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Finn dAbuzz
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 03:57 pm
A Must Read for anyone who has scoffed at the notion that important and powerful MSM organizations have deep-sixed their integrity and formed a journalistic lynch mob to string up Trump.

The author is Glenn Greenwald, not Sean Hannity or Alex Jones. It's not even Rich Lowry or Fred Barnes. It's Glenn Freaking Greenwald!

This is a devastating critique of the journalistic wing of the Resistance and CNN in particular. How many times do these outlets have to publish false stories that have received little to no substantiation, before they lose credibility with all Americans and not just one side of the political spectrum.

The Washington Post is as bad as CNN and while there was nothing wrong at all with their exposing the source that tried to trick them with false news, the decision was a no-brainer since first of all the source was connected to the right-wing group Project Veritas and intent upon making WaPo look bad, and secondly, as Greenwald points out, was never considered a source of future scoops. A decision to make good on it's deal and protect the anonymity of the source would have involved a much greater deal of journalistic soul-searching. As it was, the decision to pull back the curtain on her must have taken all of two seconds to come to and they could only have enjoyed it more if they also drove her down K Street with a horsewhip.

Will CNN relent to the numerous calls that are now being made for them to reveal their sources for this story? Not very likely and if they don't it sure won't be because of journalistic standards and integrity. They were deliberately played (most likely by DC Democrats), but whomever the rascals were we can be pretty certain that they were sources of prior stories and that CNN hopes for their pipeline to remain open in the future. The only thing really in question is whether or not anyone at CNN was complicit in the scheme to spread false and damaging information about the Trump team.

This may already have been addressed in this thread. I haven't checked, but if it has I won't be surprised if some of the usual suspects will have already come out to claim it's no big deal or an honest mistake.
Brand X
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 04:04 pm
Like I said before the vendetta against Trump overrides journalism at CNN. Because it comes from the top the underlings think it's okay to slant any story under the radar, and it'll be okay. Inevitable that it catches up to them.

Worst of all for CNN is, Trump and every RW radio host can prolong the 'fake news' rant.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 04:06 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Did you forget the link?

It's Glenn Freaking Greenwald!

Greenwald makes his money these days attacking the left, from the far-left. So this isn't especially surprising.

How many times do these outlets have to publish false stories that have received little to no substantiation, before they lose credibility with all Americans and not just one side of the political spectrum.

What are you talking about? Since when does the right wing of the political spectrum give two figs about the dissemination of false information? You just elected a guy who does that as reflexively as breathing! The GOP is already a post-fact and post-truth organization so it's surprising to see these complaints.

Mon 11 Dec, 2017 04:24 pm
This appears to be Finn's missing link:

Mon 11 Dec, 2017 05:25 pm
A few excerpts:

It’s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly devastating scoop CNN believed it had, so it’s necessary to watch it for yourself to see the tone of excitement, breathlessness, and gravity the network conveyed as they clearly believed they were delivering a near-fatal blow on the Trump-Russia collusion story:[video clip omitted here]

the “multiple sources” who fed CNN this false information did not confine themselves to that network. They were apparently very busy eagerly spreading the false information to as many media outlets as they could find. In the middle of the day, CBS News claimed that it had independently “confirmed” CNN’s story about the email and published its own breathless article discussing the grave implications of this discovered collusion.

Most embarrassing of all was what MSNBC did. You just have to watch this report from its “intelligence and national security correspondent” Ken Dilanian to believe it. Like CBS, Dilanian also claimed that he had independently “confirmed” the false CNN report from “two sources with direct knowledge of this.”

Brookings Institution’s Benjamin Wittes, whose star has risen as he has promoted himself as a friend of former FBI Director Jim Comey, not only promoted the CNN story in the morning, but did so with the word “boom” — which he uses to signal that a major blow has been delivered to Trump on the Russia story — along with a GIF of a cannon being detonated:

Incredibly, to this very moment — almost 24 hours after CNN’s story was debunked — Wittes has never noted to his more than 200,000 followers that the story he so excitedly promoted turned out to be utterly false...

Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall believed the story was so significant that he used an image of an atomic bomb detonating at the top of his article discussing its implications, an article he tweeted to his roughly 250,000 followers. Only at night was an editor’s note finally added noting that the whole thing was false...

It’s hard to quantify exactly how many people were deceived — filled with false news and propaganda — by the CNN story. But thanks to Democratic-loyal journalists and operatives who decree every Trump-Russia claim to be true without seeing any evidence, it’s certainly safe to say that many hundreds of thousands of people, almost certainly millions, were exposed to these false claims.

Think about what this means. It means that at least two — and possibly more — sources, which these media outlets all assessed as credible in terms of having access to sensitive information, all fed the same false information to multiple news outlets at the same time. For multiple reasons, the probability is very high that these sources were Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee (or their high-level staff members), which is the committee that obtained access to Trump Jr.’s emails, although it’s certainly possible that it’s someone else.

Did these “multiple sources” who fed not just CNN, but also MSNBC and CBS completely false information do so deliberately and in bad faith? Until these news outlets provide an accounting of what happened — what one might call “minimal journalistic transparency” — it’s impossible to say for certain. But right now, it’s very difficult to imagine a scenario in which multiple sources all fed the wrong date to multiple media outlets innocently and in good faith.

this type of recklessness and falsity is now a clear and highly disturbing trend — one could say a constant — when it comes to reporting on Trump, Russia, and WikiLeaks. I have spent a good part of the last year documenting the extraordinarily numerous, consequential, and reckless stories that have been published — and then corrected, rescinded, and retracted — by major media outlets when it comes to this story.

what one should expect with journalistic “mistakes” is that they sometimes go in one direction and other times go in the other direction. That’s exactly what has not happened here. Virtually every false story published goes only in one direction: to be as inflammatory and damaging as possible on the Trump-Russia story and about Russia particularly. At some point, once “mistakes” all start going in the same direction, toward advancing the same agenda, they cease looking like mistakes.

So numerous are the false stories about Russia and Trump over the last year that I literally cannot list them all. Just consider the ones from the last week alone, as enumerated by the New York Times yesterday in its news report on CNN’s embarrassment....

That’s just the last week alone. Let’s just remind ourselves of how many times major media outlets have made humiliating, breathtaking errors on the Trump-Russia story, always in the same direction, toward the same political goals. Here is just a sample of incredibly inflammatory claims that traveled all over the internet before having to be corrected, walked back, or retracted — often long after the initial false claims spread, and where the corrections receive only a tiny fraction of the attention with which the initial false stories are lavished:

There's much more there. But Greenwald is clearly suggesting that all this fake news begins to look deliberate, with the idea that once the misinformation is disseminated, it will tend to be accepted as true even if they later retract it. So it promotes their agenda even if they have to admit it is false. Hence they just keep doing it--deliberately.

Mon 11 Dec, 2017 05:50 pm
Mark Twain wrote:
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

And, at those relative speeds, the truth can never catch up.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 05:52 pm
Matt Lewis: Hey Media, Please Stop Helping Prove Trump's ‘Fake News’ Case (DAILY BEAST)
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 05:56 pm
From your cite (a CNN commentator):

I don’t think most people in the media fully grasp how dangerous this situation is, both in terms of preserving the Fourth Estate and in terms of preserving our jobs. We live in a world where a large chunk of the population has decided they can’t trust us. And they have some valid reasons. Yet, most media folks I know have intellectually circled the wagons.

He doesn't think they know, I don't think they care, how dangerous it is. Not so long as it advances their short-term agenda.

The real danger is not really so much in who does NOT believe fake news. It is in the millions (including most in this thread) who DO believe it, no questions asked.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 06:41 pm
In 1972, Hunter S. Thompson set about covering the presidential campaign, paying special attention to the Democratic Party’s George McGoven as he failed to get into office.

. In one of the articles Thompson makes a poignant comparison to a campaign that happened in Texas in which Lyndon Johnson attempted to create a rumour to denounce his competitor.

