is the job of a legislature, regardless of who is in office.

The bottom line is they have to stop working to eliminate/exclude dissent and start dealing with it constructively. That is what democracy is about. There are people who think differently than you and disagree/dissent with you, and you have to find common ground and common interests and work constructively toward goals that you can both consent to, despite differences.
Mon 25 Nov, 2019 11:38 am
livinglava wrote:

I am against witch-hunting whether it is directed against Trump or anyone else.

The main thing you seem to be against is thinking, there's no witch hunt, only idiots and fascists think there is.

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