monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Sat 27 Oct, 2018 01:56 pm
You know him? I only got my infos from said Israeli newspaper.
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Walter Hinteler
Sat 27 Oct, 2018 01:58 pm
You think, he actually is a Muslim? Now, do give your infos to the FBI and police!
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Sat 27 Oct, 2018 02:06 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

You think, he actually is a Muslim? Now, do give your infos to the FBI and police!

It's like the burning of the Reichstag, then they blamed the Communists for Nazi crimes now it's Muslims.
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Sat 27 Oct, 2018 02:10 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Strange comment. I believe that's already the case in states that have the death penalty...

The obvious solution is that every one going to shul should carry an assault riffle.
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Finn dAbuzz
Sat 27 Oct, 2018 03:16 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

If I couldn't read the news and had to rely on the comments here, I would consider all the terrible things to be a competition, who had done more, when, where and how they reported where.

The shooting during the Shabbat services in Pittsburgh, by "a white male", won't change that, I fear.

An astute observation Walter, although you won't be surprised to learn that I might have a slightly different viewpoint.

The competition you observe in this forum is merely a reflection of the contest underway in the larger world. I assume you do read the news and so I'm surprised that you might think A2K is some sort of insular aberration.

In fact, for quite a few members, the talking points and arguments presented in this forum have been taken directly from their fellow teammates competing in the real world's major league.

hightor wrote:
This is a biased presentation. I prefer a more disinterested analysis.

Not to single out our friend hightor because this is a sentiment expressed by a great many people on both sides of the spectrum. The difference I think is that there are a great many more people on the left who have, despite the evidence, convinced themselves that disinterested analysis is readily available. Of course, there are probably even more folks on the left who are not being truthful if they make hightor's claim, but I doubt their number is materially different from that of similarly untruthful conservatives.

The majority of liberals who honestly claim the preference, while not lying, are fooling themselves. It is repeatedly demonstrated that their actual preference is an interested analysis that confirms their views (just like the untruthful) but has the appearance of objectivity, because it originates from a source they accept as unbiased due to a prior history of legitimacy: i.e. the so-called Main Stream Media: The NYT, The Washington Post, the three major broadcast networks, CNN, and several liberal magazines (print and online).

Regardless of the number of specific incidents clearly showing that these sources have compromised their journalistic integrity by so closely aligning themselves with the Democrat Party, these folks steadfastly resist a serious re-evaluation of the sources' legitimacy which they originally accepted decades ago; before the advent of conservative news sources, and often dismiss or even mock anyone pointing out the obvious.

There is almost nothing upon which the two tribes will agree on anymore, and the political environment has devolved to a point where one tribe will, regardless of their actual beliefs, disagree with virtually anything the opposing tribe sets forth. Soon we may actually be treated by the spectacle of the tribes arguing about whether it is day or night or if up is really down.

I believe it is undeniable that the Democrats and their political allies have engaged in a scorched-earth strategy to defeat not only the Trump presidency but conservatism in general. Cries of "Nonsense!" and "Rubbish!" are fully expected but this is the strategy that has been urged upon their representatives in the Resistance, by the very people most likely to deny it. It is equally clear that liberal news sources are fully ensconced as operatives within the Resistance, and whether or not liberals will admit they are, they are not only very grateful for their participation, they count on it.

Sure the honest liberals will tut-tut what they identify as the odd editorial misjudgment; a regrettable aberration in what remains the sacred mission of these sources, to uncover and present the facts in a disinterested manner. There's always an excuse:

1) The highly competitive news environment puts pressure on these sources to lower their standards or take shortcuts, and, alas, sometimes it happens, but it is always an overzealous, inexperienced reporter or editor, and it is never due to bias or malice or

2) Trump and the Far-Right Populist/Neo-Fascist forces he commands with dog-whistles are so hellbent on silencing all critics (disinterested or otherwise) that it's even understandable that some reporters and editors might embrace advocacy journalism. It's required in the Trump Dystopia that they are committed to ending.

In these days of hyper-partisan division, the use of disinterested to describe any news source is laughable, and especially in the case of any who believe the leading political opponent of one party is at best a scoundrel and, more often, their enemy. By promoting a caricature of President Trump as someone of the lowest of characters and who has fascist tendencies and autocratic intentions, the liberal media has justified their abandonment of disinterested objectivity. They have a duty to rid America of this swine and of course, they will work with and for political forces who recognize the danger he presents and are willing to do what it takes to save the country!

We can all decry the lack of civility, the prevalence of mendacity, and the win at all costs mentality that is exhibited by both sides of the political spectrum, but the stakes of politics in this nation are very high, there is enormous power and wealth on the table, and to one degree or the other, these desperate and dirty tactics have always been in use. It doesn't excuse them, but they have been baked into our system since its beginnings. In fact, freedom of the press is enshrined in our Bill of Rights because of the Founders' hope for and reliance upon a Free Press as one of a number of institutional counterweights and safeguards.

