monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 24 Jul, 2018 10:53 am
Trump Should Declassify FISA Warrants, Nunes Says
Rep. Jim Jordan contends 'everything that we saw in this' application proves 'what we’ve all been saying for seven months' was right

Think the Democrats are on board with that? Declassifying the FISA application could end this whole thing before the midterms.
0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 11:08 am
Prof: Leftist academics 'waging a war against America'

DePaul University professor Jason Hill warns that college campuses are "becoming national security threats" because "leftist professors" are turning them into "propaganda machines" that teach students "to hate this country."
Hill contends that the best solution is to defund universities and "rebuild them with conservative principles" such as individualism, capitalism, and self-reliance.

He is right and will probably be out of a job.
“The core principles and foundations that keep the United States intact, that provide our citizens with their civic personalities and national identities, are being annihilated,” Hill asserts. “The gravest internal threat to this country is not illegal aliens; it is leftist professors who are waging a war against America and teaching our young people to hate this country.”

Who would be happy to be part of that? Will the posters here raise their hands? They are part of it and should be ashamed.
0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 11:24 am
Irrespective of who wins what Dem primary race, the fact is that the US electorate is receptive to some of Bernie Sanders' proposals, eg universal health care, and as a result the Dems as a whole are moving left and adopting Bernie's views and agenda. This is no small victory for what what I view as the single most exciting, inspiring, topical and thought-provoking campaign in modern US history...

To me, America and its left missed one golden opportunity for true greatness, for a rebound into decent, rational, people-oriented politicy making, by not electing Bernie. I'm convinced he would have ripped the Donald another cloaca. Instead and after some tone-deaf Hillary cameo performance, a Russian puppet promissing fake greatness was elected president of the United F....G States of America.

Aka the world's top boss.

I mean... we've been laughing about this, and better laugh than cry but it's in truth bitterly sad. It's a cruel, cruel outcome, for all of us.

There's a silver lining though: Bernie's not dead, and he ain't really beaten yet. His movement is not dead. And more importantly, his ideas aren't dead. They are making progress and that's a good thing.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 11:24 am
Christian refugees admitted to US down more than 50% under Trump
Trump’s harsh immigration policies extend even to a group of people he promised to protect – the number of Muslim refugees has fallen ever farther
The Trump administration capped refugee admissions for the 2018 fiscal year at a record low of 45,000 refugees, but with only three months left of the fiscal year, only 36% of that target has been admitted, according to state department data. From 1 October 2017 to 30 June 2018, the US admitted 16,230 refugees.

Trump targeted the refugee program on the campaign trail, and in office has added extra security vetting to an already rigorous vetting process. In October 2017, refugee admissions were halted for 90 days for people fleeing “high-risk” countries.

For Christians, refugee admissions have shrunk to 10,955 in the first nine months of the fiscal year that began on 1 October 2017. In the same period from October 2016 to 30 June 2017, more than 23,000 Christians were admitted.

The drop in Christian admissions is a shift from the promises Trump made in his first week in office to help Christian refugees more than previous administrations.

In January 2017, Trump told the Christian Broadcasting Network it was “at least very tough” for Christian refugees to enter the US and claimed it was much easier for Muslims to enter in comparison.
Christians now make up the largest share of refugee admissions for any religious group, at 67% of the refugees allowed in. But the number of Christian refugees admitted still falls far short of previous years.

The number of Muslim refugees has fallen ever farther, from more than 21,459 from the first nine months of the 2017 fiscal year to 2,421 in the first nine months of the 2018 fiscal year.

... ... ...
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 11:35 am
The author of that piece was a bit biased in his treatment of DSA wins. The criteria was limited.

For a brand new political party, they’re making impressively long strides.


The piece:

WASHINGTON, D.C.--Our Revolution today announced that the organization is on pace to claim victory for more than half of its 29 endorsed candidates in Maryland, Oklahoma, and New York. The group seized the moment to remind candidates that the progressive platform is indeed a winning platform. From Medicare for All to immigration reform to a $15 minimum wage, endorsed candidates pledged to adopt and fight for an agenda that centers the needs of working people, not moneyed interests. With almost 600 groups in 49 states and nine countries, Our Revolution members organized to ensure substantive change.

“One of the pillars of the transformative work of Our Revolution is to clear the path to elected office for progressive candidates, who are sometimes non-traditional candidates in that they are more diverse, often first- or second-time candidates, and often overlooked by the traditional democratic establishment,” said Our Revolution President Nina Turner. “For instance, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was a breakout candidate who broke the party’s rules but scored in the minds of primary voters. Like so many of our other endorsed candidates, she chose to embrace progressive values rather than play it safe. Her victory and the success of many of our other endorsed candidates shows us that when we double down on progressive issues, pound the pavement like our life depends on it, we can win change for the people.”

In Maryland, Ben Jealous ran a campaign that centered the needs of working people in the state, promising a bold agenda of real, substantive solutions.

