@Walter Hinteler,
Shame on the Guardian for being evil scumbags who want to lynch innocent kids.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:One thing that rightwing media understands much better than their liberal counterparts is that the ubiquity of recording devices at any current protest tends to shatter the public record into dozens of pieces.
A particular version of events based on early footage can always be called into question, and another version put forward as definitive, as more footage, and alternative edits of footage emerge. Partisans can pick and choose, knowing that a definitive version of what happened may not emerge before the news cycle has moved on.
The left were the only people who tried to push a misleading narrative before the news cycle moved on.
Leftists are just bitter because they failed in their attempts to lynch innocent kids.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:Just as importantly, additional footage allows the discussion to be reframed. Instead of asking why a group of schoolboys were protesting wearing hats that many in the community view as a symbol of racism, conservatives quickly turned it into a game of who approached whom, and began discussing the teenagers as if they were literal martyrs.
Since the left's attempt to lynch innocent kids involved lying about who approached who, the question of who approached who is highly relevant.
Yes, when evil leftist scumbags try to lynch innocent kids, those innocent kids are martyrs.
The problem of "people viewing MAGA hats as a symbol of racism" can be dealt with by incarcerating everyone who views MAGA hats as a symbol of racism.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:So far, conservative media has been unified and resolute in hammering the narrative that Nathan Philips, a Native American veteran, somehow provoked the boys by coming between them and a small group of Black Hebrew Israelites, to whose insults they had responded to with chants.
It is in the nature of conservatives to tell the truth like this.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:No amount of additional footage showing their Maga-yelling rowdy behavior
I went to the article, clicked its links, and watched the videos.
All this video shows is the students dancing along with the Native American guy.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:and sexist comments before the event
The allegedly sexist comments do not seem all that sexist.
The kids in the video were perhaps vocally rowdy, but so what?
The video was clearly selectively edited to give a misleading account.
There is nothing to say that the kids in the video were from this school.
The person who posted this supposedly "sexist" video, is herself
more racist than the KKK.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:not even clear and concise edits showing how aggressive and provocative the teens were and how calm Phillips was – is capable of knocking them off this course.
The video shows no aggression or provocation by the kids.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:Another tactic conservative media uses is to only consider the most appalling versions of opposing arguments, and to focus their audience’s anger on reliable scapegoats.
When leftists do appalling things, leftists get condemned for doing appalling things.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:To avoid confronting reasonable arguments or new evidence, conservatives emphasize the worst of the other side – like tweets calling for violence or doxxing.
Leftists don't present reasonable arguments.
There is no new evidence.
If leftists don't want to be condemned for being horrible monsters, they should stop being horrible monsters.
the evil Guardian newspaper, that likes to lynch innocent kids wrote:As of Wednesday, as a result of these well-work tactics, liberal media has almost completely backed away from their initial, justified take on the story.
When will we ever learn?
There is nothing even remotely justified about the left's horrible savaging of innocent children.