I've had her on ignore for years now and I never look at user ignored.
Open-minded and wrong on the gender. There are only two. Now you know, if someone tells you.
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Wed 30 May, 2018 08:03 pm
New NSC chief of staff is from group that believes Muslims are plotting to take over U.S.
This is a good thing. It kind of defeats the narrative that Islam is a harmless victimized religion. These people know what is going on because they know Islam, and have a plethora of examples that confirm their understanding of this very serious problem. These people are not haters or bigots, they are realists.
In an appearance on Breitbart News Daily radio show last year, Fleitz attributed a deadly terrorist attack in London to British Muslims’ “failure to assimilate.”
“There are communities where British Muslims are deliberately not assimilating, are being taught to hate British society, and this is incubating radicalism. There’s actually a parallel system of sharia law courts in the U.K. that operate,” he said, making claims that British officials say are falsehoods.
Fleitz warned of a similar danger from American Muslim communities, adding that only certain groups pose a danger by not assimilating.
“I’m not concerned about Amish or Jewish communities, but I will tell you that there are enclaves of Muslim communities in Michigan and Minnesota that concern me. We know that in Minnesota there’s a rising rate of measles because the community has not assimilated into the rest of the community and is not vaccinating their children,” he said, referring to an outbreak in Minneapolis after anti-vaccine activists convinced members of the Somali immigrant community that vaccines cause autism. “This is wrong. This is a big problem.”
“The problem with these Muslim communities is that it is making them susceptible to this radical worldview that wants to destroy modern society, create a global caliphate and impose sharia law on everyone on Earth,” Fleitz said, according to Breitbart. “These other communities aren’t trying to do that. They’re peaceful religious communities.”
Why don't you get outside your little Breitbart bubble for awhile yourself, and see what the country REALLY thinks, for a change, instead of the rightwing bilge and slant slant slant that's all you normally post.
I am not in a bubble. You are. Right now the Democrats couldn't find their assholes with radar. Coastal reality, urban blight, and elites don't interest people who do not live there. But the people that don't do wonder how you people let it get that bad.
hzalf the people in the world live within fifty miles of a coastline. That's the reality. Always has been. We've got most of the the people in the country. That's the simple reality. 0000000000000technological and social change have driven most people out of the countryside into cities. Cities are where the jobs are and where manufacturing was. Republican legislatures have historically shortchanged cities and been unresponsive to the needs of where the most people are. Which is why it is mainly Democrats struggling to mee the needs of the actual people, not the GOIP. Which is why the Dems rather convincingly got the most votes in 2016 and why despite the rigged election system the GOP has gerrymandered us into, with any luck we'; take back the country from the ;plutocrats this November.
It was a general statement about where poeole in the world actually live. It ap[ies to the U>S> as well. Duh. It addresses your right wing disdain for the coasts as if they were somehow unrepresentative of the REAL people of the coyntry. In fact they are the real people of the country--a majority. NY is far more representative of where people actually are and what they do than, fokr example Dothan, Alabama.
The problem here is that the promises Trump made, he made to 1/3 of the country. The other 2/3 thinks those promises suck. Every time he keeps a promise he further alienates 2/3 of the country. Not good math on his part.
We certainly like the fact that he prevents liberals from violating the Second Amendment.
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Thu 31 May, 2018 01:08 am
Dothan, Alabama? Was that a random selection? I ask because I've been there, back when I was stationed at Ft. Rucker for aviation (FW mechanic) training.
Hasn't Killary used that as an excuse already? Like what Roseanne said has anything to do with the election. The race card gets you nothing. It will not win the House for Democrats.
What the American people want depends on them, not the things you attach to them or say they want. Trump has shown them the power that they truly have and need to use.
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Thu 31 May, 2018 09:25 am
Trey Gowdy Didn’t Even See Documents He Claims Exonerate FBI On Spygate: Reports
Gowdy must have learned that trick from Comey. Comey exonerated Killary before she was interviewed. Gowdy is retiring. He has nothing to lose by siding with the Deep State. Expect Ryan to turn on Trump too before he leaves office.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) recently suggested the FBI did nothing wrong when it used at least one government informant to secretly collect information on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Public reports indicate, however, that Gowdy never even reviewed the relevant documents on the matter subpoenaed by Congress. In fact, a spokeswoman for Gowdy told The Federalist that the congressman doesn’t even know what documents and records were subpoenaed by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI).
If Liberals Find Roseanne’s Tweet Racist, Perhaps They Should See What The Quran Says
Since the left maintains such indignation for alleged racism, proving it with their full-scale attack on Roseanne Barr, perhaps now they’ll denounce the same racist declarations Muslims have been openly preaching for over 1,400 years.
Don't hold your breath. Even though the Koran is taught to a 1/4 of the worlds population. No worries for liberals as they feed this monster called Islam. What Roseanne said should cost no one their life. Islam, on the other hand, does.
Forget about Roseanne’s comparison of Valerie Jarrett to an ape. According to multiple scriptures in the Quran, the Jews are descended from “monkeys and swine,” not in an evolutionary sense but in the most brazenly racist connotation found in a major religious text. Showcasing Islam’s supremacist fundamentals, the Quran and hadith confirm the prophet Muhammad’s teachings that because of Allah’s hatred for the Jews and apostates, he transformed them into apes and pigs, which are considered the filthiest of creatures.
Quran (5:60) – Say (O Muhammad to the people of the Scripture): “Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah: those (Jews) who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, those of whom (some) He transformed into monkeys and swines, those who worshipped Taghut (false deities); such are worse in rank (on the Day of Resurrection in the Hell-fire), and far more astray from the Right Path (in the life of this world).”
Quran [7:166] – So when they exceeded the limits of what they were prohibited, We said to them: “Be you monkeys, despised and rejected.” (It is a severe warning to the mankind that they should not disobey what Allah commands them to do, and be far away from what He prohibits them).
Quran [2:65] (Concerning the Children of Israel) – And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday). We said to them: “Be you monkeys, despised and rejected.”
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump declared Thursday that he didn't fire FBI Director James Comey over the Russia investigation, despite previously citing that as the reason. His lawyer, meanwhile, blasted federal investigators as "a lynching mob" the Trump team will "knock the heck out of" in the end.
The president has said at least twice that Comey's firing in May 2017 was related to the FBI's investigation into whether Trump's campaign associates coordinated with Russia in an effort to sway the 2016 election. And his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, told Fox News earlier this month that Trump fired Comey because the FBI director wouldn't publicly state that he "wasn't a target" of the Russia investigation.
Trump tweeted Thursday: "Not that it matters but I never fired James Comey because of Russia! The Corrupt Mainstream Media loves to keep pushing that narrative, but they know it is not true!
In my opinion, either that spokesman was misrepresented, or just lied. Gowdy is the Chair of the oversight committee. Of course he has the seen the relevant documents.
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Thu 31 May, 2018 11:33 am
Videotape is a bitch ain)t it. Unlike trump it doesnt lie
I don't know who he thinks he is fooling, most people who even care about this subject has seen that video at least more than once, or clips of it. But as it happens he has his idiot defenders which have already defended him.
“And in fact when I decided to just do it [i.e., fire Comey], I said to myself, I said ‘you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”