"This victory is a testament to the coalition that we built over the last year," said Ben Jealous. "Our Revolution and dozens of other progressive organizations and unions came together around providing real solutions to real problems and without their help, this would not have been possible. With their help, I'm excited for us to continue talking with Marylanders about fully funding our schools, fixing our broken health care system with a Medicare for All program, and ending mass incarceration."

Our Revolution endorsed candidates have taken a noticeably more progressive stance than most left-leaning candidates. They campaign on typical progressive issues such as Medicare for All, but they also championed issues such as the abolition of Immigration Customs Enforcement, a federal jobs guarantee and other issues of interest to working families and people of color.

“This election cycle, Our Revolution Maryland’s 8,000 members endorsed 160 deeply progressive, passionate citizens running for every office in the state on the issues that matter to working families,” said Bob Muehlenkamp, Chair of Our Revolution Maryland. “For months, they have worked day and night talking to their neighbors about the importance of embracing progressive policies and changing the political landscape in Maryland. We knew we’d be successful on primary night, and Ben Jealous’ primary win provided confirmation that we are on the right path.”

In states across the country, Our Revolution is empowering people where they are to get organized and have a real, lasting effect in their communities. In an atmosphere where the largest checks get the most say, people power remains the tried and true way to transform this nation, ensuring it is a democracy of, by, and for working families. Our Revolution is empowered and backed by hundreds of thousands of members. The political revolution is just getting started.

Our Revolution supports progressive champions at every level of government. By supporting candidates backed by people, not corporations, we are aiming to transform American politics to make our political and economic systems responsive to the needs of working families.
0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 11:53 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Christian refugees admitted to US down more than 50% under Trump

Christian refugees are killed, raped, and beaten by Muslims in holding areas for migrants in Germany, France, Greece, and Italy.
Fleeing Christian refugees face hatred in Europe, says charity

Germany: Christian Refugees Persecuted by Muslims
"Incidents are deliberately downplayed and even covered up."

Walter Hinteler
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 12:07 pm
I don't know from where the gatestoneinstitute gets their information.
We've got the Patriarchal Vicariate for Germany of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch in a nearby town, a couple of parishes in the villages/towns in the neighbourhood. And thus, quite a lot of Christian refugees.

But I don't think that this (or your response) explains, why the number of Christian refugees to the USA is lower under Trump.
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 12:07 pm
Trump To Announce Multibillion Stimulus For Farmers

That kind of shoots down the panic about farmers and tariffs. Next.
the WSJ confirms the earlier report, noting that the Trump administration on Tuesday will announce a plan to extend some $12 billion in emergency aid to farmers amid growing concerns that the U.S. agricultural sector could suffer from President Donald Trump’s escalating trade dispute with allies, a person familiar with the matter said.

0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 12:16 pm
All nations do it

Do they do this?

What price has been paid, is being paid, or might be paid at some stage, by all those public officials who tacitly or otherwise allowed these modern-day atrocities to go on, doing nothing to stop them?

Families of some of the abused girls related that they had tried consistently to raise the alarm over what was happening to their daughters, but that every door of the state was closed in their faces.

If Britain is to turn around the disgrace of its culture of 'grooming gangs', it should start by changing the risk-reward ratio between those who identify these monstrous crimes and those who have been shown to have covered them up.

Is that what they do? Leave America alone and try saving the UK.
0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 12:20 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
And thus, quite a lot of Christian refugees.

And that means they were not raped and beaten and were lucky enough to survive, does it?

You can contact Gatestone. There is a contact feature at the right hand bottom of their page and ask them where they get their information. Just tell them who you are.
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 12:28 pm
That's it in a nutshell. It's not in the same category as taking pictures at an airshow.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 12:50 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
But I don't think that this (or your response) explains, why the number of Christian refugees to the USA is lower under Trump.
I add the above, second of your responses.
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 12:51 pm
Bipartisan approaches would require an honest Republican party to work with....

In the context of US politics, the word "bipartisan" means stupid AND evil.

Donald Trump has been trying to change that somewhat via what amounts to a hostile takeover of the GOP.

Prior to the trump revolution, I had been telling people that the Democrats were basically a monolith, while the GOP had three or four distinct groups:

An old money/aristocratic group as typified by the Bush family.

The religious right

And then a populist group such as you see with politicians like Ron and Rand Paul, Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordan and some of the others who you may have watched in the recent hearings.

The trump revolution amounts to a takeover of the party by that populist group. That is the best hope that I see for America this point in time.
0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 12:56 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

Christian refugees admitted to US down more than 50% under Trump

The Trump administration capped refugee admissions for the 2018 fiscal year at a record low of 45,000 refugees, but with only three months left of the fiscal year, only 36% of that target has been admitted, according to state department data. From 1 October 2017 to 30 June 2018, the US admitted 16,230 refugees.

For Christians, refugee admissions have shrunk to 10,955 in the first nine months of the fiscal year that began on 1 October 2017. In the same period from October 2016 to 30 June 2017, more than 23,000 Christians were admitted.

