monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 8 Feb, 2018 12:48 pm
You can post this yet you defend the USA as some sort of benevolent, kind nation, maybe you even like the totally specious, "policeman of the world".
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 12:50 pm
camlok wrote:

...the USA as some sort of benevolent, kind nation, maybe you even like the totally specious, "policeman of the world".

That's right, Cambo. Which means that, no matter what shithole country you're tryin to hide in, they're there. Your time aint long, boy.
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 12:53 pm
How can you advance such nonsense, Izzy?

You know that every American is brainwashed into repeating mantras like

"The cost of freedom is high."

"You never know which of our enemies is going to attack us next, maybe Nauru!"

That's why the US needs such monstrously outrageous military expenditure. And the government of the people, by the people allow such nuttiness to go on and on and on.

Running false flag events isn't cheap.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 12:55 pm
Your admission that the USA is pure evil isn't necessary, layman. Everyone already knows that.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 01:35 pm
This is what you look like when you say duh.
Take care when you insult the knowledge/intelligence of other people..

I suppose I would rather look ignorant after admitting I know nothing about a subject than a fool who pretends she knows what she is talking about.
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 01:42 pm
revelette1 wrote:

I suppose I would rather look ignorant after admitting I know nothing about a subject than a fool who pretends she knows what she is talking about.

Really? Then why do you always to it, and why don't you ever admit it? Pretending to know what you're talking about when you're ignorant and looking like a fool, I mean.

It's kinda became your trademark, ya know?
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 02:00 pm
You're being honest, that's a quality she detests.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 02:02 pm
Not sure why your posts always post twice. Anyway, I am not going to waste my time thinking up a suitable insult with someone who believes it is just fine to use forceful measures, so to speak, on his grandkids. You seem to think you are cool when you brag about it. If I knew who you were or lived around you and saw evidence of such behavior on your part, I would report you so fast your head would spin.

Occasionally I do make assumptions which turn out to be wrong, I admit that. However, I was speaking of Lash repeating the same line of thought even though people who know the truth have told her she is wrong and have proven it; with pictures even; yet still she denies the truth of the British protest.
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 02:06 pm
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has said he is "shocked by the new allegations" against a Trump aide who resigned amid domestic abuse claims.

"There is no place for domestic violence in our society," he said in a statement released on Wednesday night.

Rob Porter, 40, quit hours after denying his two ex-wives' accusations of physical and emotional abuse.

The White House would not comment on a report that he failed to receive a security clearance due to the claims.

Mr Kelly is now facing questions about when he knew about the allegations against Mr Porter, which the FBI learned during interviews with Mr Porter's ex-wives for a background check.

"I was shocked by the new allegations released today against Rob Porter. There is no place for domestic violence in our society," he said in a statement.

"I stand by my previous comments of the Rob Porter that I have come to know since becoming Chief of Staff, and believe every individual deserves the right to defend their reputation."

0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 02:29 pm
revelette1 wrote:

This is what you look like when you say duh.
Take care when you insult the knowledge/intelligence of other people..

I suppose I would rather look ignorant after admitting I know nothing about a subject than a fool who pretends she knows what she is talking about.

Must be doubly sad for you to be both.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 02:42 pm
Here's the former prez shooting himself in the foot, again.

Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:01 pm
The NYT wrote:
N.H.S. Overwhelmed in Britain, Leaving Patients to Wait

LONDON — At some emergency wards, patients wait more than 12 hours before they are tended to. Corridors are jammed with beds carrying frail and elderly patients waiting to be admitted to hospital wards. Outpatient appointments were canceled to free up staff members, and by Wednesday morning hospitals had been ordered to postpone nonurgent surgeries until the end of the month.

Some doctors took to Twitter to vent their frustrations publicly. One complained of having to practice “battlefield medicine,” while another apologized for the “3rd world conditions” caused by overcrowding.

In November, the chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, announced an additional 350 million pounds, or $475 million, for the National Health Service in England, describing it as an “exceptional measure” to ease pressures on services during the winter. He said an additional £1.6 billion would be provided for 2018-19. But that fell far short...

“The N.H.S. waiting list will grow to five million people by 2021,” Mr. Stevens said....the N.H.S. can no longer do everything that is being asked of it.”

