Quote:Response is totally voluntary. No one is compelled to answer, read, or even take notice of anything that anyone says here. If I don't know enough about a subject or deem it beneath my interest I don't feel any need to converse on that topic.
Come on, be honest, hightor. You fled because you were terrified of what you are hearing. How does a fella hear such damning evidence and not want to hear more? Honest people do, patently dishonest people do not.
camlok: Do you actually understand and appreciate the meaning of impossible?
Quote:Evidently not the way you do.
Impossible is impossible. We share the same meaning because we share a common English.
Tell me how 'possible' figures into alleged hijackers melting [2800F] WTC steel and vaporizing the same [4900F +] with fuels that can't get above 1,500F.
Quote:The entire history of the human species has been characterized by terrible, truly evil crimes. Against reason. Against other people. And against nature.
That lame excuse never got WWII war criminals off the hook. Why should US war criminals be any different? The US is supposed to be the good guys, the rule of law folks.
Quote:We're not under any compulsion to participate in your crusade.
Why do you so despise honesty? You know that all these things, being totally impossible, make it impossible that there were any hijackers. No hijackers leaves you with the only other possible culprits.
Did you know that George Bush recently described bombs and explosions that were "concussing" twin towers firemen and first responders?
Why would you want to be a person that steadfastly denies reality when you know the truth? It just doesn't make any sense.