monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 3 Aug, 2018 04:27 pm
For much of the time before I retired and moved to Texas, I was living in a very large apartment complex in northern Virginia in which you had five 16-story buildings made into a single complex about 4 miles south of the Pentagon. There were substantial numbers of immigrants there from several different African countries. Those guys were all easy to get along with and they either spoke English when they got here or had picked it up a year later. You will never see any kind of an ATM or swipe card machine which starts off a transaction by "pick a language, English or Bantu" or "choose a language, English or Swahili" because anybody thinks that Africans are too stupid to learn English.

I don't know how much of what you see with Hispanics is bad attitudes on their parts or the demoKKKrat party simply wanting them for a voting block and wishing to keep them isolated and ghettoized. But a man from Mars would assume that the United States government and large sectors of the American business community regard Mexicans and other Hispanics as substantially dumber than Africans...
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Fri 3 Aug, 2018 04:38 pm
The same is true for many muslims.

The religion of Islam obligates Muslims to hate, reject and fight, undermine, resist anything un-Islamic. There is no way to tell how much they choose to believe, and to act on. That puts us at a disadvantage, and every advantage is being taken of that fact.

0 Replies
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 04:49 pm
Canada: Anti-Islamization Blogger Convicted of Defaming Sharia Supremacist, Fined $60K

Shame on you Justin.
These facts are not denied, Awada did participate in the events mentioned and has many connections with the targeted people, but Magnan has no evidence other than “by association” to reach his conclusions. When the process of “guilt by association” is applied to nationalist dissidents, the technique is legitimate, but, it is well understood, it is only legitimate when it is aimed at “the extreme right”.

Gee, that is how it works here since Obama. Obama knowing Bill Ayres meant nothing. Trump just knowing who David Duke was, was enough to make him a racist. If you haven't noticed the truth is ignored in each of these situations. The one that aids progressives is endorsed by the MSM and countless useful idiots, porn stars, and sleazy lawyers.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 04:57 pm
a Mexican writing for the cheese-eating Huffpo wrote:
Mexicans Love to Hate Americans

It is true that we Mexicans have a couple (or more) bad habits that can’t seem to wear out, one of them being the weird love/hate relationship with Latin American dictatorial presidents. Mexican leftists ‘love to love’ Fidel Castro even if more than 50 years have gone by after his “revolution."

Mexicans love to say that “they hate Americans” ever since Santana lost that huge chunk of our land. So any president that manages to make his US hatred — part of his flag — is quite admired down in Mexico.

Such anti-gringo sentiment is very well disguised because you will find many of those Mexicans boarding planes flying to the other side of the border and spending their pesos-turned-into-dollars in various American items...But it is during sobremesa conversations when it’s very common to hear phrases like “pinches gringos, capitalists, oh how much I hate them.

I Only Hate Republicans. Every time I come to Mexico to visit my friends and family I fully embrace my country of origin,. But when people ask me, “How are things in the US? How’s the economy? How’s life up there?” — and before allowing me to answer they follow their questions with, “That Obama has done a lousy job” — I simply just snap

The other day someone dared to say, “Romney is winning this election for sure” which really infuriated me. And having Mexicans rooting for him is preposterous.

The Republican Party seems to be of a bunch of misogynistic men and delusional women like Sarah Palin, who seem to have no regard for the poor, for women, for Hispanics, for African Americans or for Muslims. They’re against gays and lesbians, they’re against environmentalists, they’re against unions and many of them are absolutely intolerant.

Romney is pushing for the self-deportation solution and he opposes amnesty for undocumented immigrants a clear example is his posture on the DREAM Act which he has publicly qualified as a “handout”, so how on earth would we want him to govern?

Mexico is a land of contradictions but I love it and I will continue to defend the “good gringos” in my hometown - especially Obama.


So, ya see, not all Mexicans hate all Americans. Some of them kinda like the ones who will give them sanctuary and a handout.

