What I have noticed is that the negative press against Trump more-or-less corresponds with the degree of economic problems his policies threaten toward various business interests.
So, for example, you see he's about to get elected and then a recording is released of him talking about groping. Now you read he's willing to further up the tariffs against EU and China and suddenly there's a recording of him offering money to playmates. These are just the most eye-catching examples.
There are so many other examples where the anti-Trump movement is using emotional ploys to turn the public against Trump and these ploys escalate in the media in response to other things. E.g. the family separations at the border became a huge media issue right at the same time the tariffs were beginning.
It's getting to be so obvious that all the anti-Trump press is political retaliation for other policies that are inconvenient for some interests who clearly have the money to fund all this media against him.
Then it's ironic that they claim that foreign media manipulation is in his favor. More likely the entire world is funding all the negative media against him because he is taking a US-first approach to trade and undermining their subjugation of the US economy into the coordinated global economic system.
In short, there are globalists who don't want anyone to have freedom to not consent to towing the line in the global economy, so they have an elaborate set of tactics to attack anyone like Trump who dares to stand up to them. Why can't they operate within a free/democratic climate of voluntary participation?
Also, it's worth asking who would be against voluntary economic participation within the US as well as outside of it, and why would they be coordinating their actions to attack people who interfere with their systemic social-economic control?