This is a desperate ploy to control the populace through violent intimidation — the New McCarthyism. If voters disagree with the current presiding establishment power, accuse them of treason. It’s old, tired, pathetic, and instructive of how insidious the collusion between the DNC and the news media has become.
They act as one.
Speak your truth, VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE and **** the power. We will eradicate this corrupt old guard of constant wars for profit and the enslavement of black and brown people for prison profits. The most damaging treason has been perpetrated by office-holders who turned the US government into a pay for play carnival for elites and a healthcare Holocaust for the rest of us.
We are coming for you.
blatham wrote:
This is going to happen
Those European intel agencies are telling us something we ought to be able to say we already knew. And, whatever particular narratives they push, right wing media will magnify Russian black propaganda. There is a natural affinity and allegiance in these two crowds. But an entity such as Fox will be targeting it's base, already converts. The Russian activities will augment other GOP messaging strategies (Warren = Pocohantas = liar = stealing American Indian heritage) and push them via social media into the mainstream media (which is losing its position as data source for citizens).
We'll see all of this broadly, including here. It will be a reprise of "Clinton corruption", of Sanders with a halo and Hillary (whoever becomes the Dem candidate) as a screeching shrew or as a snooty, elitist empty suit (who was not a hero in war but actually a coward).
So, understand that folks on this site who behave precisely as I'm saying, are either dupes (most likely) or in on the game.