Tuesday night, the emergency ward at Kingston Hospital in southwestern London looked more like an airport lounge than a hospital, with patients sprawled out in the waiting room....“It’s been more than five hours,” Ms. Harper said. “We get to the front of the queue and then someone more ill comes in and we get pushed back. It’s outrageous.” Other patients said they had been turned away and referred to a pharmacy.

Jane Cummings, the chief nursing officer for N.H.S. England, said that millions of patients had missed hospital appointments last year, at a cost of almost £1 billion...we are asking patients and the public to use the health service responsibly,” she said....there was an 80 percent increase in elective surgeries from 2014 to 2015. Additionally, more major operations, such as hip and knee replacements, had average wait times of over 100 days.

The NHS is also looking at the possibility of conscripting "hundreds of doctors from India" and Pakistan as well as requiring doctors to work in the NHS for five years once their training is finished to deal with doctor shortages, particularly in the Accidents and Emergencies (A&E) departments.


So they're seeking to impose 5 years of involuntary servitude on Doctors who would rather be in private practice, eh? They are seeing an "irresponsible" demand for the "free" services, which means that "the N.H.S. can no longer do everything that is being asked of it.”

Sounds like the inevitable fate of any commie-ass scheme, sho nuff.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:04 pm
revelette1 wrote:

...yet still she denies the truth of the British protest.

She never denied it. She merely noted it. The truth is that the system aint workin. She never claimed that the protestors didn't want it to work, as people here act like she said.

People here wanted to see Obamacare work too. Just didn't happen, that's all.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:14 pm
Not even layman wants to touch that one, Builder.

Obama: Nobody gets treated any different when it comes to the Justice Department because nobody is above the law.

What total bullshit! Every US pres since WWII is a Class A war criminal by Nuremberg Standards. No legal actions have ever been taken against them.

How many felons were in the Reagan WH? All walked. Scooter Libby, walked.

Everyone here knows that the USA never takes any legal actions against their myriad war criminals, terrorists, baby killers, purveyors of genocide, ... .
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:15 pm
I've no doubt that the Russians meddled.

Do I get a pat on the head?


to interest oneself in what is not one's concern : interfere without right or propriety (Merriam-Webster)

to involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation; interfere officiously and unwantedly (dictionary.com)

interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that is not one's concern. touch or handle (something) without permission. (google)

to try to change or have an influence on things that are not your responsibility (Cambridge Dictionary)

To intrude into other people's affairs or business; interfere.(Free Dictionary)

to become involved in a situation that you have no right to be involved in, in a way that is annoying (McMillan Dictionary)

I also have no doubt that they have meddled in every presidential election since Calvin Coolidge ran what might have been the most civil campaign in US history and crushed the Democrat challenger John H. Davis.

(Davis is an interesting figure given that he was the Democrat Standard Bearer in 1924. He served as Solicitor General under that paragon of liberty, Woodrow Wilson and in prior private practice as a lawyer was an opponent of anti-lynching legislation and a proponent of states' rights. After being roundly defeated in the contest for the White House, Davis withdrew from public service and made a ton of money representing major American corporations.

He presented oral arguments before the Supreme Court well over 100 times and successfully argued against Harry Truman's seizure of American steel plants in 1952 which "Give 'Em Hell Harry" chose rather than evocation of the Taft-Hartley Act, to prevent an industry-wide labor strike that would have had deleterious effects on his undeclared war on North Korea and China. He unsuccessfully argued in defense of the "separate but equal" doctrine in Briggs v. Elliott.

Additionally, Davis was implicated in the bizarre Business Plot by a fascinating retired Marine Major General with a funny name, (Smedley Darlington Butler) who testified Congressongress that uber-rich capitalists were planning a military coup to overthrow FDR and had recruited him to be the front-man in establishing a fascist regime! Butler, a recipient of two Congressional Medals of Honor, fought in military actions around the world including, but not limited to, the Boxer Rebellion in China and the Banana Wars in Central America, and, of course, WWI, and at the time of his death was the most decorated Marine in US history. After Herbert Hoover, in 1932, ordered the US Army to disperse and remove, from their tent city, the Bonus Army {thousands of WWI vets who gathered in DC to demand the government pay them bonuses due under a 1924 law}, and hundreds of vets were injured and two killed, General Butler saw and converted to Red, becoming a vocal supporter of FDR and a strident critic of American bankers and industrialists. At one point he referred to himself as a "racketeer for Capitalism;" serving as a "high-class muscle man" for Big Business.

