Do you have any opinions of your own, or do you get them all from such media sources?
Do they have such things in Canada? How did Justin Trudeau do in his?
The speech wasn't flowery or vaguely eloquent in the way that many politicians favor today . However it was spare, clear and eloquently direct in its assessment of the moment and the challenges ahead. Certainly it was a vast improvment over the scolding vagueries of Obama and the pandering platitudes Hillary offered in such quantity.
Notable was the complete absence any of the nonsensical group identity BS that so infests most political rhetoric these day. The theme instead was that we're all Americans, united by a common purpose and destimy. Very appropriate and timely.
The sky didn't fall in.
Schumer's remarks in contrast appeared contrived and a bit angry. I wonder why they include him at all.
Soon enough we will see how quickly, wisely and well Trump and the new Congress implement Trump's program. Much that is promising there. We shall see.....