monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:23 am
If Meryl Streep cared so much about the disabled, she should’ve spoken on behalf of the teen who was tortured in Chicago
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:29 am
I suppose we can look forward to more wars in the Middle East.

Mattis urged Iran strike over U.S. troops deaths in Iraq

Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:30 am
I spoke to this yesterday but Benen makes it very clear.

Almost immediately after Donald Trump met with U.S. intelligence officials on the Russian hacking scandal, the president-elect issued a written statement that claimed, among other things, that he'd learned "there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election."

The next morning, Trump was even more explicit about the point he wants to emphasize, arguing that the intelligence he received "stated very strongly there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election results."

As Rachel explained on the show, Donald Trump clearly lied.
"Here's what's actually in the report: 'We did not make an assessment of the impact Russian activities had on the outcome of the election.'

"So, our president-elect is lying to us. He says this report concluded that Russian hacking had no impact on the election. This report did not conclude that -- and now we know because we can read it ourselves."
Note the series of events: Trump lied on Friday in his written statement, got called out for his public deception, and then repeated the identical lie on Saturday morning.

On Sunday, Kellyanne Conway, who'll soon be a senior advisor in the Trump White House, elaborated on the same lie, telling CNN's Jake Tapper, "If you read the full report, [U.S. intelligence officials] make very clear -- Mr. Clapper in his testimony made very clear on Thursday under oath -- that any attempt, any aspiration to influence our elections failed."
More here

The press, for the most part, has handled this abominably. Taking Priebus' spin, headlines almost everywhere said, "Trump acknowledges Russian hacking" which, as I explained yesterday, was (if you look at what Priebus actually said) was almost completely vacuous. On purpose, of course.

And here's the last bit from Benen's post which clarifies another lie from these people:
Postscript: Trump’s written statement on Friday added, “There were attempts to hack the Republican National Committee, but the RNC had strong hacking defenses and the hackers were unsuccessful.” There’s ample reason to believe this is a lie, too.

In fact, the unclassified report released soon after Trump’s press release specifically said, “Russia collected on some Republican-affiliated targets but did not conduct a comparable disclosure campaign.”

This is consistent with previous reports that said Russia did hack the RNC, but instead of releasing the data, Moscow kept the stolen materials under wraps. After all, Vladimir Putin’s purported goal was to help Republicans and hurt Democrats. Using the Democrats’ materials as the basis for a propaganda campaign advanced Russia’s interests, using the Republican documents the same way would not.

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Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:33 am
I hadn't dug into Mattis at all but thought he might be OK as nothing much had appeared to make him seem questionable. That one is very disturbing. The consequences of an attack on Iran would only be to make terrorist activity far stronger. It's insane.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:34 am
0bama's wars are still hot, he is the first US president to be at war for 8 continuous war.

Mattis actually knows how to defeat an aggressive enemy, 0bama only pestered
our enemies while funding & arming our enemies - 0bama is our enemy.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:40 am
More on the Breitbart mis-information crap re the German church fire "Revealed: 1000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Germany's Oldest Church Alight on New Year's Eve"
But according to Ruhr Nachrichten, almost nothing Breitbart reported is true. While Breitbart claimed that a mob set the church roof on fire, the reality was that while more than 1,000 people were gathered to celebrate the New Year, some set off fireworks and one firework started a small fire on the netting around the church's scaffolding; the fire was quickly extinguished.


This is a propaganda platform. That is it's function.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:44 am
Streep is an excellent, talented actress. She has had some great roles in Movies as a result of high level talent. But, her political opinion is one I disagree with.

Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:52 am
obama decided our enemy needed reinforcements

0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:53 am
Why would Blathy even bother citing what Streep says unless he happens to think everyone in this forum is plumb stoopid, I wonder, eh, Gent?

Well, I guess another explanation could be that HE is plumb stoopid.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:54 am
Because she had something bad to say about President (elect) Trump.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:57 am
McGentrix wrote:

Because she had something bad to say about President (elect) Trump.

Yeah, so does that candyass neighbor of mine, Chuck. So what?
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 07:59 am
Well, lets be honest here, despite her politics, Streep is far better known than your neighbor. Her talent gives her fame which gives her influence over segments of our culture.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 08:04 am
McGentrix wrote:

Well, lets be honest here, despite her politics, Streep is far better known than your neighbor. Her talent gives her fame which gives her influence over segments of our culture.

Hmm, ya think, Gent? If I was gunna let what someone else's thoughts persuade me, it would probably be someone with a rational, well-reasoned, sincere response to Trump's victory, like this guy, ya know?

0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 08:15 am
This is so damned repugnant.

Trump did mock a disabled reporter and he did so in front of a large audience - gleefully and with a smirk on his face. We've all seen the video of him doing this (and his audience laughing and cheering).

It was the behavior of a teenager, a cruel teenager out to demean and to bully. It was beneath the dignity of any caring person, especially an adult. For a presidential candidate to do it was morally reprehensible at a level I've never seen before.

A sane person, a person who isn't a sociopath, would have apologized for it. He would have said, "I'm terribly sorry for what I did. It was beneath me and far beneath the office I am running for. With all my heart, I apologize and promise you'll never see or hear anything like that from me again".

