revelette1 wrote:It is just typical we have a president who threatens a person's family members because he has revenge against that person.
I'm unsure what you are referring to here.
revelette1 wrote:We also have a president who feels it is ok to let a combat zone know when members of congress are going on commercial flights to that combat zone out of revenge for an act which probably made him feel slighted.
If leftists don't want to get into fights, they shouldn't pick fights with people who will defend themselves.
revelette1 wrote:He is such a crook,
Do you have any evidence of criminal activity?
revelette1 wrote:I honestly can't understand Mitch McConnel and Pelosi and other leaders of congress not getting rid of him.
Well first, there is no evidence that Trump has committed any crimes.
And second, even if someone did manage to produce evidence that Trump had committed a crime, since it was OK for Bill Clinton to break the law, it would also be OK for Trump to break the law.
revelette1 wrote:As for the stupid shutdown, Mitch McConnel needs to pass the pass bill which was already agreed to, send it Trump, let Trump veto it and then override it and open the government. (heard that somewhere..)
I perceive no need for McConnell to do this. I suspect that he does not perceive such a need either.
If Pelosi ever decides to compromise with Trump over the wall (possibly in exchange for DACA), McConnell will be there to participate in the deal.
So long as Pelosi refuses to compromise and meet Trump halfway, McConnell is unlikely to waste his time.
revelette1 wrote:I disgusted with the whole Washington and won't be satisfied until firstly the government reopens and then Trump is gone. Just my thoughts/whatever they are worth.
It is unlikely that you will be satisfied. Trump is going to be president for six more years, then the Republicans will hold the White House for at least another twelve years after that.
Even after twenty years of Republican control over the White House, the voters aren't going to let any Democrats back in the White House until all these witch-hunting lunatics have been purged from the Democratic party.