monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Mon 18 Jun, 2018 11:56 am
Texas Deputy Accused of Molesting 4-Year-Old and Threatening to Deport Her Mother
Law enforcement officials have long expressed concern that undocumented people and even lawful immigrants are afraid to report crimes out of fear that they could be deported or separated from their children. Police chiefs and victims’ advocates have said that reluctance to call the police or cooperate with the authorities had increased under President Trump, who has ordered immigration authorities to step up the targeting and arrest of those in the country illegally.
Mon 18 Jun, 2018 12:08 pm

U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday blamed migrants in Europe for what he inaccurately described as a rise in crime in Germany and for violently changing the culture, adding that what was happening with immigration there presented a similar threats to the United States.

"The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!" Trump, said in a tweet.

In other words President Trump gets it but you clearly don't .....

The mass molestation and rape game which took place in Köln on New Year's eve of 16/17 has been a sort of a standard sporting event in Egypt and other muslim countries. It is called "Taharrush Gamea" and European journalists have been caught up in it:


Aside from the Kalergi plan which is basically a formula for genocide, the UN itself uses the term "replacement migration" as if that was an idea which a decent person could defend. They've basically lowered the standards of living in European countries to a point at which the indigenous people do not feel comfortable enough to have children at a replacement level and then think "Gee, those Europeons aren't having enough children, we need to flood Europe with muslims!!!" as if the invading hordes were going to do something to help support retirees in Germany. In real life, they're now talking about German workers working to age 90 to support the muslims... There are also rogue politicians like Ferkel and Maricón of course who like Bork Obunga view muslims simply as imported voting blocks, the cost and damage to the nation be damned.

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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 12:12 pm
What’s the solution at our borders?

We need serious walls at both borders, i.e. aside from MS13, we certainly don't need anybody dopey enough to vote for Justin Turdeau just walking in here.

We need catapults to heave assholes who get past the wall illegitimately back over it, and we need tatoo artists to tatoo an image of the United States with a cross through it on the left wrists of deportees. The idea would be that if anybody with such a tatoo is caught in US territory again, they hang him.
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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 12:36 pm
Trump beats Obama at the lying game
By Dean Obeidallah
Sun June 17, 2018

CNN) — Even the harshest critics of Donald Trump have to concede that the President excels at one thing -- lying. And he does so far more than his predecessor ever dared to. As the Washington Post recently quantified, Trump has served up over 3,000 lies or misleading statements since taking office, which comes out to a dizzying rate of 6.5 every single day.

In fact, on Friday when Trump gave an interview to Fox News on the White House lawn, he served up a buffet of lies -- including one that would make Pinocchio blush. While on his favorite network, Trump falsely claimed that the immoral and inhumane policy of separating children from their parents who cross the border illegally was a "Democrat's law." In reality, it is not a law, but a policy of zero tolerance that the Trump administration introduced this year and one which Trump certainly has the power to change.

Despite Trump's well-documented lies, former Trump strategist Steve Bannon said Sunday on ABC that Trump has never lied. When pressed by the host "You think the President's never lied?," Bannon responded: "Not to my knowledge, no. Except when he called me Sloppy Steve." (Bannon deserves an award for keeping a straight face while saying that!)

Some Republicans, like Rick Santorum, can acknowledge Trump lies at an alarming rate, and yet still defend some of his lies by contrasting them to the Obama presidency. "I think the substance of the previous president's lies were much more important than the substance of what the crowd size was at the inaugural." If Trump's only lie was about the crowd size at his inauguration, that argument might have some credibility. But, in reality, Trump has told numerous lies since then -- and several to justify his deeply troubling policies, including his Friday remarks on his zero-tolerance policy.

And I've heard a similar defense from many Trump supporters who call my SiriusXM radio show to counter my documenting of Trump's lies. Most who call argue that while Trump might have lied, Obama was a bigger liar. For evidence, they generally point to the "big lie" that in their view equals all of Trump's. What was that? Well, it was when Obama declared numerous times that: "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan."

It's true that Obama repeatedly made that statement back in 2009 and 2010 when trying to build support for the Affordable Care Act. And there's no denying that once the law was implemented years later, approximately 4 million Americans were notified that they could no longer keep their plan -- myself being one of them.

Now did Obama know that would happen when he made those statements in 2009 and 2010? It's tough to say. (Personally, I don't believe so.) But, in any event, the non-partisan fact checkers at Politifact rated that statement as a "pants on fire" lie. In fact, they dubbed that Obama remark as "lie of the year" for 2013.

