monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 4 Jan, 2019 09:57 am
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:

Do you want them to?

It's not about what I want.
It's all about what Donald Trump promised.

Has Mexico paid for Donald Trump's border wall yet?

I think his point is that open borders aren't good for the economy, so if you close the border, the economic benefits will pay for the wall.

I don't know if that's true necessarily, but would you rather maintain the hypocrisy of law abiding people being kept out by administrative red tape while those with nothing to lose just sneak in, funded by trafficking/smuggling money?
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 10:04 am
If you recall I didnt bring up the subject of abiotic oil you idiot.

Now if you just wish to cover up all that crap with more christianity is truth" ****, dont try to reprise the fraud and deceit like our presidents famous "Theres blame enough on both sides "

The fact is almost all of the abiotic oil dimwitties are Creationist clowns and therefore theyre ruled by their religious fraudulent beliefs , not science.
So stop trying to turn all the **** around so you appear in a kinder light, ya schmuck.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 10:11 am
farmerman wrote:

If you recall I didnt bring up the subject of abiotic oil you idiot.

Now if you just wish to cover up all that crap with more christianity is truth" ****, dont try to reprise the fraud and deceit like our presidents famous "Theres blame enough on both sides "

The fact is almost all of the abiotic oil dimwitties are Creationist clowns and therefore theyre ruled by their religious fraudulent beliefs , not science.
So stop trying to turn all the **** around so you appear in a kinder light, ya schmuck.

And I'll repeat: stop stereotyping/demonizing Christianity as a whole because of the bad behavior of some Christians. If you want to complain about this alternative theory of oil, then criticize it - but not by linking it with Christianity.

Would you accept it if someone was preaching here about how economic waste and exploitative business are the fault of Jewish people? No, that would be classical anti-Semitism. So if you don't practice or defend anti-Semitism, why would you do it against Christians or any other religion?

Religion is separate from other human behaviors. They may be linked on an individual level in various ways, but you shouldn't start generalizing because that leads to stereotypes and prejudice against people who practice that religion but have nothing to do with the thing you are criticizing.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 10:14 am
More LL "authoritative" bullsh*t. For far too many humans, their religious beliefs are inseparable from their world view. That's why christians and Muslims do so much killing and destruction--because their magic sky daddy told them to.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 10:36 am
Setanta wrote:

More LL "authoritative" bullsh*t. For far too many humans, their religious beliefs are inseparable from their world view. That's why christians and Muslims do so much killing and destruction--because their magic sky daddy told them to.

Maybe, but don't blame it on religion. A lot of secular people are terrible people too. It's just human nature, whether people opt for religion or not.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 10:51 am
I could not agree less. If it were a statistically insignificant fraction of humanity acting that way, you might have a point. But thousands up0n thousands have marched off to war, to plunder, rape and murder, with the "blessing" of their religion. Once again, you attempt to dictate authoritatively, and I see no reason to consider you an authority on any subject.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 11:03 am
Setanta wrote:

I could not agree less. If it were a statistically insignificant fraction of humanity acting that way, you might have a point. But thousands up0n thousands have marched off to war, to plunder, rape and murder, with the "blessing" of their religion. Once again, you attempt to dictate authoritatively, and I see no reason to consider you an authority on any subject.

You just have a collectivist mindset. It is the same when racists and sexists defend their stereotypes and prejudices with statistics. You have to learn to separate your understanding of individuals from collective ideologies. Collective ideologies/culture can result in widespread commonalities, but that doesn't translate into every individual who subscribes to the ideology/culture, so you can't stereotype an entire group at the expense of the individuals who don't fit the stereotype. That's true for any group category, not just religious identities.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 11:06 am
If you want to complain about this alternative theory of oil, then criticize it - but not by linking it with Christianity.

I Calls em as I sees em. Gunga comes up with the silly conspiracies (like that Quahog douche bag and you just grace gungas assertions as an "alternate theory" when its a goddam fraud laced with Christian beliefs. LOOK IT UP CLOWN.
Im tired of having all you bird brains try to argue using fact-free untruths and then try to deny what really works.

