hightor wrote:
Quote:You seem incapable of recognizing that there is a reason some people believe citizens need "assault weapons" other than for sport.
Hardly "incapable". I don't believe we should make a practice of providing earful people with everything they believe themselves to "need". Civilians don't "need" weapons like the AR15. They just "want" them. They're responding to the marketing campaigns of the gun companies and the glitzy ads in NRA publications. Got to keep up with the Joneses.
The rights and freedoms which we hold dear are way too fundamentally important to be cheapened into the idea that freedom means we can buy anything we want. What a disgusting perversion of the concept of "civil liberty".
Americans also don't "need" expensive sports cars, Versace dresses, diamond necklaces, homes with 3000 square feet, HBO, motor boats, fish radar, 15 different fast food franchises in every town, hot pockets, 32GB of RAM, smart phones, or a whole litany of other things... Yet we "want" them, and we are willing to pay for them and therefore they exist.
"want" vs "need" has no place in America. We aren't a third world nation defined by needs.
Would you say the average abortion is a "want" or a "need"?
Stomach surgery, "want" or "need"?
Better healthcare, "want" or "need"?
This is America and one person's "want" is the next person's "need" and I can certainly guarantee that no person on A2K is qualified to judge which is which for someone else.