You ever quote the general blatham? Seems like he would be a hero of yours.

Before anyone gets the idea that Davis was a total lackey of US Capitalism, in 1949, Davis testified before Congress as a character witness on behalf of the infamous Red spy, Alger Hiss.)

Sorry for the long ride down side roads, but Davis, Butler, and Hiss are a lot more interesting than Russian Meddling.

Returning to the topic at hand: I also have no doubt that regardless of what comes of the Mueller investigation, the Russians will continue to meddle in US elections for years to come just as the US, no doubt, has meddled and will meddle in foreign elections where there is any chance at all of exerting an influence.

There is, of course, some narrow room within each definition I've cited to allow for the term's use in reference to an act that involves tampering, manipulation and falsification, but an honest reading of all of them will conclude that "meddle" is most appropriately used in reference to minor interference. The McMillan definition appropriately incorporates the condition of "annoying."

It is, therefore, entirely reasonable to accept and acknowledge Russian meddling without signing on to hyperbolic claims of election rigging, corruption or any suggestions that their meddling resulted in an outcome that was different than it would have been had there been no meddling at all. This, of course, is the implicit or explicit claim of the Resistance, that but for Russian meddling, HRC would be president. It is an absurd and entirely unsubstantiated claim which I am 99.9% certain George W. Bush does not endorse.

The strategy of the Resistance is clear: Equate meddling with manipulation so that any acknowledgment of meddling seems to be an acknowledgment that the Russians (with the aid and assistance of the Trump campaign) stole the election from Clinton, and that the Trump presidency is illegitimate. She wants Americans to believe this and so do you and your confreres. Some no doubt will because a) They have a deranged hatred for Trump or b) They are susceptible to an incessant barrage of propaganda by the MSM and Democrat demagogues.

What is both pathetic and hypocritical is the Resistance's tactic of asserting that anyone who won't go along with its narrative on this has a minimal and cavalier regard for American democracy; that they are carrying water for Vladamir Putin. For a bunch of people who scream McCarthyism! whenever the words flag or patriotism are included in criticism directed their way is beyond ironic. You or others may deploy the "good for the goose" argument and I would have a hard time arguing against it providing you acknowledged the ploy, but you won't. You will continue to argue that when the Right does something it's unconscionable, but when the Left does the very same thing it's simply hard-ball politics, a little rough, but essentially honest.

Oh if only Calvin Coolidge was still with us.
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:20 pm
For ease of access, eh, Builda?:

How many times did he absolutely "guarantee" that Hillary would not be treated any differently?
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:20 pm
Y'all shouldn't be pointing finnnnnnnggggggers.

Look at the myriad vicious USA crimes that are committed daily, in your names, and you all go on with these little contretemps of zero importance that erupt by the minute in the "sane" USA.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:22 pm
Not even layman wants to touch that one, Builder.

It'll all come out in the wash, JT. No keeping this puppy from a-yappin' and a-yowlin'.

The following article details how the "press" is going to be embroiled in the whole coverup. "Our" Australian govt is in the process of making whistleblowing by professional journalists a crime, with jail terms of up to ten years for disclosing "sensitive" information.

Not likely to result in Obama's incarceration, nor HRC's, but it just goes to show how "deep" the deep state has become.

0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:25 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Ole "Silent Cal," eh? At a private dinner party, one of the guests told Cal that he had made a bet with a friend who said that he (the guest) wouldn't be able to get three words out of Cal.

Cal said: "You lose."
0 Replies
Thu 8 Feb, 2018 03:45 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
The strategy of the Resistance is clear: Equate meddling with manipulation so that any acknowledgment of meddling seems to be an acknowledgment that the Russians (with the aid and assistance of the Trump campaign) stole the election from Clinton, and that the Trump presidency is illegitimate. She wants Americans to believe this and so do you and your confreres. Some no doubt will because a) They have a deranged hatred for Trump or b) They are susceptible to an incessant barrage of propaganda by the MSM and Democrat demagogues.

Exactly, Finn.

These leftys have gone so damn wack that it's gotten to the point where even some wack-ass law school professor is assuring them that Hillary can still be appointed to be President, and that "news" is selling issues like hotcakes.

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