I'm not sure how one can be a "co-conspirator" if one was an unwitting participant in the conspiracy.
So either there is a unique legal definition of the term or there was no reference to "unindicted co-conspirators" as has been claimed in this thread
If I give a lift to a bunch of guys who, unbeknownst to me, just robbed a bank I will have assisted them in their criminal activity, but I don't imagine the DA would be able to make a case against me as an accomplice or "co-robber." Rothstein didn't say
"No American has been indicated as a co-conspirator," he said there is no allegation that any American had any knowledge of the criminal activity that is the subject of the indictment.
Of course, it's possible that in a couple of days from now Rothstein or Mueller will announce a new indictment of Russian agents and it will include allegations that certain Americans wittingly participated in the crime that is the subject of the indictment. It's also possible that an indictment of Trump Jr, Kushner, or even the President is waiting in the wings, or aliens will choose next Thursday to reveal that they have been vacationing on earth for the last 1,000 years.
Media Matters stated the obvious. Yes, any claim that the investigation is over and Trump & Co. have been exonerated is premature. Even if Mueller has closed his file on election shenanigans and collusion there could still be an open investigation on obstruction of justice and money laundering. However, Trump and his supporters can hardly be faulted for celebrating what can easily be seen as good news... particularly since the Resistance has repeatedly exposed the hard-on it gets over any tidbit of news that might seem bad for Trump, even if it's "fake news."
The reaction of many to this event removes any and all doubt (if there ever was any) about their interest being entirely motivated by partisan politics. This indictment should be good news to anyone who has been certain that the Russians meddled in the election. Mueller got his guys! Now, they are never going to face a trial or serve time, but their lives will be a little tougher now than they previously were, and we have a detailed understanding of what they were up to and should be in a better position to prevent it from happening in the next election. They even get to say
“I told you so!” to the twelve people who have been insisting that the Russians didn’t meddle in the 2016 election.
The finding that no Americans wittingly participated in the meddling should also be considered good news by every American. Who wants to find out some of our fellow citizens knowingly assisted foreign agents in their efforts to “hack” our presidential election? Oh wait…members of the Resistance do, that’s who.
Anyone who honestly thinks Media Matters published this article as a public service to its readers; to simply clarify the impact of the indictment is truly gullible. This is yet another
“Keep-the-Faith-true-believers" piece intended to boost the morale of the Resistance.
“Yeah we know that this looks good for Trump &Co, but keep in mind no one has announced that the investigation has been completed. There still could be the bombshell we’re all hoping for!”
People who somehow expect Trump to take to Twitter and write
“Want to make sure you all know there could be more indictments, and I could still be charged. No celebrating!” make me laugh.