monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 18 Jul, 2019 12:56 pm
There are few Republicans in the present moment who are behaving with integrity and honor. So few, they are pretty much invisible. Lindsey Graham is visible and he is a particularly acute example of how degraded these people have become.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), well positioned as one of Donald Trump's most notable cheerleaders in the Senate, was asked about the president's latest attacks against four congresswomen of color. The Republican senator, up for re-election next year in a ruby-red state, made the case that Trump is only attacking "the squad" because they criticized him and the administration's agenda.

"I don't think a Somali refugee embracing Trump, would not have been asked to go back. If you're racist, you want everybody from Somalia to go back because they are black or they're Muslim. That's not what this is about to me. What this is about to me is that these four congresswomen, in their own way, have been incredibly provocative. [...]

"If you think he's as racist, that's up to you. I don't.... If you embrace his policies, it doesn't matter where you come from. He probably likes you."

By this reasoning, Graham sees Trump as a narcissist, not a racist.

This is, of course, a rather dramatic departure from the South Carolinian's 2015 assessment of the future president: Graham described Trump four years ago as "a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot" who should be told to "go to hell."

And today, Trump is trying to lie his way through the "Send her back" chants that he himself fostered and which he did nothing to stop or correct. As Greg Sargent at the Post has been reporting for some time now (including today) it is the belief of Trump and many of those around him that pushing racist tropes and ideas will serve him electorally because his base are eager to accept this disgustingly immoral and destructive framing of the world. But Graham's bullshit line above gives us a real clue as to how these people fear any genuine and honest understanding or interpretation of what Trump is doing and what they are verbally or tacitly condoning. "Trump is not a racist" is far and away the most common statement issuing from right wing sources at this moment.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 01:32 pm
I expect we've all noticed that Bernie Sanders is looking rather faded and less significant than 3 years ago. Ed Kilgore has a worthwhile take on this HERE
Let me put my “to be sure” qualifying hedge right up top: Bernie Sanders retains enormous assets in his 2020 presidential bid, including very high name ID, high favorability ratios among Democrats, a solidly established connection with several popular policy ideas, an estimable grassroots fund-raising machine, a nationwide network of volunteers, and priceless presidential-campaign experience. We’re only in July of the year before the year when the nominating context gets real with actual voting. It would be ridiculous to write him off.

Now that I’ve said all that, the early summer of 2019 isn’t going well for the 2016 runner-up. His troubles are best illustrated by two recent news stories. One involves this weekend’s Netroots Nation activist conclave, which should by rights have been Sanders Country. It was anything but, as Elizabeth Warren ate his lunch:

The one point I'll add hinges on the difference between then and now where there are multiple credible candidates in the race. I think there is a facet of how human minds work that applies here.

When it was "Hillary Versus Bernie!" there was a binary oppositional framing that can screw us up and push our thinking and perceptions in a particular direction. That is, we have a tendency to imagine either side as roughly equivalent (anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss had important insights on these tendencies of the human mind). We can get a sense of this through considering how strong our urges can be to "root for the underdog" or our preferences for "a fair fight". Sanders definitely benefited from that situation three years ago. His visibility was jacked way up simply as a virtue of being one of two. And that's no longer the case.

Thu 18 Jul, 2019 02:43 pm
Ill vote for him if he is the democrat candidate but he aint my first choice. Edit I still blame him and Lash for the Trump presidency.
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 03:11 pm
Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein denied bail in New York

New York Post, News Corp Australia Network

July 19, 2019 4:34am

Convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been was denied bail by a Manhattan federal judge.

Probably for his own protection, is my guess.

Save him from shooting himself twice, in the back of the head.

Now we'll see how well they cover for his cronies.

Thu 18 Jul, 2019 03:18 pm
@Brand X,
If it were up to Trump, who for the most part is an isolationist, the US would be out of Syria completely. That doesn't jibe with the rest of the US government's dominating superpower ideology. Trump has only so much control. Also, he's loyal to his base, and keeping Iran out of Syria for the sake of Israel is of paramount importance to his base, and conversely, to Trump. So, he's isolationist with exceptions. Whatever Putin might have on Trump only goes so far in the greater scheme of the US government. Putin is aware of this limitation.
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 03:21 pm
Really looking forward to what Jeff might say...
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 03:42 pm
Lots of dirty laundry in his closet, for sure.