We have long believed politicians of all stripes to belong to a gang of scoundrels (except for the ones for which we personally vote), and it's more than possible that for a good part of the nation's history, the American public held journalists in equally low esteem, but if they did, the attitude changed dramatically around the time of WWII when we were united against foreign existential threats and especially into the idyllic mid-century when TV consumed the culture and brought the entirely trusted and almost universally respected faces of men like Walter Cronkite into everyone's living room. The journalist as national Wiseman took us through the 50's and into the 60's, providing trusted guidance through national tragedies like the JFK assassination and triumphs like the space program.

When our cultural threads started to fray in the mid-sixties and early 70's the wise men Cronkite and Brinkley were still there to guide us, but thanks to Vietnam and Watergate the mythos of the young journalist as national hero began to be woven: Woodward and Bernstein (with a little help from Dan Rather, Ben Bradley, and The Washington Post) saved America from Nixon! (Dan Rather, of course, is the perfect example of how this was an illusion cast by Hollywood and journalists themselves) For a great many liberals in those days these folks were heroes and in many cases still are. Kids who were motivated to enter a career in journalism because of Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman battling the tyrant Tricky Dick longed for their own evil king to bring down.

So if you were someone who remained a liberal into the 21st Century, you had an abiding trust in outlets like the NY Times, WaPo and CBS News, and as their liberal bias became more and more evident to conservatives and the truly disinterested, it confirmed your bias and so what they were telling us had to be true. Now there's another Evil King to vanquish and who better to rely upon than old and new heroes?

It is abundantly clear that the vast majority of liberals won't entertain the notion of MSM bias; even when the facts are staring them in the face, and news outlets on both sides of the divide have gotten a lot better at dispensing propaganda to support not only the bias of their specific readers and viewers but the notion that they remain knights in shining armor. Continuing to engage in the subject of media bias; in this forum is pointless and hopelessly redundant and so I no longer will. However, it's also pretty apparent that this is the case on virtually every issue upon which the two tribes vehemently disagree...and that means just about everything.

Not surprisingly the deep divide within this forum reflects the incredibly deep divide in our society. We trade a whole lot more insults than we do ideas and I'm not, at all, exempting myself from that criticism. I've taken extended breaks before and may again, but I'm certainly not going to make any pronouncements like our old friend Frank A. He stuck by his, I don't trust myself to.

Sat 27 Oct, 2018 03:43 pm
What utter rot.
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Sat 27 Oct, 2018 05:21 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote Finn:
It is repeatedly demonstrated that their [liberals] actual preference is an interested analysis that confirms their views (just like the untruthful) but has the appearance of objectivity, because it originates from a source they accept as unbiased due to a prior history of legitimacy: i.e. the so-called Main Stream Media: The NYT, The Washington Post, the three major broadcast networks, CNN, and several liberal magazines (print and online).

Regardless of the number of specific incidents clearly showing that these sources have compromised their journalistic integrity by so closely aligning themselves with the Democrat Party, these folks steadfastly resist a serious re-evaluation of the sources' legitimacy

Exactly how have the "mainstream media" and the NY Times etc aligned themselves with the Democratic Party, (its actual name)? By pointing out that Trump's "national security advisor", Flynn, was on the phone to the Russian ambassador about how Trump is going to withdraw anti-Russian sanctions-and then lied about it to transition team? That both the Deputy Attorney General and foreign allies warned Trump about Flynn's treachery with Russia, yet Trump kept Flynn on the job for two weeks while Flynn had access to national security briefings?

By pointing out that when Trump was running for president and insisting NATO, (which Putin hates), he was applying for a building permit in Moscow to build the Moscow Trump Tower, a decision which Putin makes?

By reporting that Donald Trump jr admitted that Trump's financial empire has been intertwined with Russian money for well over a decade?

By alerting the people that Jared Kushner, a White House advisor vetted or confirmed by nobody yet who was put in charge of much foreign policy, never told the FBI that he met with the head of a Kremlin-backed bank, (who received his "banking education" from the Russian intelligence service academy)? When questioned the "bank head", (Russian agent), just said that no governmental policies were discussed, just Jared's personal business. In other words, Jared was asking for a loan from the Russkies and never told the FBI.

And so on and so on, the involvement of the Trump family runs deep and long with the Kremlin and Trump isn't telling us about it. But the media will. You hate the media for that, which is why you take the networks and the New York Times and put them on an equal level with Alex Jones and the rest of the conservative media.

There is no equivalence between Alex Jones and the New York Times.
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Sat 27 Oct, 2018 05:46 pm
coldjoint wrote:

The End of Free Expression in Europe

It has been over for a while.
Speaking of freedom of expression, an Austrian woman has been convicted of speaking ill, that is, of blaspheming the Prophet Mohammed. She called him a pedophile, and in today’s enlightened liberal Europe such expressions are forbidden.

The woman was convicted in Austria. Her conviction was upheld by the European Court of Human Rights.

Probably worth pointing out that the European Court only found that the Austrians were in their right to apply their Austrian law/jurisprudence in this case. It did not rule that other member countries "should adopt such laws, much less set out a new law for Europe" that would oblige them to, as explained in this thread by law prof John Knox (and by other scholars elsewhere).

