monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 19 Jun, 2018 03:19 am
Worse than that. Rape, torture, and ritual sacrifice.
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 03:53 am
Rape, torture, and ritual sacrifice.

I wonder if we'll ever know the whole truth.
Where there's smoke, there's often fire.

The systematic and ongoing abuse of children by the various entities self-identifying as Christians in Australia is being dealt with at this point in time, with a likelihood that the Anglican church will run out of properties to sell to pay their victims' compensation.

The Catholic church is pleading for the public to support them, though who in their right mind would? George Pell is still in denial, as (I guess) many of the perps are.
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 03:58 am
0 Replies
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 05:13 am
Didn't you just answer your own question? How secure would you be, and would you being doing anything to change it or waiting on the government?

The basic question becomes, is it better to lead by fear or lead with love?

Tue 19 Jun, 2018 05:35 am
What you still have running around loose in the world and certainly what the Catholic church amounts to, is the religion of ancient Babylon.

Tue 19 Jun, 2018 05:59 am
...is the religion of ancient Babylon.

Men in gowns, kissing rings, and swearing off sex for life; what could possibly go wrong?
0 Replies
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 07:54 am
What’s lost in much of the conversation surrounding family separations is the difficulties that many immigrants face throughout the asylum process, from choosing to leave their homelands, to avoiding ports of entry, to the many legal hurdles involved in obtaining asylum, mainly thanks to Trump administration policy that has put asylum status further and further out of reach of desperate immigrants.

Here are some common questions and misconceptions about the asylum process, explained:

Why is the Trump administration separating families at the border?
While the practice of separating children from their parents at the border is one spanning across multiple presidential administrations (it occurred rarely during the Bush and Obama administrations), the Trump administration has taken it several steps further. Last month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy will allow for the prosecution of all people, including asylum seekers, who do not cross into the United States at ports of entry or who make false statements to immigration officials. As a result, children are separated from their families while their parents await prosecution.

The policy is not, as Trump and his administration have falsely claimed, based on a Democratic law. In fact, Democrats recently introduced a measure that would virtually put an end to family separations, except in cases in which it is found that the children have been trafficked or abused by their parents. While some Republicans have spoken out about the president’s policy, none of them have expressed support for or signed on to the bill.

The policy is also not, as Sessions claimed, necessary for security reasons or because it is the will of God. In his announcement of the “zero tolerance” policy in April, Sessions spoke of a “crisis” erupting at the border and the need to close “dangerous loopholes” to stave off illegal immigration. But immigration to the United States has been on a steady decline since the final years of the Obama administration. Now, Trump’s zero tolerance policy has given way to a crisis at the border.

“Numbers [of immigrants] might fluctuate,” said Olga Byrne, director of immigration at the International Rescue Committee, referring to the increase in attempted border crossings last March. “But that’s not a crisis, it’s part of normal migration patterns.”

In a speech last week, Sessions said, “Persons who violate the law of our nation are subject to prosecution. I would cite you the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order.” As ThinkProgress previously noted, the verse is infamous for its origins as a popular defense of slavery, authoritarian rule in Nazi Germany, and South African apartheid.

Why don’t asylum seekers just stay in their countries?
South American asylum seekers are fleeing from a variety of dangerous conditions in their home countries, from gang violence to domestic abuse. Women often suffer the worst of the violence as femicide rates in Latin America continue to increase. In El Salvador, for instance, women are used as drug mules, raped, or brutally beaten, their bodies “treated as a territory for revenge and control,” United Nations’ special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings, Agnes Callamard, told CNN. According to the outlet, a person is murdered in El Salvador every two hours.

The majority of people, Byrne said, are coming from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, where gang violence and violence against women is akin to that of some of the deadliest war zones.

Why don’t asylum seekers cross at ports of entry?
The administration has repeatedly argued that asylum seekers should cross at ports of entry if they want to avoid breaking the law and being separated from their families. But, Byrne told ThinkProgress, there are a number of reasons why immigrants may choose not to do so.

“Getting through Mexico is extremely arduous,” she said. “In the areas along the northern border of Mexico with the U.S., there has been a significant increase in criminal activity, as well as drug cartels and criminal organizations.”

Byrne explained that asylum seekers justifiably avoid such areas as there have been reports of criminals assaulting or kidnapping immigrants who seek to enter the United States.

Jamil Smith
This is a lie, and so is the tweet before it. Immigrant families are blocked from ports of entry by Mexican cartels and, at times, by @CBP. Being @DHSgov Secretary, you know this. But you’d rather gaslight us while families cross elsewhere, and find you there to take their kids.

Sec. Kristjen Nielson
Replying to @SecNielson
We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period

“Asylum seekers might be traveling with a group. If you’ve got a mother with her five-year-old child and they’re traveling with a group, they’re simply going to go where the rest of the group is going,” Byrne added.

Asylum seekers may also avoid coming through ports of entry because immigration officials have, at times, rejected them.

