monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 12:18 pm
That graphic simply reflects the USA's century long crimes against humanity and terrorism against Cuba. Dumb Trump is repeating the same propaganda all the brain dead Americans repeat.

For the last 14 century the UNGA, the whole world except for US and Israel [198-2] has been condemning the USA for its terrorism against Cuba.

Trudeau knows the truth. Your ignorant prez doesn't and neither do any of those brain dead Americans.
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 03:44 pm
It's no surprise to any sentient being that US presidents lie.

Lying is in the blood of Americans. They have practiced it for so long that they have raised it to an art.


Trump beats Obama at the lying game

June 17, 2018

Even the harshest critics of Donald Trump have to concede that the President excels at one thing -- lying. And he does so far more than his predecessor ever dared to. As the Washington Post recently quantified, Trump has served up over 3,000 lies or misleading statements since taking office, which comes out to a dizzying rate of 6.5 every single day.

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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 04:01 pm
Each lie is sourced

The irony is overwhelming. coldjoint, known as a slippery customer, a fabricator par excellence, says the above, but there are no sources.

Trust me, trust me, he screams to the heavens.
Sun 9 Sep, 2018 04:03 pm
but there are no sources.

The links are at the link I posted.
Sun 9 Sep, 2018 04:07 pm
Now you lie by omission, avoidance, more of the many forms of lying you regularly engage in.

You failed to address this,

Trump beats Obama at the lying game
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Real Music
Sun 9 Sep, 2018 05:21 pm
Sun 9 Sep, 2018 07:31 pm
@Real Music,
You forgot President, Maurie. Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 08:13 pm
IT’S ABOUT TIME!! TRUMP EXPECTED TO DECLASSIFY Crucial Carter Page And Bruce Ohr Documents

Oh Oh!!
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 08:54 pm
At-risk House Republicans say no to new tax bill
The White House and GOP House leaders are pushing a second tax reform before the midterms.

By NANCY COOK and BERNIE BECKER 09/09/2018 06:53 AM EDT

The White House and top congressional Republicans want to push for a House vote on a second round of tax cuts ahead of the midterms in hopes of bolstering their economic pitch to voters — but they’re running into opposition within their own party.

GOP leaders conceived of the second tax bill as a messaging win that would put Democrats on their heels ahead of the midterms, forcing them to vote against tax relief for the middle class. But the concerns over the bill are largely flowing from the Republican side, mainly from members fighting to keep hold of seats in suburban districts where President Donald Trump is most unpopular — and that are key to the GOP’s hopes of keeping their majority.

A dozen House Republicans, all but one of them from the high-tax states of California, New Jersey and New York, voted against the tax law in December because it capped state and local tax deductions, which they said would lead to tax increases on too many of their constituents.

Some of those GOP lawmakers have openly said they would prefer to leave the tax issue alone as Congress also grapples with how to fund the government and the House potentially votes on health care measures that might be more politically beneficial to vulnerable incumbents. “If we were to pass that here in the House, it would be an exercise in futility, because it could never pass in the Senate,” Rep. Leonard Lance of New Jersey, who opposed the first bill, said Friday on CNBC.

Top House leaders will unveil the second tax overhaul bill this week. Drafted by House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the bill proposes to make permanent individual tax rate cuts from the Republicans’ first tax bill, while introducing new measures intended to help families save money, especially for retirement, and to spur innovation for businesses.

House leaders and White House officials hope it can at least pass through that chamber before the election. The Senate is not expected to take up the bill in 2018 given the focus on speeding through judicial nominations and a Supreme Court confirmation — and because Majority Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) simply does not have the votes to pass a second tax bill.

Republican leaders “certainly directed us from the get-go to be ready to move this in September,” Brady told reporters last week. “It’s full steam ahead.”

GOP officials have long acknowledged that they couldn’t pack all of their priorities into a measure that eventually become last year’s $1.5 trillion tax cut, because no Democrats supported the bill. They passed it with a slim margin of votes using a budgetary measure called reconciliation, which required only a simple majority in the Senate, and have long wanted to revisit the bill’s tweaks to the individual side of the tax code. Those changes are scheduled to expire after 2025, while the corporate tax changes became permanent under the new law.

This time, the White House and Treasury Department largely have taken a back seat in drafting the bill, though Brady, President Donald Trump, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have remained in close touch as the bill progressed. Ways and Means lawmakers also visited the White House in July to discuss the bill, and the committee is expected to mark up the new measure on Thursday after releasing legislative text early this week.

The White House’s main concern is that the individual tax cuts are made permanent, said one Republican close to the White House, calling the other proposals more “nickel-and-dime” stuff. Mnuchin and Ivanka Trump also have visited Capitol Hill to discuss various parts of the bill, according to one administration official.

