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Fri 22 Nov, 2019 01:43 pm
Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says

Moscow has run a yearslong operation to blame Ukraine for its own 2016 election interference. Republicans have used similar talking points to defend President Trump in impeachment proceedings.

WASHINGTON — Republicans have sought for weeks amid the impeachment inquiry to shift attention to President Trump’s demands that Ukraine investigate any 2016 election meddling, defending it as a legitimate concern while Democrats accuse Mr. Trump of pursuing fringe theories for his benefit.

The Republican defense of Mr. Trump became central to the impeachment proceedings when Fiona Hill, a respected Russia scholar and former senior White House official, added a harsh critique during testimony on Thursday. She told some of Mr. Trump’s fiercest defenders in Congress that they were repeating “a fictional narrative” — and that it likely came from a disinformation campaign by Russian security services, which themselves propagated it.

In a briefing that closely aligned with Dr. Hill’s testimony, American intelligence officials informed senators and their aides in recent weeks that Russia had engaged in a yearslong campaign to essentially frame Ukraine as responsible for Moscow’s own hacking of the 2016 election, according to three American officials. The briefing came as Republicans stepped up their defenses of Mr. Trump in the Ukraine affair.

The revelations demonstrate Russia’s persistence in trying to sow discord among its adversaries — and show that the Kremlin apparently succeeded, as unfounded claims about Ukrainian interference seeped into Republican talking points. American intelligence agencies believe Moscow is likely to redouble its efforts as the 2020 presidential campaign intensifies. The classified briefing for senators also focused on Russia’s evolving influence tactics, including its growing ability to better disguise operations.

Russia has engaged in a “long pattern of deflection” to pin blame for its malevolent acts on other countries, Dr. Hill said, not least Ukraine, a former Soviet republic. Since Ukraine won independence in 1991, Russia has tried to reassert influence there, meddling in its politics, maligning pro-Western leaders and accusing Ukrainian critics of Moscow of fascist leanings.

“The Russians have a particular vested interest in putting Ukraine, Ukrainian leaders in a very bad light,” she told lawmakers.

But the campaign by Russian intelligence in recent years has been even more complex as Moscow tries not only to undermine the government in Kyiv but also to use a disinformation campaign there to influence the American political debate.

The accusations of a Ukrainian influence campaign center on actions by a handful of Ukrainians who openly criticized or sought to damage Mr. Trump’s candidacy in 2016. They were scattershot efforts that were far from a replica of Moscow’s interference, when President Vladimir V. Putin ordered military and intelligence operatives to mount a broad campaign to sabotage the American election. The Russians in 2016 conducted covert operations to hack Democratic computers and to use social media to exploit divisions among Americans.

This time, Russian intelligence operatives deployed a network of agents to blame Ukraine for its 2016 interference. Starting at least in 2017, the operatives peddled a mixture of now-debunked conspiracy theories along with established facts to leave an impression that the government in Kyiv, not Moscow, was responsible for the hackings of Democrats and its other interference efforts in 2016, senior intelligence officials said.

The Russian intelligence officers conveyed the information to prominent Russians and Ukrainians who then used a range of intermediaries, like oligarchs, businessmen and their associates, to pass the material to American political figures and even some journalists, who were likely unaware of its origin, the officials said.

That muddy brew worked its way into American information ecosystems, sloshing around until parts of it reached Mr. Trump, who has also spoken with Mr. Putin about allegations of Ukrainian interference. Mr. Trump also brought up the assertions of Ukrainian meddling in his July 25 call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, which is at the heart of the impeachment inquiry into whether he abused his power by asking for a public commitment to investigations he stood to gain from personally.

Mr. Trump referred elliptically to allegations that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election and brought up a related conspiracy theory. Asking Mr. Zelensky to “do us a favor,” Mr. Trump added, “I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine.”

Russia’s operation to blame Ukraine has become more relevant as Republicans have tried to focus public debate during the impeachment inquiry on any Ukrainian role in the 2016 campaign, American officials said.

Republicans have denounced any suggestion that their concerns about Ukrainian meddling are without merit or that they are ignoring Russia’s broader interference. “Not a single Republican member of this committee said Russia did not meddle in the 2016 elections,” Representative Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York, said Thursday.

Indeed, Ms. Stefanik and her Republican colleagues on the Democratic-led House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting the impeachment hearing, have also steered clear of the fringe notion that Mr. Trump mentioned to Mr. Zelensky, which is pushed by Russian intelligence: the so-called CrowdStrike server conspiracy theory, which falsely suggests Ukraine, not Russia, was behind the breach of Democratic operatives’ servers.

Mr. Trump repeated the baseless claim on Friday in an interview with “Fox & Friends,” laying out the narrative and doubling down after a host gently pressed him on whether he was sure of one aspect of the debunked theory, that the F.B.I. gave a Democratic server to what Mr. Trump had inaccurately described as a Ukrainian-owned company.