“So you have many cases of asylum seekers going to ports of entry, getting rejected, and coming back through other areas,” Byrne said.

By turning asylum seekers away or detaining individuals who do not cross through ports of entry, the United States is violating international and U.S. law. Under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, states are prohibited from imposing penalties based on a person’s manner of entry into a country.

(Article of the 1951 convention at source)

“It recognizes the reality that a person fleeing the country is not in a position to adhere to law,” Byrne said. “There’s no reason why the U.S., from a philosophical or practical perspective, shouldn’t be able to live up to its treaty obligations.”

How easy is it to obtain asylum?
Even if you do everything right — fill out all the appropriate forms and cross the U.S. border at a port of entry — the Trump administration has made it almost impossible to qualify for asylum.

“It’s extremely difficult to obtain asylum in the United States regardless of your manner of entry at the border,” Byrne said. “Detention in itself makes it more difficult to obtain asylum … your chances of getting legal counsel in detention are slim.”

Byrne cited the 2011 New York Immigrant Representation Study, which found that detention and transfer policies create significant obstacles for immigrants facing deportation from obtaining a lawyer. Those who are transferred outside of New York, for instance, are unrepresented 79 percent of the time.

To make matters worse, Sessions ruled last week that people seeking refuge from intimate partner violence and gang violence can no longer qualify for official asylum in the United States, as the perpetrator is a non-governmental actor. In the footnotes of the ruling, Sessions expressed that the ruling could mean more asylum seekers are turned away at the border.

Just three days before that, Sessions also ruled that an asylum seeker’s forced labor for a gang in El Salvador qualified as “material support” for a terrorist organization. The woman in question was kidnapped by a gang and forced to cook and clean for them under threat of death. Despite the circumstances of her involvement with the gang, the Board of Immigration Appeals determined that she was ineligible for asylum.

“That’s also going to have devastating consequences for people,” Byrne said, adding that domestic and gang violence in places like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras is widespread.

According to the International Rescue Committee, in 2016, El Salvador and Honduras were in the top 10 countries with the highest murder rates of women. An average of more than nine women and girls were killed in El Salvador every week in 2017. “What’s worse, when women and children are forced to flee, the journey north is fraught with dangers, including shocking levels of rape and sexual violence along the route.”

But these realities did not stop Sessions from personally rewriting immigration rules and his recent rulings are only the latest examples of government officials narrowing the grounds for asylum. Over the last several months, the Trump administration has hampered the ability of asylum seekers to appeal decisions, detained asylum seekers for an indefinite amount of time, and flat-out turned asylum seekers away from the border, even if they’ve followed appropriate protocol.

More both before and after at TP
0 Replies
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 07:58 am
neptuneblue wrote:
The basic question becomes, is it better to lead by fear or lead with love?

fear in its supporters has been well-cultivated by the right in the US
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 08:07 am
Immigration is kicking global ass. Merkel’s open borders threatening her leadership.



According to Schmieding, the CSU is likely to wait 10 days to see what Merkel manages to get from Brussels.
The topic of migration has been an Achilles' heel for Merkel. In contrast to many leaders, the German chancellor claimed an "open-door" policy to refugees from war-torn nations in 2015. But rising concerns over widespread terrorist attacks in Europe and discontent over economic conditions have fuelled nationalist movements across the European Union, including Germany.
"As Merkel pulled CDU towards the middle in recent years, not least via her stance on refugees, her Bavarian partners from CSU became increasingly nervous, not least as AfD (a far-right German party) began to gain traction in parts of the population," Erik Nielsen, group chief economist at UniCredit said in a note Sunday night.

The sentiment among German voters was clear at the last election in September 2017. The AfD got 13 percent of the votes, making it the third-largest political force, which allowed it to get a presence in the German parliament — the first time in nearly six decades that a nationalist party entered the Bundestag.
The rise of the AfD is a particular concern for the CSU as they fear losing their absolute majority in the Bavarian election next October, Nielsen also said.
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 08:36 am
The best way to fight the influx of war refugees is to quit feeding neverending wars.
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 08:38 am
It appears Chancellor Merkel is caught between her perceived duties as effective leader of the EU and the expressed wishes of a large segment of German voters. It will be interesting to see what unfolds.

The bureaucrats and EU judicial officials of the EU appear to presume they can make law for all of Europe (and sometimes it seems for the Western World. They have forgotten the idea of Democracy in their search for an illusory organized perfection of human life. Merkel finds herself at the point of that dilemma.

Meanwhile the Governments of Hungary, Poland, Italy and other EU members increasingly ignore EU dictates regarding refugees from the Middle East.

As a related matter the European Powers appear to have forgotten their own roles in creating the current chaos in the Middle East during and after WWI.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 08:52 am
georgeob1 wrote:
It appears Chancellor Merkel is caught between her perceived duties as effective leader of the EU and the expressed wishes of a large segment of German voters.

