WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday Russia should be attending a Group of Seven nations meeting, as he prepared to fly to Canada to attend part of the three-day conference.
and a pile of us would be happy if it was the G6
we don't want #45 in our country
class, integrity, or self respect as Stormy Daniels.
Just like MS13.
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Fri 8 Jun, 2018 09:24 am
a pile of us
**** comes in piles. You might want to use another word.
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Fri 8 Jun, 2018 09:29 am
From your link.
Curt Weldon, a Republican and former Pennsylvania congressman, lost his re-election campaign more than a decade ago following an FBI probe into his ties to two Russian companies.
Is that older than the crimes Manafort is charged with? Those senators are just as desperate as Mueller.
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Fri 8 Jun, 2018 10:40 am
Ben Carson Calls On Struggling Communities To Reject Liberal Racial Manipulation, It’s Powerful
“This country is extremely strong. And it cannot really be brought down from the outside. Very much like the Roman empire. But it can be destroyed from within. And we have elements who are driving wedges between people on the basis of race, income, religion, gender. Political affiliation. You name it,” said Carson.
“There is never a good outcome to that in a society. And we have to start looking beyond politics and not allow ourselves to be manipulated,” he said. Check out the video below.
Video at link. Carson can get this message out there. Blacks will listen to Carson, and some blacks will call him all kinds of names. That will actually help Carson by drawing attention to his message.
On every single one of those points of divisiveness Carson cites, it is Republicans that are driving the divisiveness, not Democrats. That's why 2/3 of the country detests Trump.
You do realize that Trump is the chief Satan of divisiveness
Sure he is. That is why the kids sing songs about him like they did for Obama. You have been manipulated and I would bet, in your case, it was an easy thing to do.
6 Videos Of School Children Singing Songs That Praise Barack Obama
WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday Russia should be attending a Group of Seven nations meeting, as he prepared to fly to Canada to attend part of the three-day conference.
Can this guy possibly be any more of a public Putin pawn?
In comments to reporters, Mr Macron signalled Europe would not surrender meekly to the US president and suggested the G7 could function as six nations instead of seven.
“Maybe the American president doesn’t care about being isolated today, but we don’t mind being six, if needs be,” Mr Macron said.
“Because these six represent values, represent an economic market, and more than anything, represent a real force at the international level today.”
“You say the US President doesn't care at all. Maybe, but nobody is forever,“ Mr Macron said. ”The six countries of the G7 without the United States, are a bigger market taken together than the American market.“
“There will be no world hegemony if we know how to organise ourselves. And we don't want there to be one,” he continued.
go isolationism !
the fussier #45 is, the better business and tourism is in Canada
it's been a big win for us so far