monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 10 Dec, 2017 04:34 pm
You need a new song and dance George. The baffloney is now thread bare.
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 04:36 pm
It appears projection is all you do.
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 04:37 pm
glitterbag wrote:

You need a new song and dance George. The baffloney is now thread bare.

I gotcho "song and dance" right here, eh, Bag?
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 05:07 pm
I hear-tell that Roy Moore has adopted this tune as his new campaign theme song, eh? It's by Bo Carter (real name: Armenter Chatmon, one of the Chatmon brothers comprising the legendary Mississippi Sheiks). It's called "Pig Meat Papa," ya know?

0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 05:29 pm
I generally don't like blowin my own horn, but I'm just gunna haul off and declare myself to be the head PERV of this here thread, eh?

That's Purveyor of Entertaining and Respectable Videos.

I mean, like, just look at my resume, ya know?

Only top quality videos from the likes of:

1. Bo Carter
2. Homey D. Clown
3. R. P. McMurphy
4. The Coasters
5. Robert Johnson.
6. Diamond and Silk
7. Donald J. Trump

And that's just the recent ones.

Fess up, cheese-eaters. Aint nunna yawl can challenge me for the PERV title here, eh?

A good video is worth one hundred and ten million words, I always say (apologies to Finn).
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 06:00 pm
Well, there ya have it then:

Roy Moore denies misconduct allegations in new interview: 'I did not date underaged women'

“These allegations are completely false. I did not date underaged women. I did not molest anyone. And so these allegations are false,” Moore said during the interview with The Voice of Alabama Politics, a television news show affiliated with the website The Alabama Political Reporter.

I said I did not know any of the women who have charged me with sexual allegation of molestation. And I did not know any of the women,” Moore added. “When I saw these pictures on the advertisements of my opponent, I did not recognize any of those people. I did not know them.

In the Hannity interview, Moore acknowledged that he remembered two of the women, Debbie Wesson Gibson and Gloria Thacker Deason, who both spoke to The Washington Post for the newspaper’s first story. Gibson told the Post that she was 17 years old when Moore asked her out, while Deason said she went out with Moore when she was 18.

The age of consent in Alabama is 16.


At least 2 things worthy of note here:

1. By legal definition, "underage" means 15 or younger in Alabama.

2. Moore does not claim he didn't know any of the women who got notoriety by talking to WaPo, etc. He only claims that he didn't know any who have "charged me with sexual allegation of molestation.." That appears to be one woman who hired Gloria Allred, presumably in order to seek to extort money from Moore.

P.S.: Now I can add the honorable Roy Moore to my PERV credentials, eh?
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 06:09 pm
Wow, george, just wow.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 08:42 pm
I found this a very interesting read about a possible future leader of the Republican party.


good if you've got transit time in front of you


from the summary end of the article

It remains to be seen whether Haley’s association with Trump will prove to be career-making or career-killing. If things continue to go badly, the mainstream Republicans who abet him may pay a reputational price. For now, though, she has managed to keep up the double game, serving without appearing to be servile. “Nikki is carving out a very unique space,” says Katie Packer Beeson, a GOP consultant who fought Trump during the primaries. “She’s somebody who the Bush-McCain-Romney Republicans really like, and she’s seen as a sort of sane, common-sense part of this administration. Down the road, when Trump is no longer running, she is going to be very formidable.”
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:50 pm
Poster girl for gullible cheese-eaters who thrive on fake news:

Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:58 pm
They'll take any candy offered at the moment, I'm thinking.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 01:35 am
The reason Haley gets away with appearing and even occasionally acting sane, (she was the South Carolina governor who ordered the Confederate flags off public buildings after a protestor got arrested for taking one down), is that she is a woman. Republicans know they are vulnerable with women, even before Roy Moore, and so they didn't harshly criticize her for an occasionally mainstream view. She is also of Asian Indian descent, so the GOP gives her a pass because they can brag they have a minority governor, now UN ambassador, who also is female.
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 02:00 am
The very least a decent, sane human being can do is acknowledge these facts.
Maybe this can help the Hillary cult understand one of the primary reasons Donald Trump is president.

We've been smacking them up the backside of their heads since before the election, so I'm not so hopeful of any change in tempo on their behalf.

Their candidate is historically one of the most openly and unrepentantly corrupt, unaccountable people in American public life.

Which is just one of the reasons they'd rather not discuss anything about her in this thread.

She and her husband enjoy the assistance, a la Weinstein, of a thoroughly corrupt web of journalists, wealthy oligarchs, and other power brokers that cover for them.

Which makes the downfall of that support base all the more intriguing and nod-worthy. Again, the yes-bods here don't want to know the sad, awful truth.

The right people in the right places in FBI, CIA, DOJ kept Clintons and cronies above the law.

Money talks tomes, apparently. I'm actually wondering how deep will the investigation go down that rabbit hole.,

Some interesting reading here, Lash and co.