Our parliament's (Bundestag) members are directly elected by the public; the Bundestag in turn elects the Chancellor, since "centuries" Merkel.
The German Chancellor is the Federal Cabinet's chief executive leader. The Chancellor is responsible for guiding the cabinet and deciding its political direction.

In the EU, the German Chancellor is a member of the European Council, the current President of that is Donald Tusk.

The German government is a coalition government: CDU/CSU and the SPD.
The CDU and and the CSU, unofficially called the Union parties, share a common parliamentary group in the Bundestag since 1949. The CSU contests elections only in Bavaria, while the CDU operates in the other 15 states of Germany.

Bavaria has had an own border police and makes own politics since ages. the CSU has always been the "farest right" democratic party here.
There are state elections soon in Bavaria, and the extreme right (AfD) seems to get more votes than the CSU would like ...

But actually all the trouble isn't about 'immigration' but (besides the quarrel between the CDU and the CSU)) about refugees/asylum seekers. [Nearly 8,000 UK-citizen got the German nationality last year - in 2015 the number was just 652, btw.]
Walter Hinteler
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 09:11 am
@Walter Hinteler,
A Swiss website has a map, showing Which European countries attract the most immigrants?
That map shows the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants in each country based on movement within the free movement area. Areas with a positive net migration rate (where more people are moving to) are colored blue on the map and areas & regions with a net migration rate (where people are leaving) are coulored brown on the map.
[This above linked map is featured in Swissinfo's 'migration' series. This in-depth series explores the issues of migration around the world (particularly in how it effects Switzerland) and includes a number of maps and other data visualisations of global and European migration data.]
0 Replies
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 09:35 am
edgarblythe wrote:

The best way to fight the influx of war refugees is to quit feeding neverending wars.

Certainly, this deserves to be repeated.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 09:57 am

The basic question becomes, is it better to lead by fear or lead with love?

To lead with caution always erring on the side of the safety of citizens is the way to go. "Love" is nothing but a buzzword that goes with the others like "fear" and "hate." They all begin to loose their meanings being batted around and applied to things that are just not true, usually gross exaggerations that serve to divide not unite.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 10:02 am

fear in its supporters has been well-cultivated by the right in the US

What fear? Again, a word you will not pin down. A broad general statement based only on an opinion and political divisiveness.
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 10:05 am
neverending wars.

Then maybe Islam that teaches and obligates never ending war should be dealt with.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 10:15 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Since Germany was mentioned ...

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions claims Nazis did not deport Jews
Thrice in two days has the administration of US President Donald Trump made misleading claims about Germany . Just a few hours after the president falsely stated that the crime rate in Germany had risen and that Germans were scared of immigrants, Attorney General Jeff Sessions mistakenly told an interview that the camps for migrant children at the US-Mexico border should not be compared to Nazi concentration camps because the Nazis "were keeping the Jews from leaving the country."

The fact notwithstanding that many Germans find any comparison to the Holocaust anathema, considering it an event so singular and horrific that making analogies to it is disrepectful to its victims, the reaction in Germany is sure to be one of swift condemnation, just as it was to Trump's tweet about crime on Monday.
The images of the children left behind in makeshift camps and in varying conditions has led many observers and even some politicians, including leading Senate Democrat Dianne Feinstein, to compare the practice to Nazi concentration camps.

"This is a real exaggeration," Sessions told Fox News' Laura Ingraham, "because in Nazi Germany they were keeping the Jews from leaving the country."

Sessions encouraged his critics to be "rational and thoughtful," about the situation, and reasserted that "we are taking care of these children. They are not being abused."

Despite Sessions' claims, as has been well-documented, in late 1941 the the Nazis began deporting millions of Jews from across Europe to death and concentration camps they had constructed across the continent.

Even Fox News' later reporting of the interview notes that Sessions was immediately criticised as being tone-deaf in his response.
As many have gone to lengths to point out, crime in Germany is currently at its lowest rate since 1992.

While refugee crime has risen slightly with the increase in refugees, nearly all of these crimes are minor, such as not paying for a bus ticket. There is no data suggesting that people not born in Germany are more likely to commit crimes than those that are.

Tue 19 Jun, 2018 10:20 am
@Walter Hinteler,
president falsely stated that the crime rate in Germany had risen and that Germans were scared of immigrants,

The truth about that report is that violent and sexual crimes have increased but are mixed with in with other crimes, any crime, so the statistics appear lower than they have been.

Of course, one way to prove it is to show the number of rapes and sexual attacks for each year. There is not a chance in Hell the German government will do that. In short, the crimes of the Islamic immigrants are diminished only by cooking the numbers and calculated lies.

Walter Hinteler
Tue 19 Jun, 2018 10:29 am
I know, coljoint, that you just repeat what Trump wrote via twitter: crime in Germany has risen by ten percent since the refugee crisis, authorities just didn't want to publish that.

He did not cite a source or even evidence for his claim. Nor do you.

A lie has short legs but it runs faster than the truth.

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