Thompson wrote:
“This is one of the oldest and most effective tricks in politics. Every hack in the business has used it in times of trouble, and it has even been elevated to the level of political mythology in a story about one of Lyndon Johnson’s early campaigns in Texas.

The race was close and Johnson was getting worried. Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumour campaign about his opponent’s life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his barnyard sows.

“Christ, we can’t get away with calling him a pig-******,” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.”

“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofabitch deny it.”


Many (more "respectable" than Thompson) have told the same story about LBJ's 1948 Texas senate race.

What they're doing to Moore aint nuthin new, eh? Thing is, now people actually believe it.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 06:57 pm
Reputable outlets are reporting it.

Greenwald is peerless in my estimation. Slate is carrying it, too.

Fake News is a legitimate complaint, and the MSM is definitely guilty when they follow an agenda, and refuse to practice authentic journalistic standards.


Some critical thinking on the subject:

Referring to erroneous reports that the Trump campaign received a file of hacked emails ten days before it was posted on Wikileaks in September 2016, the Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald wrote this weekend that last Friday was “one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time.” While Greenwald’s rhetoric about the American press is often harsh even by leftist-intellectual standards, it’s hard to say he is wrong about this. Let’s review:

• CNN reported Friday morning that Donald Trump Jr. and his father received an email on Sept. 4, 2016 which would have allowed them to access hacked Democratic emails that weren’t posted by Wikileaks until Sept. 13. CNN’s report was based on “multiple sources,” and would have been huge news—evidence of the Trumps being given an early look at material that, it’s believed, was originally obtained by Russian intelligence operatives.

• CBS then reported that it had “confirmed” CNN’s report.

• So did NBC, citing “two sources.” But …

• The Washington Post reported at about 1 p.m. Friday that the email in question was received on Sept. 14, which means it was just a link to documents that were already public.

• CNN, CBS, and NBC all then reported that the Post was right about the date—but none said that the error had been made on their end. CNN and CBS said their sources got it wrong; NBC’s post blames CNN. (The Post actually had the email in question, but CNN and CBS—and presumably NBC, though I don’t think they’ve said so outright—were relying on descriptions thereof when they made their initial reports.)

None of the outlets disclosed anything about the identities and/or motivations of the sources—and there are supposedly at least two of them!—who made such a consequential error of reading comprehension. Nor did any of them provide further information when I contacted them this afternoon asking whether they’d found out anything more about last week’s mysterious, sudden D.C.-wide inability to distinguish between 4 and 14.


inRead invented by Teads
What happened? It seems like are six possibilities:

• The outlets were relying on solid sources who all made the same honest mistake.

• The outlets were relying on secondhand sources who were just B.S.-ing the whole time and repeating a bad story that had gotten to them via a game of national security telephone.

• The outlets were relying on bad-faith sources who were intentionally trying to make the mainstream media look bad. (The Sept. 14 email in question is in the possession of the House Intelligence Committee; maybe some Trump loyalists on the committee pulled a James O’Keefe.)

• Only one source ever actually misread the date of the email; the rest of the sources that “confirmed” the story simply confirmed the existence of the email, not when it was sent. These “confirming” sources were then all conflated together by outlets overeager to rush out a big scoop.

• “Fake news.” (As in, the reporters made all of it up to GET TRUMP.)

• Aliens.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 07:37 pm
What a coincidence, eh?

Wife of demoted DOJ official worked for firm behind anti-Trump dossier

A senior Justice Department official demoted last week for concealing his meetings with the men behind the anti-Trump “dossier” had even closer ties to Fusion GPS, the firm responsible for the incendiary document, than have been disclosed, Fox News has confirmed: The official’s wife worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.

Investigators for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the demoted official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research firm last year. The precise nature of Mrs. Ohr’s duties – including whether she worked on the dossier – remains unclear but a review of her published works available online reveals Mrs. Ohr has written extensively on Russia-related subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox News that she was paid by Fusion GPS through the summer and fall of 2016.