But let's compare all the times Politifact deemed Obama's statements "pants on fire" lies versus Trump's. Between Obama's first campaign in 2008 through 2016, Politifact found Obama made nine statements they deemed as major lies. Besides the "you can keep your plan" comment, some of the other objectively false comments include one from the 2012 presidential campaign where Obama declared that his then-GOP opponent Mitt Romney "backed a bill that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest." (Romney actually supported abortion in case of rape and incest.) Another falsehood occurred during the 2008 campaign when an Obama campaign ad contended that his GOP opponent John McCain endorsed Rush Limbaugh's hate-filled comments about Latino immigrants. (In reality, McCain had not expressly endorsed Limbaugh's views on immigration.)

So, what about Trump? Well, from the time Trump descended the Trump Tower escalator in June 2015 to launch his campaign until today -- a three-year period -- Politifact documented 78 "pants on fire" lies.

In less than a quarter of the time of Obama, Trump has given eight times more lies and counting. A few of Trump's biggest whoppers include Trump's claim during the campaign that "crime was rising," to his false statement that there was "serious voter fraud" in the 2016 election to his recent lie that the 2018 budget included the first raise for the military in ten years.

And that doesn't even include the other 182 "false" statements and the 124 "mostly false" ones that Trump has told to the American people as documented by Politifact. Trump really should work on a new book titled, "The Art of the Lie."

Given all this, it would be insulting to say that Obama lied just as much as Trump did. And considering how much Trump seems obsessed with besting Obama, Trump should be happy that he finally did in one category -- lying.


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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 12:37 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Law enforcement officials have long expressed concern that undocumented people and even lawful immigrants are afraid to report crimes out of fear that they could be deported or separated from their children. Police chiefs and victims’ advocates have said that reluctance to call the police or cooperate with the authorities had increased under President Trump, who has ordered immigration authorities to step up the targeting and arrest of those in the country illegally.

Trump is doing what to encourage child molesting? It actually has nothing to do with the crime unless, like the illegals who kill people like the little girl should not be here.

Do you think the Somali in Maine who just killed a guy with a brick will make the NYT?
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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 12:53 pm
He is not inaccurate. The crime has risen dramatically from the Muslim immigration. There is no way around it. To believe otherwise is denial and cowardice, that will cause more suffering and death from an imported and deadly enemy.


Crime has fallen off dramatically in Germany, with the country's internal ministry reporting last month that criminal offenses in Germany totaled 5.76 million in 2017, the lowest number since 1992, leading to the lowest crime rate for the country in more than 30 years.
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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 02:07 pm
I suspect we are unfortunately focusing on the wrong issue in the currently politically inspired furor over the separation of children from parents who are incarcerated for various crimes. This practice of state supervision of the minor children of parents jailed for criminal activity is nearly universal among Western Nations. Perhaps the question is then "Is illegal entry into a country a crime or criminal action"? The fact is that it is exactly that in most nations, including the U.S. , Canada and even the EU.

The challenges of dealing with victims of disaster or the oppression of tyrannical governments over the past few decades has significantly complicated these issues. Many countries have established special programs and categories for victims of disaster and oppression. Like most such things they can lose their focus as people (unfortunate and otherwise) exploit them for self-interest, and indeed seriously complicate the enforcement of duly created immigration laws.

Revolutions wars and the breakdown of civil government in the Middle East and Central America have fueled large scale emigration and such requests for asylum, much as did similar things in Europe fueled the wave of immigration to the New World in previous centuries. The direct challenges to Western Civilization offered by radical Islam have added to the complexities of an already difficult situation. That New World has by now filled its frontiers and the question of the preservation of civil society in it has now become as important as it has long been in the old world.

These are all currently prominent political issues in Europe, North America and other places as well.

U.S. immigration law has been complicated by judicially enforced due process requirements. Instead of merely turning back people caught illegally crossing borders ( both parents and children) , new requirements for largely unenforced judicial process are substituted, along with the implied assumption that such illegals have right to residence here until that process is complete. These lead to significant new complications in the enforcement process, including the issues at hand in the incarceration of parents and the care of their children. I believe these are the central issues attending this debate in the United States. They are largely a result of the failure to effectively enforce existing law, and they are not likely to be resolved by merely widening the non-enforcement of such laws. We must instead address the underlying core issues of controlling immigration to the extent needed to preserve our civil society.