So as unfortunate as (IMO) the Austrian approach is (I agree with David Kaye), no, this ruling does not mean the end of anything "in Europe".
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Walter Hinteler
Sat 27 Oct, 2018 10:53 pm
coldjoint wrote:
Tell that to the lawyers and Islamic influences and dhimmi politicians in that country.
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Sat 27 Oct, 2018 11:17 pm
It did not rule that other member countries "should adopt such laws, much less set out a new law for Europe" that would oblige them to, as explained in this thread by law prof John Knox (and by other scholars elsewhere). 

That's good. It wouldn't go down well in my own country...

Walter Hinteler
Sat 27 Oct, 2018 11:52 pm
Olivier5 wrote:
That's good.
That wasn't questioned at all in this case:

The applicant alleged that her criminal conviction for disparaging religious doctrines had given rise to a violation of Article 10 of the Convention

Summary of the court's ruling
1. Declares the application admissible;
2. Holds that there has been no violation of Article 10 of the Convention

CASE OF E.S. v. AUSTRIA: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng#{%22languageisocode%22:[%22ENG%22],%22documentcollectionid2%22:[%22JUDGMENTS%22],%22itemid%22:[%22001-187188%22]}
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Sun 28 Oct, 2018 12:57 am
Opinion piece from The Canary.

As police apprehend suspect in mail bomb incidents, we should remember Trump’s own incitements to violence

News of a series of mail bombs sent to critics of US President Donald Trump has been dominating the US’s headlines this week. Certainly, Trump can’t be held directly responsible for the actions of all of his supporters. But nonetheless, he laid the conditions in which violence against political opponents could arise.

Between 22 October and 26 October, a total of 13 mail bombs were sent to 11 of Trump’s most high-profile critics. Targets included former president Barack Obama, former secretary of state Hilary Clinton, billionaire philanthropist George Soros, and actor Robert De Niro.

A 56-year-old man from Florida, Cesar Sayoc, has been arrested on suspicion of committing the crimes. All 13 of the packages failed to explode.

Trump’s response to the incidents has been erratic. At first, he called for a more “civil tone” in public discourse, only to later himself blurt out characteristically insensitive and juvenile remarks. In spite of the initial laudable sentiments, critics were quick to point out the deep hypocrisy given Trump’s prior behavior.

Of course, Trump is not directly responsible for what has happened. But he has created a climate of hostility in which this kind of extremism easily takes root. On multiple occasions, he has legitimized and even encouraged violence against political opponents.

The trend began before he was even elected to the presidency. On the campaign trail in 2016, he said of a protester who disrupted one of his rallies that he would like to “punch him in the face”. He added that “in the old days” protesters would be “carried out in stretchers”. Just weeks before, he had boasted that he could “shoot somebody” and still not lose any voters.

There were also some cases of thinly-veiled encouragement for supporters to use violence. In August 2016, he was widely believed to have implied that gun owners should take the law into their own hands against his then-Democratic Party opponent Hilary Clinton in the case of him losing the election.

Once he was in office, things didn’t get any better. Earlier this month, Trump praised a Republican congressman who had assaulted a journalist. Greg Gianforte, who represents the state of Montana, ‘body slammed‘ Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs in 2017.

This kind of rhetoric lends legitimacy to extremists who are willing to use violence for political purposes. But there is something deeper going on here. Though few politicians refrain from personal attacks and stick exclusively to matters of policy, Trump goes well beyond the kind mudslinging that has taken place previously in US politics. Rather, he paints his adversaries as dangerous, conniving villains who are involved in a vast conspiracy to destroy American sovereignty.

In other words, according to the Trumpian narrative, they are not just political opponents but enemies of the country and its people. And now, after Trump has been spinning this tale to his supporters, someone has taken extreme and rash action against them.

Sun 28 Oct, 2018 05:08 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
The difference I think is that there are a great many more people on the left who have, despite the evidence, convinced themselves that disinterested analysis is readily available.

Possibly — but if true journalistic objectivity is impossible to find, I still prefer sources which at least seek to appear disinterested. If you compare the kind of crap cj posted from "The Great American Daily" with dissertations in scholarly journals or real investigative articles in any of our "newspapers of record" — even ones like the Wall Street Journal, which may have a pro-corporate bias — you can see the difference. Too many of the articles featured in the "populist press" — the scores and scores of political blogs and online newsletters, both left and right, which have proliferated over the past decade — consist of dumbed down screeds which insult readers' intelligence. And too many of the posts we see on these political threads are guilty of the same thing. I appreciate the efforts you occasionally make to lay out coherent arguments and eschew one-liners and snarky retorts, but I think the message board medium lends itself to back and forth personal attacks and name-calling. And if stricter moderation is suggested as a remedy you can already hear the complaints of "censorship" and the howls over "thought control".

I may attempt a more in-depth response to your post later but it's likely that my interest will dissipate in response to breaking events that will undoubtedly emerge in the news cycle.

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