It will take very little to convince those on the Right that this is the case and there is nothing that will convince those on the Left that it is.
If it
is the Dem strategy, Trump should send the memo to the FBI and tell them to redact what they don't think should be released. That way the reckless strategy won't result in the exposure of sensitive information and Schiff can't claim the WH redacted the memo for political reasons. He will still try of course, but in doing so he will have to join the crowd he claims are stooges for Putin in asserting that the FBI is making decisions and taking actions for purely political reasons.
The Comey serial debacles demonstrate that the Democrats, as a whole, are entirely without principle and integrity: A person would tie themselves into a pretzel trying to follow the course of the Dems in terms of their regard for the FBI and Comey. Hero to villain - villain to hero - back to villain and then back to hero again, and the shifts were all due to the political implications of his words and actions.
Can Democrats claim with a shred of honesty that as a party they have consistently and continuously been strong supporters of the FBI and the intelligence agencies? People like Schiff and Schummer are trying to make it seem that way. Of course, it's not true, and
it should not be true.
J Edgar Hoover is the father/mother/midwife of the FBI and everyone knows how corrupt he was. For how long did Dems hold the surveillance of MLK against the FBI? The proper answer is probably until the morning after the 2016 election.
As for the Left (including the Dems) holding our intel agencies on a pedestal? It's an incredible farce.
The people who brought us
1) Political assassinations across the globe
2) Attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro using Mafia hitmen
3) The Bay of Pigs
4) Illegal investigation and infiltration of domestic political groups (Black Panthers, SDS and probably more)
5) Testing psychedelic drugs on unwitting US citizens
6) Surveillance of journalists and God knows who else
7) The Iranian coup that put the Shah on his Peacock Throne
8) Death Squads in Central America
9) The overthrow and murder of the democratically elected President of Chile
10) The Vietnam War
In just about all of these instances (if not all) elected officials (Dem and Republican) knew of, approved or and in most cases directed these actions. There wasn't a rogue agency secretly controlling the country and trying to control the world. To the extent that the CIA, NSA, and FBI have abused their authority and possibly committed illegal activities in connection with the Trump presidency, we will find that they didn't do so independent of our elected government.
Whether or not any or all of these ten examples are factually true, is there really any argument that can be made that the Left (not only in the US but across the globe) wasn't absolutely certain that they were?
Now we have Republicans and conservatives questioning the integrity of the leadership of the FBI, the CIA and other intel agencies, and the response from the Dems?
You are shamefully carrying water for Putin, and damaging not only critical American institutions but our very democracy.