Thu 18 Jul, 2019 03:46 pm
I wish some ballsy reporter would trace his connections to Israel, Barr, my nemesis, Hollywood—and light a fire under that Ghislaine Maxwell. Her dad was a very shady dude who died under mysterious circumstances.

Pull that rock up and let’s see who crawls out.

I wonder what Spacey did to his accuser to spook him into not testifying...
Brand X
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 03:54 pm
John Santucci

Verified account

Follow Follow @Santucci
NEW: Sources familiar with the probe tell @ABC News Hope Hicks will NOT be charged, nor will anyone else as it relates to the investigation in the Southern District of New York
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Brand X
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 03:59 pm
I don't think he's an isolationists because he has done business in other countries, not to mention foreign wives. He's just strange and is all over the place with his views which often do a 180 before the next day.

TV pundits and the military industrial complex kept pushing him to do something in Syria, now it's known Assad didn't gas those people, so it would have been better not to do anything.
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 04:00 pm
I wonder what Spacey did to his accuser to spook him into not testifying...

It's been a long time coming, the exposure of big names, and just how dirt-filled the whole charade became. They've all kept the lid on it, quite effectively, but once the snowball starts rolling...........time will tell, I guess.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 04:25 pm
@Brand X,
Business is one thing, the foreign politics of a country are another. His marriages weren't political. I don't see how intervention in Syria benefits his business.

Gassing people in Syria isn't a concern of the US government. It's keeping Iran out that's the pressing concern.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 05:04 pm
Commentary: The Congresswoman Representing Somalia

I am an immigrant.

I want Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) to go back to the shithole country she came from.

And I want her to stay there.

I spent some time on the Internet looking for even one positive thing that Omar has said about America—but my search was in vain. Omar hates and despises her adoptive country unequivocally and unconditionally. She hates everything about America today, and she hates everything about the America of yesterday.

Omar hates white people. Omar hates Jews—and she is not shy about letting everyone know it (“It’s all about the Benjamins baby”). Omar hates our ally Israel (“Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel”).

Ilhan Omar is a one-woman hate factory.

Maybe I missed a public statement where Omar praised America. But after looking through countless webpages and many gigabytes, I think I am on solid ground when I say: Ilhan Omar hates everything and everyone around her, except possibly her brother, whom she married, and perhaps the 9/11 terrorists who killed 3,000 people (“some people did something”—no biggie).

As an immigrant from the no-longer-with-us USSR, I believe I have as much moral authority as anyone to tell Omar: you should return to the country you represent and take up permanent residence there.

America can never measure up to Omar’s high standards—but no doubt Somalia will. Omar need not suffer in our land of toxic xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism, sexism, lookism and speciesism—because she can live out the rest of her life amidst the tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect that Somalis are famous for.

(For those interested, Somalia today is still a land mostly of anarchy, fundamentally not all that different from what you probably saw in “Black Hawk Down,” with a civil war, Islamic terrorists slaughtering civilians, corruption, hunger, poverty, torture, rape, refugee camps, and all the other usual things associated with that jewel of East Africa.)

This past week, President Trump once again detonated the brains of the Left, when he tweeted (without even naming names) that those who came here and enjoyed all the benefits of this country, but had nothing good to say about America, can go back to their original countries. The reaction from the Left was instantaneous and explosive: Racist! Sexist! Nativist! Islamophobe! Bad Man! Really Bad! Trump is Hitler! Trump is Mussolini! Trump is a Dictator! Trump is Satan! We hate Trump!

As an immigrant, I would like to tell Ilhan Omar: I love America. America gave my family and me opportunities I never would have had anywhere else. Unlike you, I am proud to call myself an American. America is incredible and special. My family has never asked for a handout—but what my parents and I have, we have because we grasped the opportunities offered and protected in our new country. For these opportunities, we are eternally grateful.

Twenty years ago, I went to the Vietnam War Memorial for the first time. Even though I didn’t immigrate to this country until 1978, five years after the Vietnam War ended, and even though I have no personal connection to any of the 58,212 names listed on the memorial, I felt the specialness of that place. The sacrifice of the men and women who fought and died for my country was worthy of the deepest respect and contemplation. I have no doubt that Omar, were she ever to go to the Vietnam War Memorial, would feel nothing.

