glitterbag wrote:
There is something to be said for someone who is so ideological they freaking believe they are the only ones who know """"THE TRUTH"""""". \Da da da da, da da da da duhhh
It's not clear to me just what was Glitter's point here. However she has given us a good description of her own behavior and that of the main figures in this thread.
As a related matter, when the Senate Democrats led by Sen. Schumer, voted to shut down government funding last Friday, I suspect they had a very different outcome & conclusion in mind from the one they reached early the following Monday=when they rescinded their earlier action. Indeed this appears to have been a serious misjudgment on their parts, one which may seriously limit their obstructive actions going forward.
This may be another example of the bad effects of the denial and outrage that still appears to grip Democrats following the last election. The result so far is that they have no platform, other than opposition and breaking down our immigration and border control laws to get new voters, whom they assume will be dependent on them..
We have seen approved Congressional budgets for our government only once in the last ten years, and the Democrats in the Senate are forcing a continuation of that very bad practice. This is a serious and enduring element of dysfunction in our government, which together with the growing reach of Federal bureaucracies,threatens both our democracy and the rule of law. I learned long ago that the continuing failure to enforce some laws in any organization ends up threatening and reducing the effectiveness of all laws in it.
In any event it will be interesting to see Schumer's next moves. This can't have been the outcome he had in mind last week. Perhaps he too was in the grip of delusions he was "certain" were true.