glitterbag wrote:Bush nominated a women who had never tried a case in court and then he withdrew the nomination.......so the republicans blocked a republican they said earlier they thought would be terrific??????
No. The Democrats mass blocked a huge number of Bush's nominees for no reason, so the Republicans blocked Obama's last nominee to the Supreme Court as revenge.
glitterbag wrote:Let's face it, when Obama took suggestions from the republicans they still blocked every single thing because they could not abide that the American people elected a black man to be president, not only that, he was reelected.
The Republicans did their best to work with Obama. Obama was just too extreme and unwilling to compromise.
glitterbag wrote:It so offended our closet racists, they catapulted a mysoginist, narcissist, nationalist, profiteer, scam artist and dead beat who skips paying his bills into the position.
Obama made Trump's election inevitable when he destroyed his second term in the 2013 gun control debacle.
After six years of a do-nothing presidency, the voters were ready for change, and Trump was the ultimate change candidate.