monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 11 Jul, 2019 06:22 am
Welcome back, Blatham. Good to see you here again!
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 06:40 am
Guys, pictures of Bill Clinton with Jeffrey Epstein and at least one additional picture with Clinton on Epstein’s plane, standing next to a very young looking girl have been scrubbed from google search.

Who runs the world?

I think there’s still one pic of Clinton walking his daughter down the aisle that features the Maxwell woman who notoriously procured / trafficked girls for Epstein’s parties.
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 06:42 am
MontereyJack wrote:


That would be an amazing party!
0 Replies
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 06:47 am
Lash wrote:

Guys, pictures of Bill Clinton with Jeffrey Epstein and at least one additional picture with Clinton on Epstein’s plane, standing next to a very young looking girl have been scrubbed from google search.

Who runs the world?

I think there’s still one pic of Clinton walking his daughter down the aisle that features the Maxwell woman who notoriously procured / trafficked girls for Epstein’s parties.

I have a further bit of bad news. Snopes can no longer be counted on for the truth — welcome to the post-truth world. Snopes or someone using their logo today says the accusation is false.

I can tell you from personal experience that there were five or six photos of Clinton with Epstein and they are no longer there . I saw them the day the Epstein story broke.
0 Replies
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 07:15 am
...As is the constant “blame Russia” narrative.

But, Lash, Russian interference and disinformation on social media, their hacking, and their attempts to infiltrate power grids and voting records has actually happened. It's still going on, here and in the EU. No, I'm not saying that the RNC was in cahoots with them or that they control the White House but I don't see why progressives still deny this or try to minimize its importance.
It is plausible.

That HRC ordered a DNC hit squad to kill the man? No, I'm sorry — I'm willing to accept a lot of the worst things that are said about the Clinton candidacy and the national committee but I don't find that plausible. At all. Especially since the poor guy (falsely described as a disgruntled Sanders supporter) wasn't in a position to steal the information in the first place.
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 07:34 am
I don't see why progressives still deny this or try to minimize its importance.

I don't know what Lash says on this, but true progressives are not Putin fans, they care for the future of democracy, and they don't deny the obvious. E.g. Ocasio-Cortez said: “I do think the role of Russian interference was aggressive in the election”. They just tend to say that other factors were also at play, including the incompetence and complacency of the HRC campaign. And they are right about that.
0 Replies
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 01:58 pm
hightor wrote:

That HRC ordered a DNC hit squad to kill the man?


I'm pretty sure that the world is a LOT more complicated than we'd like to think. Could it have been done on her behalf by the people who keep her and her husband above accountability? Absolutely.

There are murky connections between some very dirty people, politicians, Wall Street, Hollywood, Israel, bone-sawing in Saudi Arabia... This is why the world is in upheaval - why Trump is president - and why we're fed useless, uniform 'news'.

I'm aware that it sounds weird. And I'm still saying it.

The reason people doubt the veracity of reporting on Rich's murder is because of so many oddities about the murder and the investigation - in addition to comments by Assange.

It's also questionable because the reportage goes for such a hard sell that anyone who questions the narrative. Notice in the linked article how the writer ties Rich's murder in an almost joking tone to 'pizzagate'. It's mentioned twice. It is not part of this story and to couple them is unprofessional. It almost claims that a person who had serious questions about Rich's murder and the investigation must be one of those types who believe the DNC had sex with children in a pizza shop.

But, the time to quote articles is coming to an end, I think. We're really in the midst of a post-truth world, and I'm very skeptical about it improving.

When Epstein hit the news, I read a lot and saw several pictures of Clinton with Epstein. They were easily searchable on Google images, and some were attached to several online articles.

They've been scrubbed.

Clinton now has the ability to rewrite history. Clintonesque used to denote a type of politico-speak that used key words that sounded like the question / subject was being addressed, but actually never answered the question. It began to be accepted as an answer. It connotes dishonesty.

Gaslighting was popularized by Clinton. Lying in your face and wagging his finger.

He's graduated to erasing truth and saying it never happened.

Are Bill and Hillary Clinton capable of association with individuals who erase their problems? Oh hell yes.

Thu 11 Jul, 2019 02:02 pm
I minimize the Russia narrative because the US, Russia, and myriad other countries spy on each other constantly. When the DNC and HRC were busted about elevated Trump to the R nomination, cheated Bernie etc - they IMMEDIATELY came out with their Russia story to detract from what THEY did.

Did Russia **** around? Sure. More than HRC and the DNC? **** nah.
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 02:06 pm
Lash wrote:

hightor wrote:

That HRC ordered a DNC hit squad to kill the man?


