your reqding comp skills are only surpassed by your "wit"
I gotta say, Im havin a real blast, watching this "Lonesome Roads" imitation by the Dumpster.
Five of his nominees have, in their nomination "interviews" been almost reprobative in not stating that they would "back Trumps promises" that he mqde on the campaign.
!The wall wont work (John Kelly)
2We wont use torture again and Id refuse, if asked to re-institute it(Mad Dog)
3We gave our word to our allies and we will keep it (MAd Dog AND Mike Pompeo )
4. A blanket ban on a group of people wont be supported by me ( T rex Tillerson)
5Russia embarked on an aggressive plan of interfereing with our election process. It was directed by Senior Russian leadership (Mike Pompeo)
6. We must remain a party in the PAris Accords regarding Global Warming (T-rex Tillerson)
The Dumpster is either
1going to be saying "Youre fired" a lot in the ensuing months'or
2Hes already agreed with these individuals to move off his campaign promises and thus stick it to his supporters who bought his whole line of doo doo
ll in all, his nominees (including the statements to redo our ging infrastructure) are showing that Trump will be more liberal than his supporters expect of him.