But no such apology of any sort came from Trump. Nor will it. Because he is a sociopath and cannot, utterly cannot, present himself as anything but without fault.

Streep last night said
But there was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart, not because it was good, it was – there’s nothing good about it. But it was effective and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth.

It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege and power and the capacity to fight back. It, it kind of broke my heart when I saw it and I still can’t get it out my head because it wasn’t in a movie. It was real life. And this instinct to humiliate when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing.

Here's Trump's response in two tweets
Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a.....
3:27 AM - 9 Jan 2017
13,364 13,364 Retweets 34,810 34,810 likes

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never "mocked" a disabled reporter (would never do that)...

And then Conway's response:
Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes speech Sunday night was a disappointment, incoming counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway said Monday morning, offering a divisive message indicative of Hollywood's "self-pity" instead of a unifying one.

...“She sounds like 2014. The election is over. She lost,”

...Conway accused Streep of “inciting people's worst instincts” with her Sunday night speech.

And these are the people set to rule over America. I am frightened.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 08:27 am
This has been over blown. Trump is a jerk, yes. But, he is a consistent jerk. Here is Trump having a go at three different people...

That's just how he mocks people and had nothing to do with mocking a handicap.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 08:28 am
What do you find compelling or revelatory in a campaign ad where non-famous actors are given lines to speak?

The point, obviously, is that actors are just regular citizens but hold a level of attention and respect in society on matters outside their area of expertise. That's quite true. Likewise, of course, TV stars (which Trump described as the reason he could get away with grabbing women by the pussy). It's why Ronald Reagan had an advantage in campaigning, likewise Arnold. It's why the Romney campaign brought Eastwood up on stage. It was why the NRA put Heston up front.

Any citizen could have spoken the words that Streep spoke last night. Lots have. I have (though without the elegance in phrasing). To pass this horrible sequence of events off merely because an actress spoke to it is so upside down, so poorly grasped that I just don't know what to say to you.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 08:42 am
Her job is to entertain people, not to make political treatises on an award show. Same as Eastwood (though he did have a stint in politics as Mayor). I look to politicians and political activists, commentators and journalists when I want a political opinion.

What is it I am passing off? I've admitted that she is a talented actress and I've shown that Trump is prone to consistently be a dick. I am sorry that you are having a hard time grasping what I am writing. Maybe it's a cultural thing. I could be too American for you to "grasp".
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 08:43 am
The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Trump’s impersonations of a flustered reporter several months ago was turned into a left-wing and Establishment GOP narrative whereby Trump somehow hates the disabled. This despite the fact that Trump has given millions to charities that help the disabled including raising nearly six million dollars for Wounded Warriors just recently, a million of which was his own money.


This is a lengthy article which completely debunks the claim that Trump "mocked" a disabled man.

It is just as distorted as the suggestion that Trump "attacked" a gold star family, which he also never did.

Lefties never listen to what Trump says, they just accept what the media tells them (incorrectly) that he said (or did).

I would be embarrassed if I was that easily manipulated.
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Mon 9 Jan, 2017 10:02 am
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Mon 9 Jan, 2017 10:09 am
blatham wrote:
....... Conway is maintaining the "there was no consequence for the election" as somehow a conclusion of the intel community, I guess, as she continues to insist this is a known fact. Of course it isn't. She's lying.
Neither of them are mentioning Putin. Neither are indicting Putin (or leadership figures in Russia). Like Trump, they are trying to run cover for Putin.
The other thing they are saying as with Priebus' statement that the DNC was a "sitting duck" has an obvious purpose. That's to suggest that it was mere opportunity that led the hackers to hack/release DNC documents but not RNC related docs. And/or to suggest the target was damaging Clinton, not advancing Trump. And toss in the notion that Dems are weak on security while Republicans are strong.

This isn't insanity: it's comedy. Your hyper pseudo indignation only adds to it.

It's telling that, at least to this point, Trump is not the one talking even though this idiocy came from him. He is not saying, "I was wrong". I don't expect him to say it at any point. I also don't expect Priebus and Conway to speak to the findings on Putin/leadership as prime agents here. Honesty isn't the game they are playing.

This statement surely arises simply because it had become apparent after the revelations of Friday that Trump's prior statements were beginning to look insane or corrupt.

Blatham, the only insanity I see here is yours and that of most Democrat apopogists who ignore the facts that;
=> The damaging information released previously in numerous sources, and later in an apparently Russian hack of the DNC server was of an ongoing conspiracy by the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and some Liberal media figures to distort public impressions in the Democrat primary and the Presidential ellection on Hillary's behalf.
=> This information was revealed over several months from numerous sources, but only the Russian one was singled out for attack by the Democrats. This purposeful Russian act, unlike numerous far more damaging previous ones, all ignored by our President, contributed but a small part to revealing an ongoing effort by the Democrats itself of likely immnesely far greater impact on our election. That is the real central issue here.
=> The facts of the incompetence of both Hillary Clinton and the DNC in securing their networks, and Podesta with his "PASSWORD" password only add to the sad picture of their self serving deceit, delusion, and exaggerated attitudes of entitlement,.

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