I'm pretty sure that the world is a LOT more complicated than we'd like to think. Could it have been done on her behalf by the people who keep her and her husband above accountability? Absolutely.

There are murky connections between some very dirty people, politicians, Wall Street, Hollywood, Israel, bone-sawing in Saudi Arabia... This is why the world is in upheaval - why Trump is president - and why we're fed useless, uniform 'news'.

I'm aware that it sounds weird. And I'm still saying it.

The reason people doubt the veracity of reporting on Rich's murder is because of so many oddities about the murder and the investigation - in addition to comments by Assange.

It's also questionable because the reportage goes for such a hard sell that anyone who questions the narrative. Notice in the linked article how the writer ties Rich's murder in an almost joking tone to 'pizzagate'. It's mentioned twice. It is not part of this story and to couple them is unprofessional. It almost claims that a person who had serious questions about Rich's murder and the investigation must be one of those types who believe the DNC had sex with children in a pizza shop.

But, the time to quote articles is coming to an end, I think. We're really in the midst of a post-truth world, and I'm very skeptical about it improving.

When Epstein hit the news, I read a lot and saw several pictures of Clinton with Epstein. They were easily searchable on Google images, and some were attached to several online articles.

They've been scrubbed.

Clinton now has the ability to rewrite history. Clintonesque used to denote a type of politico-speak that used key words that sounded like the question / subject was being addressed, but actually never answered the question. It began to be accepted as an answer. It connotes dishonesty.

Gaslighting was popularized by Clinton. Lying in your face and wagging his finger.

He's graduated to erasing truth and saying it never happened.

Are Bill and Hillary Clinton capable of association with individuals who erase their problems? Oh hell yes.


Once more here is the meaning Occam's razor. If too damn bad that it complete meaning is not taught in HS so we would hopefully have less nonsense like the above comments on social media.

Occam's razor is a logical principle attributed to the mediaeval philosopher William of Occam (or Ockham). The principle states that one should not make more assumptions than the minimum needed.
0 Replies
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 02:10 pm
This article currently shows Ghislaine Maxwell, child sex procurer extraordinaire, at the Clinton wedding. Rolling Stone currently has the balls to tell the story.


People wonder why the gatekeepers who've been protecting Epstein and Clinton for years moved aside to allow this arrest.

Today, Epstein is offering 77 million for bail to let him go home. Wonder if they'll let him go. You know he'll run.

Interesting that media is acting like Alex Acosta is the child raper.
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 03:39 pm
Here we go again. Lash is showing her republican colors again. It was about this time in the last presidential election she turned from liberal to hard core republican. She is at it again posting opinion pieces as factual information. Trump couldent do it better.
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 04:52 pm
I’m glad you aren’t representative of most centrists I encounter online. Even though we still have distinct differences, they are beginning to acknowledge what the Clintons are about and also admitting that pelosi is holding the party in too much of a Republican stance.

The center is moving left—and it’s very gratifying to witness.

Nancy is a DINO in more than one sense of the word. You too.
0 Replies
Thu 11 Jul, 2019 10:00 pm
Region Philbis
Fri 12 Jul, 2019 01:29 am

0 Replies
Region Philbis
Fri 12 Jul, 2019 01:52 am

0 Replies
Fri 12 Jul, 2019 03:42 am
Did Russia **** around? Sure. More than HRC and the DNC? **** nah.

The US of A openly discusses "regime change" in other nations, meaning bombing the **** out of places (read people's homes and businesses), to get what they want.

Russia's influence in Syria basically put an end to Obama's attempts to do the old fast-shoe-shuffle in that nation, but not in Libya.

The shining light of north Africa shut down in one day of bombing.

I reckon it's high time the US of A got some good old fashioned karma.
0 Replies
Fri 12 Jul, 2019 05:23 am
When Epstein hit the news, I read a lot and saw several pictures of Clinton with Epstein. They were easily searchable on Google images, and some were attached to several online articles.

They've been scrubbed.

I don't think it's that easy to completely renove every digital image which has ever been posted on the web:
In July 2019, registered sex offender and hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on charges relating to the sex trafficking of minors. In addition to the severity of the alleged crimes, Epstein’s arrest made headlines due to his connections to well-known public figures and politicians, including President Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton.

The news of Epstein’s arrest sent political partisans into overdrive as they attempted to show that politicians on their side were less involved with Epstein than politicians on the other side. So when images of President Trump with Epstein were published by news outlets and circulated on social media, his defenders were upset not to see similar images of Bill Clinton with Epstein being given equal prominence. This led to a rumor that Google was “scrubbing,” “removing,” or “deindexing” images of Clinton and Epstein together from search results as part of a cover-up to protect the Clintons.