“That is what the word is,” Mr. Trump replied.

Some Republicans have also focused on Hunter Biden, raising questions about whether his hiring by the Ukrainian energy company Burisma was corrupt. Burisma hired Mr. Biden while his father, former Vice President Joseph Biden Jr., a potential rival of Mr. Trump’s in the 2020 election, was leading the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. On the July 25 call, Mr. Trump also demanded Mr. Zelensky investigate Burisma and Hunter Biden.

Moscow has long used its intelligence agencies and propaganda machine to muddy the waters of public debate, casting doubts over established facts. In her testimony, Dr. Hill noted Russia’s pattern of trying to blame other countries for its own actions, like the attempted poisoning last year of a former Russian intelligence officer or the downing of a passenger jet over Ukraine in 2014. Moscow’s goal is to cast doubt on established facts, said current and former officials.

“The strategy is simply to create the impression that it is not really possible to know who was really behind it,” said Laura Rosenberger, the director of the Alliance for Defending Democracy, which tracks Russian disinformation efforts.

Although American intelligence agencies have made no formal classified assessment about the Russian disinformation campaign against Ukraine, officials at several of the agencies have broadly agreed for some time that Russian intelligence services have embraced tactics to shift responsibility for the 2016 interference campaign away from themselves, officials said.

Russia has relentlessly tried to deflect attention since the allegations of its interference campaign in the 2016 election first surfaced, one official said.

Mr. Putin began publicly pushing false theories of Ukrainian interference in the early months of 2017 to deflect responsibility from Russia, said Senator Angus King, independent of Maine and a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who declined to answer questions about the briefing.

“These people are pros at this,” said Mr. King, who caucuses with the Democrats. “The Soviet Union used disinformation for 70 years. This is nothing new. Vladimir Putin is a former K.G.B. agent. He is trained in deception. This is his stock and trade and he is doing it well.”

During a news conference in February 2017, Mr. Putin accused the Ukrainian government of supporting Hillary Clinton during the previous American election and funding her candidacy with friendly oligarchs.

It is not clear when American intelligence agencies learned about Moscow’s campaign or when precisely it began.

Russian intelligence officers aimed part of their operation at prompting the Ukrainian authorities to investigate the allegations that people in Ukraine tried to tamper with the 2016 American election and to shut down inquiries into corruption by pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine, according to a former official.

One target was the leak of a secret ledger disclosed by a Ukrainian law enforcement agency that appeared to show that Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s onetime campaign chairman, had taken illicit payments from Ukrainian politicians who were close to Moscow. He was forced to step down from the Trump campaign after the ledger became public in August 2016, and the Russians have since been eager to cast doubt on its authenticity, the former official said.

Intelligence officials believe that one of the people the Kremlin relied on to spread disinformation about Ukrainian interference was Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch who had ties to Mr. Manafort. After his ouster from the campaign, Mr. Manafort told his former deputy later in 2016 that Ukrainians, not Russians, stole Democratic emails. Mr. Deripaska has broadly denied any role in election meddling.

“There is a long history of Russians putting out fake information,” said Marc Polymeropoulos, a former senior C.I.A. official. “Now they are trying to put out theories that they think are damaging to the United States.”

Fri 22 Nov, 2019 01:57 pm
Sorry I just cannot trust the NYT. I do not know how anyone can.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 02:33 pm
Larry David: Imagining What Keeps Trump Up at Night
In this fictional conversation, the president chats with his wife at 3 a.m. and comes up with a tremendous idea.

July 2019. The White House — 3 a.m. Donald Trump tosses and turns.

MELANIA: What’s wrong, Donald?

TRUMP: I can’t sleep.

MELANIA: (Turns the lamp on.) Why, what’s bothering you? You can tell me.

TRUMP: No, no. I don’t want to bother you with my problems.

MELANIA: Donald, I’m your wife. You can tell me anything.

TRUMP: O.K. … The truth is, I just can’t stop thinking about corruption in Ukraine.

MELANIA: Oh honey.

TRUMP: It’s killing me. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep.

MELANIA: Maybe you should take a Xanax.

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TRUMP: I took two. It did nothing. The thing is, Melania, it’s just so difficult for some of these post-Soviet countries to set up a functioning democracy, and corruption is at the root of that. It’s endemic. These poor people who lived under the yoke of Communism for so long are thirsting for genuine democracy and. … (He wells up.)

MELANIA: What, honey? What is it? Tell me.

TRUMP: I just need a second. (Melania hands him a tissue.) Thanks, I’ll be O.K. I just feel so deeply for them. They’re a brave, decent, honest people. They deserve so much more than they’re getting. It’s such a shame. I’ll tell you one thing — I’d like to get my hands on some of those crooks! That Zlochevsky — I don’t know what I’d do to him. You know I fought in the Golden Gloves? I could’ve been a professional boxer. I had many offers. Many.