Mon 18 Jun, 2018 02:22 pm
It is the zero tolerance policy which is the current problem. As Lara Bush said:

In the six weeks between April 19 and May 31, the Department of Homeland Security has sent nearly 2,000 children to mass detention centers or foster care. More than 100 of these children are younger than 4 years old. The reason for these separations is a zero-tolerance policy for their parents, who are accused of illegally crossing our borders.

Worth the read.
Mon 18 Jun, 2018 02:30 pm
maporsche wrote:

These silly borders will one day fall, thankfully.

If history is any guide, the time will inevitably come when the U.S., as a country, is conquered and subjugated, and it borders dissolved. Who knows, our borders may be overrun by barbarian hordes, like Rome.

That said, it still seems odd that some citizens will be "thankful" when it happens.
Mon 18 Jun, 2018 02:39 pm
That said, it still seems odd that some citizens will be "thankful" when it happens.

They're easily influenced especially by those completely out of touch. I blame "Death Wish".
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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 02:45 pm
You can run, suckers, but you can't hide:

Grassley, R-Iowa, excoriated Comey for not attending the hearing in his opening remarks, and called for a closer look at his email practices.

“This is the second time since he was fired that Mr. Comey an refused an invitation to testify here voluntarily,” Grassley said. “He has time for book tours and television interviews but apparently no time to assist this committee, which has primary jurisdiction over the Justice Department."

Grassley tweeted earlier Monday that Comey had no excuse for not attending the hearing: "Comey attorney said he was out of the country & couldn’t testify 2day but he was tweeting from Iowa recently I prefer being in Iowa too but ppl deserve answers abt FBI conduct."

Former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe also skipped the hearing, Grassley said, adding that McCabe had invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 03:17 pm
It's just a little past 5 PM here on the East Coast, I'm still waiting to for the press conference that has been postponed all day as Sarah Huckabee waits for the Secretary of Homeland Security before they face the press. Sadly, it's not because Sarah is worried about the press, she has nothing but contempt for the free press and never pauses for even a nanosecond to heap scorn.

The chief has arrived and she's explaining about the dire need to prevent small children from sneaking over the border. This ought to be good. She has already received 3 pinocchio's.
Mon 18 Jun, 2018 03:18 pm
she has nothing but contempt for the free press and never pauses for even a nanosecond to heap scorn.

Another laughable moment. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Mon 18 Jun, 2018 03:21 pm
revelette1 wrote:

It is the zero tolerance policy which is the current problem. As Lara Bush said:

In the six weeks between April 19 and May 31, the Department of Homeland Security has sent nearly 2,000 children to mass detention centers or foster care. More than 100 of these children are younger than 4 years old. The reason for these separations is a zero-tolerance policy for their parents, who are accused of illegally crossing our borders.

Zero tolerance is just a phrase for enforcing the law. Do advocate simply not enforcing it at all or something less??? A much simpler and kinder solution would be to send these families back over the border from whence they came. That would quickly reduce the incidence of the problem.
Mon 18 Jun, 2018 03:22 pm
coldjoint wrote:

she has nothing but contempt for the free press and never pauses for even a nanosecond to heap scorn.

Another laughable moment. Laughing Laughing Laughing

Boy, you know it!!!! I can't watch her without laughing out loud. Tune in, she's on right now.
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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 03:40 pm
A real cartoon.
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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 03:54 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

A much simpler and kinder solution would be to send these families back over the border from whence they came. That would quickly reduce the incidence of the problem.

As I said in an earlier post, George, if they would simply agree to collect their kids and leave, I'm sure we would agree to that. Apparently these parents don't want to agree to that, and are demanding a hearing. If they don't care that much to be reunited with their kids, why should we?

I guess they're thinking that they, and their kids, are at least getting 3 hots and a cot out of it as long as they stay, eh?
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Mon 18 Jun, 2018 04:09 pm
where will this go?

10 or so minutes ago

CRUZ introduces “emergency legislation” to keep families together at the border and provide funding for new immigration judges to expedite court proceedings for asylum cases. Summary from his office:

Mon 18 Jun, 2018 04:15 pm
It will probably go nowhere. If it got to the floor I would expect a democratic filibuster if they didn't have the votes. They don't want a solution, they want a problem which they think they can use to garner votes.
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