(...)These claims are without merit. These tweets provided no evidence that images of Clinton with Epstein could be found on Google prior to the latter’s arrest in July 2019, nor any proof that Google had removed these alleged images from their search results in the aftermath of Epstein’s incarceration. In fact, they provided no evidence that photographs of Clinton with Epstein even existed at all.

(...) We searched for images of Clinton together with Epstein on Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Yandex. The results for all five of these search engines were similar, with none of them turning up a genuine photograph of Epstein together with Clinton.

(...) Photographs of Epstein with Clinton were not scrubbed from Google’s search results, because images of Clinton with Epstein don’t seem to exist. Or if they do, they haven’t ever been widely disseminated online.

We also checked right-leaning websites such as Breitbart, the National Review, and the Daily Caller to see if they had published any pictures of this pair together, but yet again we came up empty-handed. In fact, the only image of Clinton with Epstein we managed to find was a manipulated image based on a photograph that originally showed Donald Trump with Epstein.

Of course, the lack of pictures doesn’t mean that Bill Clinton didn’t have a friendly relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. The former president reportedly took several trips on Epstein’s private jet, and in 1995 Clinton and Epstein were both on the guest list for a “small dinner party” hosted by Revlon mogul Ron Perelman to raise funds for the Democratic National Convention


So someone will be sure to say that Snopes is biased and worthless but no one has been able to produce one of these alleged pictures. So color me unconvinced.
0 Replies
Fri 12 Jul, 2019 05:35 am
)These claims are without merit. These tweets provided no evidence that images of Clinton with Epstein could be found on Google prior to the latter’s arrest in July 2019, nor any proof that Google had removed these alleged images from their search results in the aftermath of Epstein’s incarceration. In fact, they provided no evidence that photographs of Clinton with Epstein even existed at all.

(Bitter laugh). Gee, hightor. No evidence? No images could be found? I wonder how that happened.

The slant of this story is also biased bullshit, claiming that only partisans on a political witch-hunt are making complaints.

Epstein’s arrest was big news. In following the story, people saw pictures of him with several famous people. I was one of the people seeing these photos.
People on Twitter discussed who Epstein was photographed with and, yes, there were people who noted Clinton being in a handful of pictures.

Millions of people saw these pictures.

Millions of people noticed these particular pictures of Clinton and Epstein were no longer searchable on Google.

Believe it or don’t, but it is a fact—and I’m more than a little concerned to see that, in addition to Google, snopes is also for hire.

You guys who love Clinton and are snickering that once again, he’s pulled strings to remain unaccountable, know this: Behavior that you approve like this because it’s being used by people you prefer will soon be used against you by people you hate. It will be your fault. Every voice in this country should be screaming about Google monolithically rewriting and erasing history. We should all be demanding a public reckoning for their ridiculous power and how they use it.
Fri 12 Jul, 2019 05:46 am
When the DNC and HRC were busted about elevated Trump to the R nomination, cheated Bernie etc (...)

Just because at one time he was considered the weakest candidate and the easiest to beat, I've never seen any evidence that the DNC was responsible for Trump's success. He emerged from the pack early, mostly because of his name recognition, reality TV star status, effective use of division and derision — and most importantly, the crowded field which split any anti-Trump votes betrween Jeb!, Cruz, Kasich and others. (The Democrats should have learned a lesson here.)
- they IMMEDIATELY came out with their Russia story to detract from what THEY did.

Wikileaks released thousands of stolen e-mails during the convention which effectively ruined any chance that committed Sanders supporters would get behind her. I'm not sure your chronology is right here.

Fri 12 Jul, 2019 06:07 am
Lash, I'm not one of the "You guys who love Clinton" crowd here and you should have picked up on that by now. The point is that even if Google could scrub its own search engine it doesn't have the power to wipe a previously posted image from the internet entirely. And Clinton remains a sleaze whether or not Google did or didn't do anything.
Millions of people noticed these particular pictures of Clinton and Epstein were no longer searchable on Google.

Why haven't they been posted on Breitbart or Fox? Surely one of these "millions" of people would have copied the picture.
Behavior that you approve like this because it’s being used by people you prefer will soon be used against you by people you hate.

I don't "approve" of behavior that didn't happen, I don't "prefer" Google, and "people I hate" don't have the power or pull to remove every trace of a widely-distributed digital image.

I wish you didn't take this stuff so personally. Maybe you'll find one of these pictures and it will be vetted as genuine and maybe it will emerge that Google indeed behaved this way. I'll be the first to express my gratitude. But as of now, it just seems a bit feverish. We've all seen fake news stories go viral and this appears to be an example. I'm with this guy:
I’m not defending him. I’m arguing for equanimity. I’m arguing for facts. I’m arguing for logic.

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