MELANIA: I didn’t know that.

TRUMP: Oh, yeah. My fights would be over so fast, I wouldn’t even break a sweat. Didn’t even take a shower when it was over. Sometimes my opponent would beg me to stop: “Please, please! Don’t hit me anymore!”

MELANIA: I would’ve liked to have seen that.

TRUMP: Unfortunately, none of it’s on video.

MELANIA: Yes, that is unfortunate. But Donald, listen to me. You can’t keep going on like this.

TRUMP: I know. The whole thing sickens me. Honestly, I’m nauseous. And Ukraine has so many other problems. I just want to do everything possible to help them. But how can I if there’s rampant corruption? I can’t! I can’t! (He slams his hand on the nightstand.)

MELANIA: Donald, don’t! You’re going to drive yourself crazy. You’ve got too many important things to think about here. Besides, that’s Ukraine. It’s a foreign country thousands of miles away.

TRUMP: That doesn’t mean these good people are not entitled to good governance, to the best that man has to offer. It doesn’t matter what country, or where it is — everyone’s entitled to expect more from their leaders. But this corruption — it’s shameful. Shameful.

MELANIA: There must be something you can do. After all, you’re president of the United States. You’re the most powerful person in the world.

TRUMP: Yes, but this is an internal matter. I can’t just tell their president what to do.

MELANIA: You know, he used to be a comedian.

TRUMP: Yeah. I’m so much funnier than he is. You’ve seen the rallies. How funny am I? I get tremendous laughs. And I’m doing it off the cuff. It’s not “material.” None of these comedians can do that. Seinfeld. Chappelle. Rock. Theirs is all written. I’m improvising. I’m raw.

MELANIA: Maybe that’s something you should think about doing when you get out of office.

TRUMP: You know what, not the worst idea I ever heard. I like it. … (Gets an idea.) Oh my God!


TRUMP: I got it. Listen. Ukraine needs military aid to fight the Russians, and I was going to give it to them. I was going to give them so much aid, they’d be thanking me for the next 20 years. They’d rename the capital after me. I wouldn’t even be able to enter the country because they’d be draped all over my car. It would be adulation like you’d never seen because of this military aid package. I’m telling you, it’s bigger than the Marshall Plan. It’s a beautiful package.

MELANIA: O.K. What’s the idea?

TRUMP: Suppose I make the military aid contingent on them rooting out all corruption?

MELANIA: Donald! How fabulous!

TRUMP: Fabulous, right?

MELANIA: Are you sure that’s legal?

TRUMP: Of course it’s legal. I’m going to get rid of corruption in Ukraine! How could anyone possibly object to that? And by the way, even if someone does object, I don’t care. I’m doing something great for that country.

MELANIA: It sounds great.

TRUMP: You know what? I feel better. I knew I’d eventually figure out a solution. You know what I am?

MELANIA: A genius?

TRUMP: A stable genius. A very stable genius.

MELANIA: Goodnight, honey. This might be the most perfect plan you’ve ever had.

TRUMP: Yes, it’s perfect.

MELANIA: (Turns out the light.) I’m so proud of you.

TRUMP: So am I.

Fri 22 Nov, 2019 02:35 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 03:17 pm
Must be nice having "friends" in high places, right?

An investment firm linked to Hunter Biden received over $130 million in federal bailout loans while his father Joe Biden was vice president and routed profits through a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, according to federal banking and corporate records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Financial experts said the offshore corporate structure could have been used to shield earnings from U.S. taxes.

Rosemont Capital, an investment firm at the center of Hunter Biden’s much-scrutinized financial network, was one of the companies approved to participate in the 2009 federal loan program known as the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or TALF.

Under the program, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank issued billions of dollars in highly favorable loans to select investors who agreed to buy bonds that banks were struggling to offload, including bundled college and auto loans.

According to federal records, 177 firms participated in TALF, many of them well connected in Washington or on Wall Street. For investors, there was little risk and a high chance of reward. The Federal Reserve funded as much as 90% of the investments. If the bonds were profitable, the borrowers benefited. If not, the department agreed to take over the depreciated assets with no repercussions for the borrowers.

Sounds like a win-win situation, for young Hunter.

A no-risk gift from the VP himself.

0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 04:23 pm
IT IS GOOD TO HAVE FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES, Andy even gets to play golf with Donald

Andrew Giuliani
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Personal details
Born January 30, 1986 (age 33)
New York City, New York, U.S.
Political party Republican
Spouse(s) Živilė Rezgytė (m. 2017)
Parents Rudy Giuliani
Donna Hanover
Education Duke University (BA)
Andrew Harold Giuliani (born January 30, 1986)[1] is the Public Liaison Assistant to President Donald Trump. He is the son of Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City.