Shahira Knight, the relatively new White House director of legislative affairs, who helped write the Republicans' first tax bill in close concert with top economic staffers and lawmakers, will help shepherd this 2.0 bill through the House, in addition to tackling the farm and multiple spending bills. Since the first tax bill passed, one of Trump’s top informal economic advisers, Larry Kudlow, has become director of the National Economic Council, putting into the White House a firm champion of cutting taxes to spur economic growth.

Some administration officials have expressed regret about the way the individual side of the tax code turned out under the Republican tax bill. “The part of tax reform to me that was so important was really the corporate side,” said Gary Cohn, the White House’s former top economic adviser, at a Washington event in June. “One thing that haunts me,” however, is that Republicans were not able to make the individual income-tax cuts permanent, he said.

Democrats have criticized the amount of stock buybacks that have followed the tax law and maintain the law has done little to help the average worker, and they are likely to pound those themes again when discussing the second bill.

Democrats might have run from that fight in the past, given how often Republicans label them tax hikers. But these days, they are more than happy to relitigate last year’s tax law, which they have insisted from the start would heap savings onto corporations and the wealthy while leaving behind the middle class.

The more even ground on taxes shows up in polling, too. The new tax law has not been the political plus that many Republicans expected as they try to hold on to the House, only becoming less popular since the beginning of the year.

The House Republican preview of the new bill also floated a range of new tools for families to increase savings, including creating a new Universal Savings Account and making it easier to contribute to Individual Retirement Accounts.

Lawmakers and aides in both parties say it’s possible that retirement provisions could pass as part of a year-end tax deal after the election. Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, the panel’s top Democrat, previously have teamed up on bipartisan retirement savings legislation.

“My feeling is that it’s fine. It is certainly smart to make the tax cuts permanent, but it is not urgent, because those don’t expire for many years,” said Stephen Moore, a distinguished visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation and informal economic adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign. “I would still support the bill because it is probably a good thing for Republicans to always be on the offensive on cutting taxes.”
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 11:10 pm
blatham wrote:

And in our Tourism Notes From All Over category

Dingo eating a shark while two snakes have sex.
Welcome to Australia.


tRump orgy, errr, speech?
Sun 9 Sep, 2018 11:54 pm
hightor wrote:


Woodrow Wilson's wife finished his term in office after a stroke.

Yup, fair point as I didn't specify "modern presidential era". Although that information did eventually get out — I heard about that from a history teacher in high school back in the '60s. But there wasn't the same sort of press coverage and media attention in those days. And a reporter who got word of it could have agreed to keep it to himself for the sake of national security. Like Harding, FDR, Ike, LBJ, JFK — all of whom are now known to have had affairs, etc.— but those were different times. But I agree, a hundred years ago a president was less exposed.

Nancy covered for Ronny Reagan for years and as did Eleanor for Franklin D. In fact, Mary Todd covered for Abraham Lincoln during his fits of depression.
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Sun 9 Sep, 2018 11:56 pm
Quote coldjoint:
See how much more money people actually have. Quite a bit more than they did with Obama.

No, people don't have quite a bit more money than they did under Obama, you are pulling that out of your posterior. Here's the inflation adjusted GDP since 1981, you can see the Obama years stack up quite well with the inflation adjusted GDP growth with other presidents.


All you conservative trolls know how to do is how to embarrass yourselves with statements you can't back up.
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Mon 10 Sep, 2018 12:18 am
Here's a question: Why does Milo Yiannopoulos constantly try to be a spokesman for the people who, if he wasn't such an alt-right fave, would beat him up on the street for being homosexual?
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 10 Sep, 2018 04:13 am
The Guardian: John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech
The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

He will also say that the state department will announce the closure of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) office in Washington out of concern about Palestinian attempts to prompt an ICC investigation of Israel.

The PLO office in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The PLO office in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“The United States will always stand with our friend and ally, Israel,” Bolton’s draft text states. It says the Trump administration “will fight back” if the international criminal court, which is based in The Hague in the Netherlands, formally proceeds with opening an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by US service members and intelligence professionals during the war in Afghanistan.

If such an inquiry proceeds, the Trump administration will consider banning judges and prosecutors from entering the US, put sanctions on any funds they have in the US financial system and prosecute them in the American court system.

“We will not cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC. We will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us,” Bolton’s draft text states.

In addition, the US may negotiate more binding, bilateral agreements to prohibit countries from surrendering Americans to the court, the text says.

The court’s aim is to bring to justice the perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The US did not ratify the Rome treaty that established the court in 2002, with then-President George W Bush opposed to the court. Barack Obama took some steps to cooperate with the organisation.

“We will consider taking steps in the UN security council to constrain the court’s sweeping powers, including to ensure the ICC does not exercise jurisdiction over Americans and the nationals of our allies that have not ratified the Rome statute,” Bolton’s draft text says.

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