I dont know of any Jews that try to use deceit as a point of argument and debate. I can disagree with points of science with anyone where they show up, s long as the arguments are based upon the cientific method. With you guys, theres always a Biblical lesson within your worldview, or that everything that science has wrought can easily be found in one simple assed phrase from the Book of the life of the Most Psychotic Deity. Im arguing with you guys bcause you make believe that there IS really a thing called "Creation Science"

Religion is separate from other human behaviors.
Try then to practice that nice sounding bumper sticker. Ive just gotten done with my rant about abiotic oil because its a known fact that its tied to Fundamentalist Christianity because the YEC's (Young Earth Christians) dont believe that the earth is old enough to cook fossils to make oil millions of years in the past. Youre missing the entire point of wht abiotic oil means to you guys.
Ive stipulated to the extent that earth chemistry nd the Fischer Tropsch process is able to produce oil from H2CO3//CO and CO2 from biotics AND abiotic reactions (but not enough has gone on to hve created a usable supply )
All those "scientists" who confess to believing in abiotic oil also believe mostly in n aerth that is under 100000 K years old.
You threatened to ignore me, pleease do, Im tired of you taking sides in one of my rants without understanding a bit about the underlying science
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 11:15 am
livinglava wrote:
I think his point is that open borders aren't good for the economy, so if you close the border, the economic benefits will pay for the wall.
The only country I know (but perhaps there were more) having had closed borders (= CLOSED BORDERS, not jus one to one country, and excluding seawalls) was the GDR between the early 1960's and 1989.

Trafficking/smuggling was reduced dramatically (dramatic for those few who did it, was it, too), there were no drug problems in GDR (besides alcoholism and drug dependency from medical drugs) ....
The economic benefits didn't pay only of the walls, but the fences and other border security measures as well - well, at least that's what the party and government told the citizens.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 11:21 am
livinglava wrote:
Religion is separate from other human behaviours.
Really? At least here in Germany it (still) is different.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 11:39 am
That's why Christians and Muslims do so much killing and destruction--because their magic sky daddy told them to.

Christians are not told to kill by their religion. They are told by some religious leaders to kill. Muslims kill because the actual doctrine of their religion says so.
The difference is very significant. And people will not accept as fact, and I bet you are one of them.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 11:43 am
you attempt to dictate authoritatively, and I see no reason to consider you an authority on any subject.

Pot meet kettle.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 11:57 am
Don't tell me what "mindset" I have. You know nothing about me. You are attempting to dissociate people's bad actions from their religious motivations, and very likely because you are religiously motivated yourself. I am not condemning all members of any religion. I am condemning organized religion, of any description.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 11:57 am
An Act of Sedition
Jan 3 2019 | by Bill Warner

In the news: “Newly elected Detroit congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, is going to use Thomas Jefferson’s Koran for her swearing-in ceremony.”

Let’s get the facts straight.

Fact: It is not Jefferson’s Koran. It is Mohammed’s Koran.

Fact: Jefferson owned a Koran to understand and defeat the Islamic Barbary Pirates. How many members of Congress have read the Koran & Sunna from cover to cover or have any idea what is written on these pages?

Fact: We have evidence of our forefathers’ reference to the Koran: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, March 28, 1786

Fact: Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran in which over 20% written in Medina is about violent jihad.

Fact: Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that has 17% of its text from Mohammed’s time in Medina devoted to Jew hatred.

Fact: Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that says that Muslims are superior to all and the non-Muslim (Kafir) is lower than animals. It also says a Muslim is not the friend of a Kafir.

Fact: Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that says wives can be beaten.

Fact: Tlaib is disingenuous when she says ““I believe in secular government…“ According to Islamic doctrine, a Muslim must be governed by the Allah-inspired Sharia, because Kafir (man-made) secular laws are not worth following. So either she is not a good Muslim or she is using taqiyya, sacred deception, to advance Islam.

