Nah. It was believed and investigated by plenty of Americans since her implication in Whitewater and her surprise discovery of incriminating documents in the WH basement.
As much smoke as that woman emits, she is guilty of an inferno of corruption.
Hillary Clinton's Fingerprints Among Those Found on Papers
Republicans on the special Senate Whitewater committee released a report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation today showing that the fingerprints of the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, were found on records discovered in the White House family quarters two years after they were first sought by investigators.
The F.B.I. report also found that the documents, copies of billing records from Mrs. Clinton's work as a lawyer in Arkansas, revealed fingerprints of five others. They were Vincent W. Foster Jr., the deputy White House counsel who committed suicide in July 1993; a personal assistant to the Clintons who had also worked at Mrs. Clinton's law firm; an aide to the Clintons' current lawyer, and two other law firm aides.
This is clearly important and relevant evidence," said Michael Chertoff, the counsel for the committee's Republicans. "It clearly means she touched these records at some point in time."
But Mark Fabiani, a special White House counsel, said Mrs. Clinton had acknowledged that she probably read the documents in 1992 during the election campaign when questions about Whitewater were being raised by reporters. He added that she had testified under oath that she had nothing to do with the documents during the two years they were missing and did not know how they ended up in the family quarters.
The bureau report did not say how long ago the fingerprints were left on the documents or in what sequence, things beyond the scope of fingerprint technology.
Mr. Fabiani said the report vindicated the White House because the F.B.I. did not find fingerprints from any of the Clinton aides who Republicans have suggested might have spirited the records out of Mr. Foster's office after his death.
"Yet another Whitewater allegation has evaporated," he said.
The whereabouts of the documents during the two years they were sought by investigators is the subject of an investigation by the special prosecutor for Whitewater issues. The F.B.I. fingerprint analysis had been ordered by the prosecutor, Kenneth W. Starr, who recently agreed to share it with the Senate panel.
The billing records were turned over in January. The records detail Mrs. Clinton's work on behalf of a troubled savings and loan association owned by James B. McDougal, the Clintons' Whitewater partner, who was convicted of bank fraud last week in Arkansas.
They always had their cronies in newsprint. They’re smart in that way.