The drop in Christian admissions is a shift from the promises Trump made in his first week in office to help Christian refugees more than previous administrations.

In January 2017, Trump told the Christian Broadcasting Network it was “at least very tough” for Christian refugees to enter the US

Christians now make up the largest share of refugee admissions for any religious group, at 67% of the refugees allowed in. But the number of Christian refugees admitted still falls far short of previous years.

... ... ...

I wonder if the CBN is keeping up with this
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 01:41 pm
On the topic of FISA and approval the FBI had in monitoring Carter Page, CNN has a very good piece of Q & A with an expert. First she explains the whole process a surveillance application has to go through and then they get to Carter Page.

Cillizza: Now to Page. Tell us the toplines of what we learned from the released documents.

Doss: The most important things we learned are that: 1) the government relied on information developed over the course of several years 2) the Steele dossier was only part of the information relied on by the FBI 3) the government informed the FISC that the dossier information had been developed for the purpose of discrediting then-candidate Donald Trump's political campaign and 4) each time that the application was renewed, the government submitted enough evidence that an impartial federal judge believed there was probable cause to allow the government to continue its investigation.

It's important to remember that the fact that the government was investigating Mr. Page doesn't mean he's guilty of anything -- it means there were a number of questionable activities and circumstances that led the FBI to believe it had a responsibility to investigate. There's been no public statement about what, if any, outcomes there were from that investigation. But you can imagine the risks to national security if foreign intelligence assets were indeed actively trying to infiltrate and influence presidential political campaigns or the administration. Only time will tell whether any of the current investigations conclude that any Americans were knowingly cooperating with Russian efforts to interfere with American politics and democratic process. But -- faced with allegations of the kind in the FISA applications -- the government would be derelict in its duty if it didn't at least pursue these leads to see if there was any substance to them.

Cillizza: President Trump has said this FISA release makes the entire Russia investigation moot. Is he right?

Doss: In order to think clearly about the Russia investigation, it's really important to keep in mind the full context, and to differentiate between what the Russian government did, and whether there were any Americans who -- wittingly or unwittingly -- assisted in that effort.

The President often seems to focus on the question of "collusion" -- whether there were individuals in his campaign or otherwise associated with him who knowingly helped the Russian government with its aims. While those are critically important questions, they're only a subset of the overall questions about what happened in 2016. We know that everyone who has done a thorough, responsible look at the underlying facts has concluded that the Russian government was trying to undermine American elections through a variety of means: through spreading divisive messages on social media using trolls and bots, through attacks on election infrastructure, through hacking and releasing the emails of one of the presidential campaigns.

From last week's indictment of Maria Butina, we know there's also evidence that the Russian government was trying to infiltrate American lobbying organizations like the NRA to influence US politics. The consistent conclusion that we've seen repeatedly from the intelligence community, in the indictments from the special counsel's investigation, and in the statements released by the Senate Intelligence Committee, is that Russia had an aggressive active measures campaign designed to undermine democracy, sow discord, hurt Hillary Clinton and help Trump.

Against that backdrop, even if you assume that none of the concerns the FBI had about Mr. Page bear out, and he was neither wittingly nor unwittingly furthering the aims of the Russian government, we're still left with an overwhelming mountain of other evidence about Russia's efforts to influence and undermine our elections in 2016. So no, I don't think this particular FISA application, or its renewals, are dispositive of the bigger picture.

More both before and after at CNN
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 02:00 pm
First she explains the whole process a surveillance application has to go through and then they get to Carter Page.

First she piles up all the bullshit she possibly can to minimize the failure and bias and abuse of power by a politicized FBI who thought they were on Killary's payroll. They have been caught lying plain and simple. If those papers are released unredacted everyone could see.

Why has Page not been charged?

0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 02:05 pm
U.S. 'discriminates' against Christian refugees, accepts 96% Muslims, 3% Christians

That was under Obama. Why no bitching then about that? Justin ready for the next terror attack? It won't be by Christians. How do you think he will dress? Camo?

Trump’s harsh immigration policies extend even to a group of people he promised to protect – the number of Muslim refugees has fallen ever farther

From your link. Why not post the good news too?

Tue 24 Jul, 2018 02:20 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
If you read the article, Trump has cut down the numbers on immigration. Story over.
0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 02:32 pm
Trump’s harsh immigration policies extend even to a group of people he promised to protect – the number of Muslim refugees has fallen ever farther

From your link. Why not post the good news too?

That is very good news if true. A very good immigration policy for the US could be expressed in six words:

No more Mexicans [to include anybody/everybody coming THROUGH Mexico]

No more muslims.


No more mass importation of demokkkrat voting blocks.
0 Replies
Tue 24 Jul, 2018 02:35 pm
First in line for immigration should be Nigerian Christians and the white South African Boer farmers who are all in danger of extermination if homes can't be found for them and others in similar situations, particularly Christians living in muslim countries.

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