Giuliani: "I never said there was no collusion between the campaign" and Russia
From Aaron Blake at the WP
Edit: note to Walter. I posted this before seeing your link/quotes. I think I'll leave this up as it fleshes in some details.
Let’s walk through the de-evolution of the Trump team’s collusion denials — a list we’ve updated below.
1. November 2016: No communications, period
Hope Hicks: “It never happened. There was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign.”
2. February 2017: There were no communications, “to the best of our knowledge”
Sarah Sanders: “This is a non-story because, to the best of our knowledge, no contacts took place.”
3. March 2017: There were communications, but no planned meetings with Russians
Donald Trump Jr.: “Did I meet with people that were Russian? I’m sure, I’m sure I did. . . . But none that were set up. None that I can think of at the moment. And certainly none that I was representing the campaign in any way, shape or form.”
4. July 8, 2017: There was a planned meeting at Trump Tower, but it was “primarily” about adoption and not the campaign
Trump Jr.: “We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at that time and there was no follow-up.”
5. July 9, 2017: The meeting was planned to discuss the campaign, but the information exchanged wasn't “meaningful”
Trump Jr.: “No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.”
6. December 2017: Collusion isn't even a crime
President Trump: “There is no collusion, and even if there was, it’s not a crime.”
Jay Sekulow: “For something to be a crime, there has to be a statute that you claim is being violated. There is not a statute that refers to criminal collusion. There is no crime of collusion.”
(Technically speaking, the criminal code doesn't use the word “collusion,” but it's generally understood as a broad term that could encompass more specific, codified crimes. And even special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's team has used it in court filings.)
7. May 16, 2018: Even if meaningful information were obtained, it wasn't used
Giuliani: “And even if it comes from a Russian, or a German, or an American, it doesn’t matter. And they never used it, is the main thing. They never used it. They rejected it. If there was collusion with the Russians, they would have used it.”
[One thing, Rudy Giuliani: The Trump campaign *did* use it.]
8. May 19, 2018: There was a *second* planned meeting about foreign help in the election, but nothing came of it either
The New York Times reported Sunday on yet another meeting about getting foreign help with the 2016 election. This one came three months before the election and featured Donald Trump Jr. and an emissary, George Nader, who said the princes who lead Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates wanted to assist Trump.
Alan Futerfas, Trump Jr.'s attorney: "They pitched Mr. Trump Jr. on a social media platform or marketing strategy. He was not interested, and that was the end of it.”
9. July 16, 2018: Trump couldn't collude, because Trump didn't even know Putin
Trump: "There was no collusion. I didn't know the president. There was nobody to collude with."
10. July 30, 2018: Collusion isn't a crime, and Trump wasn't physically at the Trump Tower meeting
With Michael Cohen alleging that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting in real time — despite many previous denials — Giuliani told both CNN and Fox News that Trump wasn't physically at the meeting.
"I’m happy to tell Mueller that Trump wasn’t at the Trump Tower meeting,” Giuliani told CNN, adding that "Don Jr. says he wasn’t there.”
He added on Fox: “He did not participate in any meeting about the Russia transaction. . . . And the other people at the meeting that he claims he had without the president about it say he was never there.”
Giuliani also argued that collusion isn't even a crime.
"I don’t even know if that’s a crime — colluding with Russians,” Giuliani said on CNN. “Hacking is the crime. The president didn’t hack. He didn’t pay for the hacking.”
And on Fox: “I have been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime. Collusion is not a crime.”
11. January 16, 2019: Trump didn’t collude, but no guarantees on others in the campaign
The exchange with Cuomo:
GIULIANI: I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign --
CUOMO: Yes, you have.
GIULIANI: I have no idea -- I have not. I said the president of the United States. There is not a single bit of evidence the president of the United States committed the only crime you could commit here -- conspired with the Russians to hack the DNC.
CUOMO: First of all, crime is not the bar of accountability for a president. It’s about what you knew --
GIULIANI: Well, he didn’t collude with Russia either!
CUOMO: -- what was right, and what was wrong, and what did you deceive about? Those are going to be major considerations.
GIULIANI: The president did not collude with the Russians.