Fact: Tlaib is swearing her oath on a book that declares our U.S. Constitution is not the highest law of the land.

In short, Rashida Tlaib, by swearing her oath on a Koran, commits an act of sedition.

You might not agree but those are facts. Congress needs to throw that Koran in the garbage.

0 Replies
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 12:00 pm
farmerman wrote:
Ive just gotten done with my rant about abiotic oil because its a known fact that its tied to Fundamentalist Christianity because the YEC's (Young Earth Christians) dont believe that the earth is old enough to cook fossils to make oil millions of years in the past.

I don't think that view represents truth. It is an interpretation that over-literalizes the meaning of 'God created the Earth in six days.' That can just as well mean six of God's days as six days of Earth rotating on its axis.

You should accept that not all Christians think and act the same and not blame some for what others think and do.

You should also realize that just because someone is misguided in some aspect(s) of their beliefs, that doesn't mean they are totally misguided.

Secular science makes lots of subtle mistakes, but secular people never catch them because they are too busy accepting everything that's based on peer-review. Humans and their peer-review processes aren't infallible and it's high time secular people started acknowledging that reality.
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 12:01 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

livinglava wrote:
I think his point is that open borders aren't good for the economy, so if you close the border, the economic benefits will pay for the wall.
The only country I know (but perhaps there were more) having had closed borders (= CLOSED BORDERS, not jus one to one country, and excluding seawalls) was the GDR between the early 1960's and 1989.

Trafficking/smuggling was reduced dramatically (dramatic for those few who did it, was it, too), there were no drug problems in GDR (besides alcoholism and drug dependency from medical drugs) ....
The economic benefits didn't pay only of the walls, but the fences and other border security measures as well - well, at least that's what the party and government told the citizens.

Western Europe has a lot of liberal drug and sexual abuse, much of it legal. To have the audacity of validating such abuse by contrasting it with the GDR is pathetic.

Being different from the GDR doesn't make everything you do right or good. Take responsibility for what you do instead of hiding behind ridicule of others.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 12:03 pm
Setanta wrote:

Don't tell me what "mindset" I have. You know nothing about me. You are attempting to dissociate people's bad actions from their religious motivations, and very likely because you are religiously motivated yourself. I am not condemning all members of any religion. I am condemning organized religion, of any description.

Your rhetoric expresses an inability to distinguish between collectives and individuals.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 12:12 pm
livinglava wrote:
Western Europe has a lot of sexual abuse, much of it legal. To have the audacity of validating such abuse by contrasting it with the GDR is pathetic.

Being different from the GDR doesn't make everything you do right or good. Take responsibility for what you do instead of hiding behind ridicule of others.
I don't know about the legal abuse in Western Europe - I live in Central Europe, where the former GDR was part of as well.

And actually, I didn't reply to your post about legal or non-legal sexual abuse but about closed borders. And that good economy pays these border security.
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 12:32 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
I don't know about the legal abuse in Western Europe - I live in Central Europe, where the former GDR was part of as well.

And actually, I didn't reply to your post about legal or non-legal sexual abuse but about closed borders. And that good economy pays these border security.

Are you denying that there is a recreational drug/sex industry in western Europe? Would you not call those industries an abuse of freedom?

My point is that the GDR is rightly demonized for its repressive culture, but we shouldn't pretend like everything was good and right on the other side of the wall.

When freedom gets abused, it provides a justification for repressive government and it's wrong to complain about the repression without acknowledging the deeper cause, which is abuse of freedom.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Jan, 2019 12:48 pm
livinglava wrote:
Are you denying that there is a recreational drug/sex industry in western Europe? Would you not call those industries an abuse of freedom?
Just pointing again at the fact that I responded to your post about the economy paying for a closed border by a wall ...
And as I wrote above: I live in Central Europe (Germany).

I do have some knowledge though about the drug use in the Netherlands (and a lot about it here).
It might be an abuse of freedom - to what freedom do you refer here? For instance, in the Netherlands the freedoms are verified in the Nederlandse Grondwet - Titel II - Vrijheden.

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