Mon 11 Dec, 2017 02:48 am
This didn't even register in the mudrock press here.

Sam Fleming in Washington
September 21, 2017

The Federal Reserve will throw its crisis-era stimulus programme into reverse from next month and stick with plans for further rate rises in a mark of confidence that stagnant inflation is set to bounce back.

The US central bank, chaired by Janet Yellen, held interest rates on Wednesday but said it would consider a further rate rise this year. It starts paring back its multitrillion-dollar balance sheet in October. While acknowledging the damage inflicted by recent hurricanes, most policymakers stuck with forecasts for another rate rise in 2017, most likely in December, as well as three further increases in 2018.

The dollar index, which measures the US currency against a basket of its peers, swung from a loss to be up 0.7 per cent after the statement and Ms Yellen’s press conference. The yield on the 10-year Treasury also climbed, from about 2.24 per cent immediately preceding the announcement to 2.27 per cent soon afterwards, while the policy-sensitive two-year yield jumped from 1.38 per cent to 1.43 per cent.

After almost a decade of negatives in the financial markets, I guess you could point to this as a good sign.

0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 03:56 am

Some interesting reading here, Lash and co.

Interesting if you want to read a five year old story about the decapitation program inherited from the Bush administration. Drones bad.
Esquire wrote:
What if the next Lethal President is not as good and as honorable as you? What if he is actually cruel or bloodthirsty?

Stay tuned and see.

Mon 11 Dec, 2017 03:59 am
Stay tuned and see.

I don't see any invasion of Iran just over the horizon, and not hearing squat about Syria. Maybe something is going on in Korea?
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 04:17 am
It looks like the race-baiting and slanderous tactics employed by the libs against Moore in Alabama are beginning to backfire, eh?

Moore bumps Jones from top spot in Alabama Senate poll 12/10/17 07:45 AM EST

Embattled Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore is now leading his Democratic rival, Doug Jones, by 4 points, according to a new survey.

In a similar poll released earlier this month, Jones had a 4 point lead over Moore.

According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls in the Alabama Senate race, Moore has a 3.8 point lead over Jones.


Trump's endorsement didn't hurt Moore, needless to say.

Rumor has it that Democratic "dirty tricks" operatives are offering $10,000, cash on the barrel head, to any woman who will claim she was molested by Moore no later than today (Monday Dec. 11).

Nice try, cheese-eaters.

Another source:

Our new poll shows Roy Moore now ahead 51-44. Moore leads among those who recently decided, 61-22. And the word late deciders most often use in describing how they make their decision? It’s not “allegations” or “teenage” — it’s “Democrat.” https://t.co/XAFNKtQjAZ

— Change Research (@ChangePolls) December 8, 2017
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 04:53 am
It was my guess that the reason for the RNC, McConnell and others' about-face on their pretended indignation had to do with the realization that Moore was going to win regardless, and they didn't actually have a desire to follow through with what would ultimately amount to infighting within the party
That's definitely a possible factor given that the turn-about followed a shift in polling. But this is one of those situations where polling is definitely suspect because answers to the polling question are so fraught with the morality aspect (for evangelicals, particularly). And infighting on this vote, though it is already acute and unavoidable given the candidate, is probably something most would like to keep to a minimum (except for Bannon whose agenda is far more anarchic than others).

But on the other hand, if Moore does win, the party and its leaders will pay a price for supporting this guy. I'm not sure I could count up the number of conservative voices I've read who believe this will be a catastrophe for the party "brand" (**** I hate that word). They know what the Dems are going to do with this. So it's definitely possible that they believe their propaganda machine can and will cover for them to minimize this damage (as we see with Fox right now on this issue). And they surely think that PR damage can be minimized if, after Moore wins, they make a loud show of an ethics investigation. How much they want this seat is obvious from all the risks they are taking. It's a certainty that they fear their donor class (exemplified by the Koch operations) will not be happy if the tax bill fails and I suspect that's the strongest dynamic of all here.

One particularly egregious element in the thinking can be seen in McConnell's statement that "It's up to the people of Alabama". Obviously, this is a strategy to take the blame off of the party and its leaders if Moore wins. But implicit in this strategy is that they will be leaning on the notion that the population of this particular state are stupid, uneducated, and have questionable morality.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 04:55 am
I did enjoy Finn's long but thoughtful and incisive post a couple of pages back.
I think you probably ought to open up a good dictionary and re-familiarize yourself with the definition of "incisive".
0 Replies
Mon 11 Dec, 2017 04:58 am
Today's winner (the vote was unanimous) in the category of "Trains You Don't Want to Board - Believe Me"
It's like when you taking the L here in Chicago, it's common to start chatting up someone sitting next to you, but if he starts picking **** out his ass and wiping it on my jacket, I'm going to quickly step away.
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