Giuliani was born to Rudy Giuliani and Donna Hanover in 1986. He has one sister, Caroline. His father was elected mayor of New York City in 1993, and he attracted attention due to his behavior during the oath of office; Andrew would repeat parts of the oath along with Rudy.[2]

Giuliani attended Saint Joseph Regional High School in Montvale, New Jersey, and attended Duke University, where he played golf and aspired to become a professional golfer.[1] However, in 2008, Giuliani was cut from the team and sued the university, claiming, "his golf coach manufactured accusations against him to justify kicking him off the team to whittle the squad."[3] The lawsuit was dismissed.[2] He later worked as a sales intern at CapRok Capital.[4]

Giuliani also appeared on the Golf Channel show The Big Break twice.

On March 6, 2017, it was announced Giuliani would serve in the Trump Administration as Public Liaison Assistant. His father had played a prominent role in Trump's 2016 campaign. He initially served as a cybersecurity advisor to the president[2][5] and joined the President's legal team in April 2018.

According to reporting by Axios, Giuliani's unescorted access to the West Wing was rescinded by White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly around the beginning of June 2018.[6][7]

Personal life[edit]
In August 2016, Giuliani announced his engagement to Zivile Rezgyte (Lithuanian: Živilė Rezgytė), a Lithuanian-born real estate account executive.[8][9] They married in Manhattan on July 14, 2017.[10] He is a regular golf partner of Donald Trump.[11]

Rudy Giuliani's son takes job with Trump administration". New York Daily News. Retrieved April 26, 2017.
^ Swan, Jonathan; Treene, Alayna (June 13, 2018). "Giuliani's son loses West Wing access". Axios.
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 04:28 pm

Andrew Giuliani

Is he a crackhead? Your article does not say.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 04:35 pm
My intuition is telling me there's something about this photo. Trying to put my finger on it.


Fri 22 Nov, 2019 04:41 pm
My intuition is telling me there's something about this photo. Trying to put my finger on it.

How about this one?
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 05:32 pm
And of course the "other" Andy is being taken well out of the spotlight, with his family very concerned (now that it's headline nooz) about his lifelong relationship with child trafficking peadeophile, and erstwhile "financier" Jeffery Epstein.

Who better than paedophile protection racket, the BBC to report on it.

Prince Andrew, 59, said he had asked the Queen for permission to withdraw for the "foreseeable future".

He said he deeply sympathised with sex offender Epstein's victims and everyone who "wants some form of closure".

The duke has faced a growing backlash following a BBC interview about his friendship with the US financier.

Companies he has links with, such as BT and Barclays, have joined universities and charities in distancing themselves from him.

Truth be told, his brother pressured the Queen to push him out of action, in a vain attempt to hold on to the last vestiges of "royalty".

I guess we'll get to move along to Epstein's other high profile "friends", like Billy Bob Clinton.
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 05:37 pm
Who better than paedophile protection racket, the BBC to report on it.

The UK is very good at ignoring sexual abuse of minors.
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 05:56 pm
coldjoint wrote:

No they don't. You are wrong about history, archaeology and genetics.

Have any DNA information on Palestinians?

Fri 22 Nov, 2019 06:01 pm
Now you just need the hateful post from me you talked about. I gave you a whole thread.
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 06:35 pm
The UK is very good at ignoring sexual abuse of minors.

Seems to be a globalist gig, to me.

Epstein is reported to have had a CIA coded transponder in his private chopper, meaning he could fly wherever he liked, basically undetected (well, except for by the CIA themselves).

Doesn't really surprise me, though; they're into drug dealing, so what's a little profit from child exploitation/sex slavery between friends?
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 07:44 pm
As this phase of the Impeachment of dj tRump is coming to a close my thoughts come to a conclusion too. With his totally corrupt past and his known corruption while in the position of President, I keep wondering just exactly how much corruption has he gotten away with already? What a low life, and so many Repubs attach their wagon to this train going to the deepest depths of hell - for this, I am not sorry! C'est la vie bitch...........
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 08:08 pm
and his known corruption while in the position of President,

And that is what? What is known?
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 08:12 pm
Vaughn Sterling
· 6m

Giuliani associate PARNAS willing to tell Congress that Rep NUNES met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on BIDEN

@ChrisCuomo and @VickyPJWard will break it down shortly on CNN - @CuomoPrimeTime


Assuming this account is true, that's a big ******* deal.
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 08:28 pm
Assuming this account is true, that's a big ******* deal.

When did something being true concern you? This is a recent development?
0 Replies
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 08:45 pm
0 Replies
Real Music
Fri 22 Nov, 2019 08:53 pm
TRUMP AND PUTIN DANCE Laughing Laughing Laughing


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