Quote: If you want to complain about this alternative theory of oil, then criticize it - but not by linking it with Christianity.
I Calls em as I sees em. Gunga comes up with the silly conspiracies (like that Quahog douche bag and you just grace gungas assertions as an "alternate theory" when its a goddam fraud laced with Christian beliefs. LOOK IT UP CLOWN.
Im tired of having all you bird brains try to argue using fact-free untruths and then try to deny what really works.
I dont know of any Jews that try to use deceit as a point of argument and debate. I can disagree with points of science with anyone where they show up, s long as the arguments are based upon the cientific method. With you guys, theres always a Biblical lesson within your worldview, or that everything that science has wrought can easily be found in one simple assed phrase from the Book of the life of the Most Psychotic Deity. Im arguing with you guys bcause you make believe that there IS really a thing called "Creation Science"
Quote: Religion is separate from other human behaviors.
Try then to practice that nice sounding bumper sticker. Ive just gotten done with my rant about abiotic oil because its a known fact that its tied to Fundamentalist Christianity because the YEC's (Young Earth Christians) dont believe that the earth is old enough to cook fossils to make oil millions of years in the past. Youre missing the entire point of wht abiotic oil means to you guys.
Ive stipulated to the extent that earth chemistry nd the Fischer Tropsch process is able to produce oil from H2CO3//CO and CO2 from biotics AND abiotic reactions (but not enough has gone on to hve created a usable supply )
All those "scientists" who confess to believing in abiotic oil also believe mostly in n aerth that is under 100000 K years old.
You threatened to ignore me, pleease do, Im tired of you taking sides in one of my rants without understanding a bit about the underlying science