The day before Fox News reported that Mr. Ohr held his secret meetings last year with the founder of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, and with Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled the dossier, the Justice Department stripped Ohr of his deputy title and ousted him from his fourth floor office at the building that DOJ insiders call “Main Justice.”

Nunes has issued numerous subpoenas to DOJ and FBI relating to the dossier, and has threatened contempt-of-Congress citations against Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray for what congressional Republicans have termed “stonewalling” by the two agencies.

Schiff has mostly objected to the demands for documents and witnesses, casting the entire dossier probe as innately political. “I think there's a hope that if they can impeach Christopher Steele, and they can impeach the FBI and DOJ, maybe they can impeach the whole Russia investigation,” Schiff told MSNBC in September.

0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 09:43 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

What are you talking about? Since when does the right wing of the political spectrum give two figs about the dissemination of false information? You just elected a guy who does that as reflexively as breathing! The GOP is already a post-fact and post-truth organization so it's surprising to see these complaints.


Long before tRump showed up. They have been setting the stage for a tRump figure for decades now. Started with Rove, Roger Stone and their tricksters (includes Lee Atwater and Bush Jr) many, many years ago. Now it is truly the Grand Old Pedophile, White Supremacist, NeoNazi, Bigot Liars Party.

Mon 11 Dec, 2017 10:42 pm
Oh sorry, I forgot "Misogyny" - please add, the Repukes would never forgive me.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 10:46 pm
CNN quietly backtracks another report tying Trump campaign to Russia

CNN has gently walked back a report from earlier this year that faulted Attorney General Jeff Sessions for failing to reveal meetings he had with Russian officials when he applied for his security clearance – a disclosure he wasn’t required to make.

The mainstream media was all over the story and significant airtime was spent portraying Sessions as shady and dishonest. In addition to embarrassing Sessions, the storyline also fed the narrative that the Trump administration colluded with Russia during the election.

Roughly six months later, the network has admitted that the entire report was essentially meaningless.

The Sessions gaffe and the date mishap result in back-to-back business days in which CNN was forced to correct a story that inaccurately portrayed the Trump administration in a negative light.

CNN was also widely panned on Monday when it focused on Trump’s Diet Coke intake while breaking news of a potential terror attack unfolded in New York. The series of mishaps will surely provide additional ammunition for Trump’s war on what he considers “fake news.”

Big-ass, breathless headlines and airtime 6 months ago get a quiet retraction 6 months later, eh?

Clown News Network, sho nuff. But it aint even funny.
0 Replies
Tue 12 Dec, 2017 03:18 am
A Russian hacker told a Moscow court in August that he was ordered to hack the Democratic National Committee by Russian intelligence agents at the FSB.

The hacker was arrested in mid-2016 on charges relating to his work with a notorious hacking collective.

Kozlovsky's work with the FSB could undermine the Kremlin's repeated claims that it had nothing to do with DNC hacks in late 2015.

Jailed Russian hacker: I hacked Democrats 'under the command' of Russian intelligence agents
Tue 12 Dec, 2017 03:54 am
Whatever else the russians may have done during the election, there are a number of factors which lead one to doubt that they did the DNC hacking. Even the intelligence agencies do not claim to be able to demonstrate it. They just say that's their best (non-provable) judgment.

They never even got to review the evidence (contained in the DNC server complex), so.....

One thing's for sure---somebody hacked their sorry ass--good and hard.
Tue 12 Dec, 2017 04:03 am
When 3 major networks (and others) thought they had proof that Trump's campaign had access to the hacked info a week early, they trotted out multiple "experts" who claimed it would be criminal for Trump to possess "stolen" property. Funny that they defend their own right to "possess" the information, aint it?
0 Replies
Tue 12 Dec, 2017 04:09 am
... or an insider leaked information...
Tue 12 Dec, 2017 04:14 am
Yeah, I've seen some highly regarded and reputable former government experts say that the available evidence proves that the emails could NOT have been hacked via internet due to the short down load time it took and that it had to have been an inside job.


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