As an immigrant, I can assure native-born Americans that Ilhan Omar does not speak for immigrants. Not for Russian-Jewish ones like me, not for (I am quite confident) Latinos, Asians or Europeans. Omar and the vitriol she constantly spews is not typical of immigrants who come here legally. So I salute President Trump for once again sticking a fork in the eye of the leftist PC crowd, and saying publicly what millions of people are thinking privately. Republicans agree with him. Independents agree with him. In fact, Trump just gave us all even more reasons to vote for him in 2020. And if Democrats don’t agree—who cares?

It is worth describing here a peculiar phenomenon that most Americans have never heard of, known to Jewish immigrants from the USSR by a mocking Russian word razocharovanty—“the disappointed ones.” These were people who had difficulty fitting in at the social level they were once used to—without passable English, the “careers” that were open to them were mostly at the bottom rungs of the economic ladder. And so the razocharovanty wanted to go back to the USSR. As Joe Biden would say, “no joke.”

They didn’t hate America, but they didn’t see themselves as part of the American future, either. They missed their motherland, warts and all—and with rose-colored glasses, the warts didn’t look so warty. Nostalgia isn’t rational—it’s an emotion that exists outside rationality.

And then, miraculously, they got their wish! As a propaganda ploy, the Soviet government permitted the razocharovanty to return! They even chartered a plane to take them back—all roughly 200 of them. The Soviet state restored their pensions (maybe $50 a month in those days) and gave them apartments to live in (no small thing, in a land of socialist scarcity where the government devoted all its energies to building tanks and missiles).

Within months, almost all of the razocharovanty were back in Brooklyn. Spending time in the Soviet Union was the single best way to cure nostalgia. America, suddenly, looked better than ever.

And this brings us back to the heroine of our current events. I want to add my voice to President Trump’s recommendation: Dear Ilhan Omar, you should go back to Somalia. Forever. America’s freedoms are my freedoms—but you care nothing for them. America’s enemies are my enemies—but you think more highly of them than you think of your fellow citizens. America’s allies are my allies—but you hate our allies. America’s heroes are my heroes—but nothing they ever fought and died for, you find heroic or even worthy of a mention. America’s history is something I read and study—but you find nothing there to be proud of.

Ilhan Omar, when you go back to Somalia, we won’t miss you.

Thu 18 Jul, 2019 05:13 pm
What an outrageously dishonest hate mongering column. It's disappointing that you chose to reprint that on this forum.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 07:07 pm
No wonder they want him silenced.

Thu 18 Jul, 2019 09:25 pm
David J Rothkopf wrote:
Yes, It's the racism. But it's not just the racism. It's sex crimes. But it's not just the sex crimes. It's the concentration camps. But it's not just the concentration camps. It's the corruption. But it's not just the corruption. It's being a traitor. But it's not just being a traitor. It's the obstruction of justice, but its not just the

This is what TDS does to people.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 09:29 pm
Builder wrote:
It's not an obsession to expect justice,

We already have justice. What happened to Kadaffy was justice.

Builder wrote:
when a formerly prosperous and hugely progressive nation gets destroyed by a narcissistic ladder-climber, and she openly laughs about the murder she orchestrated, on national television.

Not murder. Justice.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 09:30 pm
Olivier5 wrote:
George W. Bush deserves the electric chair for causing the death of hundred of thousand of people,

He did not cause the death of even thousands of people, much less hundreds of thousands. He deserves our praise and good wishes.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 09:31 pm
Builder wrote:
Remembering, of course, that Obama claimed Clinton lied convincingly to get him to say okay to destroying Libya, and paying "rebel" forces to murder (after raping his ass with a sabre) Libya's loved leader.

There was no lie. And Kadaffy deserved worse than he got.

If anyone loved Kadaffy, they deserve the same fate that Kadaffy suffered.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jul, 2019 09:32 pm
Trump's Going to Get Re-elected, Isn't He?


Voters have reason to worry.

Not really. The voters will be the ones who are reelecting Trump.

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