0 Replies
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 05:00 pm
Facebook is at it again. Nice painting.
Facebook punishes Trump ‘Crossing the Swamp’ painting post

Standing with the foot on the edge of the boat and holding a lantern, Trump is surrounded by Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Ben Carson, President Trump, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Melania Trump, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Sanders, Ivanka Trump, John Bolton, Kellyanne Conway and John Kelly.

Fri 3 Aug, 2018 05:08 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Facebook is at it again. Nice painting.
Facebook punishes Trump ‘Crossing the Swamp’ painting post.
Standing with the foot on the edge of the boat and holding a lantern, Trump is surrounded by Nikki Haley, James Mattis, Ben Carson, President Trump, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Melania Trump, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Sanders, Ivanka Trump, John Bolton, Kellyanne Conway and John Kelly.


Yeah, I like Bolton with the shotgun. Too bad Bannon couldn't hang long enough to be included. He belongs.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 05:11 pm
We are supposed to take advice from Brits?
Tommy Robinson & Britain's Descent Into Madness

Then there is the open libel that Robinson’s “divisive, anti-Muslim rhetoric has resulted in acts of violence,” he added, the most extreme of which occurred when a man, inspired by Mr. Robinson, rammed a van into a congregation of Muslims leaving a mosque in north London in January.”

In reality, there was no “inspiration” from Robinson, who never called for any attacks on mosques. The Times makes this connection based on a mass email that the perpetrator received, which itself did not call for or justify any violence. The Times rushes to connect Robinson to this incident, while it can never quite see the connection between Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” while killing people and the violent passages of the Qur’an.

Robinson had feces thrown through a small window in the door of cell all day every day until he managed to seal it. The guards did not stop it. Where is the outrage for this?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 05:17 pm
We have our own problems. I think this goes to assimilation and following the host country's laws. Which in this case overridden by Sharia.
Texas: Muslim ‘honor killer’ praised 9/11 attacks; killed another son-in-law in 1999

Nesreen Irsan, 30, told jurors that her fervently Muslim father, 60-year-old Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, was living in Conroe when the infamous attacks occurred and was happy that Americans had died. He also told his 12 children they should become suicide bombers if asked.

“He said it’s what America deserves,” the daughter said as she testified against the father who has been convicted of killing her husband and best friend in two “honor killings” in 2012.

Asked exactly what he said, Nesreen Irsan made a statement in Arabic, then explained: “It means God bless Osama bin Laden.”

Fri 3 Aug, 2018 05:38 pm
If the government is stupid enough to hire a russian to work at the U.S. Embassy, give them access to all our top secrets, and let them spy for 10 years, and can't vette a guy like this, I say don't let anyone in. They don't know how to detect threats.

The shocking statements came during Nesreen Irsan’s second day of testimony in the punishment phase of her father’s capital murder trial. On Monday, she described how Irsan beat her and her siblings with a hose, a length of 2×4 board or his cane.

The case made international headlines after Irsan was arrested in 2014 for the shooting deaths of Coty Beavers, 28, and Gelareh Bagherzadeh, a 30-year-old medical researcher at MD Anderson and a part-time Iranian activist.

Irsan was convicted last week of coordinating the two “honor killings,” which took place 11 months apart, shooting deaths fueled by his anger against the young husband and a friend who had helped his adult daughter run away from home and convert to Christianity, prosecutors alleged.

On Tuesday, Nesreen Irsan also said her father told his 12 children that they would have to be suicide bombers if they were ever asked. “He said it’s an honorable thing,” she told jurors. “You go straight to Heaven. It’s a God-like thing.”

Nesreen Irsan did not feel the same way, she said, and wanted to quit Islam since she was about 12. When she was 23, she met Beavers at a Houston college and ran away from home to marry him and convert to Christianity in 2011.

That led Irsan to stalk his daughter for more than a year and eventually kill Bagherzadeh, and then Beavers in 2012 to “wash his honor in blood,” prosecutors said.

