No more pretense. "Fair and balanced" was always a lie. They don't want a news media that's objective. They never did. What they really wanted was a news media that spouted only their party line so the masses would side with them and not think for themselves. They haven't changed a bit. They've always wanted to control everything. That's because they're driven by a lust for power. Especially power over those who aren't like them -- the different ones! Ever since I became interested in national politics in the fall of 1969, I've suspected as much; and now I'm convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt. One of their leading activists (whose name I don't recall at the moment) said that he and his fellows were not interested in expanding the right to vote (including those historically deprived of the right to vote such as black Americans living under Jim Crow, which institution they defended). He wanted the right to vote to be restricted instead of expanded because, as he himself claimed, they could not come to power and stay in power for a very long time if too many people voted.
Whom am I speaking of? Political conservatives, that's who. Their goal? The imposition of an oligarchy -- government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich -- and a trip back in time to the 1920s or even farther back than that. The imposition of a John Birch Society regime over the U.S. created and led by the excessively, mindlessly rich Koch brothers, who just happen to be spawn of the creator of the John Birch Society. These people are farther to the political right than William F. Buckley was in his lifetime. Too bad the Democrats are too ideologically flexible and too stupid and too weak to withstand them!