CUOMO: He said nobody had any contact, tons of people had contact. Nobody colluded, the guy running his campaign --
GIULIANI: He didn’t say nobody --
CUOMO: -- was working on an issue at the same time as the convention.
GIULIANI: He said he didn’t. He didn’t say nobody. How would you know that nobody in your campaign --
CUOMO: He actually did say that, Rudy. He said, nobody, and then he said, as far as I know.
Me too! Robert ought to be handing out scholarships for exceptional members such as you and I.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jan, 2019 10:21 am
Giuliani: "I never said there was no collusion between the campaign" and Russia
Mueller still has **** and shoved in it. The final report will contain accusations that will never be proven. The report is designed to make sure Trump loses in 2020. I doubt it will work, but they have nothing else.
And the new AG might have plans for the people behind this failed coup.
will you be laughing hysterically when #45 has to resign in disgrace?
i will...
I do hope that on the day this happens or perhaps the very next day, someone will have organized a great Maniacal Laughing March in cities across the land.
Again, there was in fact meddling and interference with the US election two years ago but had nothing to do with Russia. It involved the British Empire or whatever is left of that, house of lords,Rothschilds, London banks, MI5, MI6 etc. etc. and it was motivated by questions involving Brexit and tens of trillions of dollars of financial derivatives, much if not most of which are denominated in Euros, and the question of whether European governments would allow London banks to continue acting as clearing houses for those derivatives after Brexit.
Russia is a Christian nation. Russia generally does not participate in **** like that.
The Wall Street Journal has an amazing story on Michael Cohen this morning: In 2015, the president’s former fixer cut a deal with Liberty University’s chief IT guy for some favors.
Cohen, the Journal reported, said he would pay John Gauger in exchange for rigging online polls to show wide support for Trump. A year later, Cohen asked Gauger to set up a Twitter account, @WomenForCohen, that described Cohen as “strong, pit bull, sex symbol, no nonsense, business oriented and ready to make a difference!”
When Cohen asked the Trump Organization for $130,000 to pay Stormy Daniels, the Journal reported, he also included a handwritten request for $50,000 to pay Gauger for “tech services.” But Gauger never got that money: Instead, Gauger told the Journal, Cohen provided renumeration in the form of a Walmart bag full of cash — roughly $13,000 — and a baseball glove that Cohen said had been worn by a famous Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter. (Cohen told the Journal that no such Walmart bag existed; he paid Gauger with a check.)
Ya gotta love the Liberty University element here.
Ya gotta love the Liberty University element here.
Is this an impeachable offense? Are we supposed to believe a proven liar? Pitiful.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jan, 2019 10:38 am
I see that someone has down-voted my Maniacal Laughing March idea.
I'd like us all to pause for just a moment so that we might honor and validate this individual for his/her bold and effective strike for Liberty and God.
WSJ: Cohen defrauded Trump on cooked reimbursement claims
This is the guy the Left finds credible?
A former contractor for Donald Trump’s public-relations efforts claims that Cohen stiffed him for all but $13,000 of a $50,000 bill, while federal prosecutors show that Trump reimbursed Cohen for the entire $50K.
Deported Multiple Times Before Sexually Molesting an 11-Year Old
The migrant children are of great concern to the hypocrites that oppose the wall. I guess they do not care American children. You think this 11 year old will ever be the same?
Hernandez is only one pervert among many. There aren’t a lot of readily available statistics on the specific crime, but North Carolina Fire keeps a record of this type of crime in their state.
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE) reports on their website on each sex crime against children monthly. In 2018, 215 illegal aliens committed at least 743 sexual molestations of children in North Carolina.
Multiply that by 50 states and D.C.
Oh, and thank a Democrat.
Let me take a page from Blatham's book. My post was voted down by an antisemite. Are we going to celebrate the hate they relish? Identify yourself the other haters will defend you and justify your hate with their own.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jan, 2019 11:13 am
Radical Muslim Charged in Plot to Attack White House with Anti-Tank Rocket
"Forty-two Republican senators chose today to stand with Vladimir Putin,"
As I've already stated:
Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jan, 2019 11:25 am
For the feminists out there. Remember there are two Muslim women in Congress. Think they will come out for women's rights? They might, but they will look like liars doing it.