Nesreen also outlined myriad scams her father used to get money, including feigning disabilities, faking slip and falls claims at large retailers and even lying to cashiers about coupons.

Irsan would use his forceful personality to force his children to fake mental illness in an effort to get government checks or cheat the Medicaid, social security and other government programs, his daughter told the jury.

She told jurors how her father once broke a circular saw, faked an injury and then negotiated a $70,000 settlement with the equipment manufacturer.

Irsan’s wife, 40-year-old Shmou Alrawabdeh, took the witness stand for a second time Tuesday against her husband and corroborated Nesreen Irsan’s account that Irsan killed another of his daughter’s husband. The fatal shooting took place in her presence at their home in 1999, and her husband apparently escaped criminal charges by planting a gun on his son-in-law’s body and claiming self-defense.

After Alidam arrived, she went to prepare coffee and was in her bedroom when she saw her husband walk toward the living room with a 12-gauge shotgun. She heard a loud blast, then minutes later, two lesser gun shots.

She said Irsan called her to the room. She said her husband sipped his coffee, then walked over to the body and spit on him.

When law officers arrived, Irsan claimed his son-in-law was abusing his daughter and had threatened him and his family with violence.

It was the third slaying that Irsan’s wife testified about.

Last week, Alrawabdeh took the stand and said she accompanied her husband and their oldest son as they stalked Nesreen for months after she ran away in 2011.

She acknowledged that she was with them when Irsan killed Beavers in his northwest Harris County apartment. She said her son, Nasim Irsan, shot and killed Bagherzadeh outside the Galleria-area home of her parents.

What a clan, eh? They learn how to abuse their hosts right quick. This guy has been here for decades, abusing his children, murdering their husbands, celebrating the 9/11 attacks, scamming the government which he hates, and nobody he knows even says a word.
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 06:31 pm
Judge says Trump team '100 percent' responsible for finding deported immigrant parents

Alan Gomez, USA TODAY Published 4:48 p.m. ET Aug. 3, 2018 | Updated 5:48 p.m. ET Aug. 3, 2018

Ivanka Trump on Thursday cited the separation of migrant children from their parents as a low point of her White House tenure. She also said she does not believe the media is an enemy of the people. (Aug. 3) AP

A federal judge on Friday rejected a Trump administration request to make the ACLU primarily responsible for locating migrant parents who were deported after they were separated from their children, making clear that the government bears "100 percent" of the burden.

U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw said the ACLU and a team of non-governmental organizations, volunteers, and pro-bono attorneys can help locate about 400 parents who were deported and have not yet been located by the government. But Sabraw said that ACLU lawyers, who are representing plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit, are not the ones who separated the families in the first place.

"The reality is that for every parent who is not located, there will be a permanently orphaned child, and that is 100 percent the responsibility of the administration," Sabraw said. "The government has the sole burden and responsibility and obligation to make (reunifications) happen."

The judge also scolded administration officials for moving so slowly to track down the deported parents. He cited an estimate that only about a dozen of the parents have been found in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, asking, "Is that true?"

The judge said the government needs to appoint an official or a leadership team from the State Department or the Department of Health and Human Services to step in and take charge. He said the process should be similar to that used last month when HHS appointed Jonathan White to reunite the first group of separated families, which led to more than 1,400 reunifications within the judge's 30-day deadline.

"What is absolutely essential ... is that the government identify a single person of the same talent and energy and enthusiasm and can-do spirit as Commander White to head up the reunification process of the remaining parents," Sabraw said. "There has to be someone to hold to account and to supervise the entire process."

More: Trump administration says ACLU – not government – should find deported parents

More: Ivanka Trump calls father's immigrant family separation policy 'low point' for administration

More: Top HHS official warned Trump administration against separating immigrant families

Friday's hearing marked the latest step following the decision by President Donald Trump to implement a "zero tolerance" immigration enforcement policy that resulted in the separation of more than 2,500 children from their parents.

