layman wrote:
Lash wrote:
At least we now have a legitimate example of spamming.
Very astute, Darlin.
Not to even mention trolling:
Ma wrote:I actually REALLY like the idea of the 3-5 posters who thumb down those pictures having to look at them even just for a second or two.
Give me a second to get channel my inner Layman....let me see if I got this right.
"'sho nuff these little right-leaning turd-eaters wouldn't want to shut down points of view that differ from their own. I'll be a god damned chicken-**** if you ever see me not willing to read or see something just 'cause I don't agree with it. Pansy ass little turd-eaters who are tryin to censor anyone not part of the group-think."
Was that how it's supposed to go? I've only been reading about it for a few days now, maybe I'm not quite there yet.