The policy required that most people apprehended trying to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border were to be charged with a criminal violation and sent to immigration detention centers or federal prisons to await deportation hearings. That prompted the government to keep them apart from their children, due to a U.S. law and a 1997 court settlement, known as the Flores Settlement, that limits the detention of children to no more than 20 days.

The policy was widely condemned, and the president signed an executive order June 20 ending the practice to help mitigate the problem. A week later, Sabraw ruled that the practice may have violated the due process rights of the families and ordered the administration to reunite them within 30 days.

Lawyers on both sides are now at odds over whether the government has met the judge's deadlines and whether the government is doing enough to reunite parents who have been deported.

On Tuesday, a bipartisan group of senators grilled administration officials over the family separation crisis. During the hearing, a senior Department of Health and Human Services official said he repeatedly warned the Trump administration that the separation policy would not be in "the best interest of the child."

On Wednesday, a group of 14 bipartisan senators sent a letter to the heads of the departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services, demanding information on the status of separated families, including those where the parents have been deported.

And on Thursday, Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter and senior adviser, weighed in, calling the family separation practice a "low point" in her father's presidency.

Sabraw is scheduled to hold another court hearing next week to get a status update from both sides on the reunification efforts.
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 06:41 pm
They don't know how to detect threats.

Muslims have been known to lie(Fact). The Time Square bomber, who failed, told the judge simply "I lied." He was answering a question about the oath he took when he became a citizen.

We can do without Muslims. They contribute nothing we cannot live without. If anyone can think of any reason we should take in anyone who refuses to assimilate let me know. We need to err on the side of caution. Freedom of religion for Islam dooms every country they enter.
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Fri 3 Aug, 2018 07:13 pm
DOJ Failed To Preserve Comey Emails In FOIA Case

Isn't that convenient.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 07:17 pm
Judge says Trump team '100 percent' responsible for finding deported immigrant parents

Does the judge know those people are entirely responsible for what has happened to them and their children?

BTW,no one is going to read that garbage, minds are already made up.
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 07:32 pm
Irresponsible people don't read what's put in front of them. I read it all, maybe you should too.
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 07:48 pm
Irresponsible people

Irresponsible people try give away what is not theirs to give. And rewarding illegal behavior is also irresponsible.
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 08:02 pm
How is asking to be admitted into a Country illegal?
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 08:07 pm
How is asking to be admitted into a Country illegal?

How is turning them away not legal? They do not have our rights. People conveniently forget that.
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 08:12 pm
We INVITED them.

What is the quote on the statue of liberty?

There are several phrases associated with the Statue of Liberty, but the most recognizable is “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” This quote comes from Emma Lazarus’ sonnet, New Colossus, which she wrote for a fundraiser auction to raise money for the pedestal upon which the Statue of Liberty now sits. The poem did not receive much recognition and was quite forgotten after the auction.

In the early 1900s and after Lazarus’ death, one of her friends began a campaign to memorialize Lazarus and her New Colossus sonnet. The effort was a success, and a plaque with the poem’s text was mounted inside the pedestal of the statute.

Statue of Liberty Poem
Also known as the Statue of Liberty poem, New Colossus and its famous last lines have become part of American history. Here is the sonnet in its entirety:

New Colossus

statue of liberty poem
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Since Lazarus’ poem was mounted on a plaque, it is not actually inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. The only Statue of Liberty inscription can be found on the tablet in her left hand, which says JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776), the day the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence.

I think that escaped your notice.
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 08:17 pm
What is the quote on the statue of liberty?

Do not pull the patriot card on me. You could care less what that poem says. You want to see the America people are now rising up to defend from our own MSM and academics without a clue, and our globalist establishment disappear so you can feel better about yourself. Self hate is not good for you.
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 08:20 pm
Besides being a veteran, I do care what the poem says. It's a shame you don't.

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