monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:00 am
Does anyone else detect a whiff of desperation?????
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:02 am
Even this site is softer on groups id'd by the SPLC as hate groups than it once was.

There's an overall shift going on.

Hate groups. Fine. We're good with that.
Yes. And that is just one of a range of issues where we can see many Republican politicians and supporters having moved to extremist positions that would have been unimaginable a decade ago or certainly two decades ago. There's cause for alarm. Obama is very bright and very well educated in American history and he is neither a paranoid nor an exaggerator, so when he warns of a potential drift towards the conditions that preceded Nazism, we ought to recognize how unusual and important that statement is, coming from him.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:06 am
In opposition to the White House: Ambassador Haley on Trump’s accusers: ‘They should be heard’
Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said Sunday that the women who have accused President Trump of touching or groping them without their consent “should be heard.”

Haley's comments, made on CBS's “Face the Nation,” diverged from the White House position on the more than a dozen women who have accused Trump of misconduct. Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said that the White House's position is that the women are lying and that the American people settled the issue by electing Trump despite the accusations.
“They should be heard, and they should be dealt with,” Haley responded. “And I think we heard from them prior to the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.”
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:06 am
glitterbag wrote:

Does anyone else detect a whiff of desperation?????

Sho nuff. The ubiquitous false reporting by left wing media on "accused child molester Roy Moore" clearly displays sheer desperation.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:11 am

The first part is true, the second part is ridiculous. In any case, since when is a Canadian outraged about "close to treasonous" behaviors by any American?

Regardless of what Trump says or doesn't say about Russia, it is becoming more evident every day that the FBI has become severely politicized as has US Intelligence Agencies. I would argue that this is a far greater threat to our democracy and liberty than pathetic attempts by Putin to meddle in our election.

While we're at it, though, why is it that a Canadian is so committed to leading the A2K Resistance?

These sort of expected responses just won't cut it:

"I lived in the US for X number of years and so care very much about it."

And I lived in North Carolina for 20 years and New York for 20 years before that.

New York is led by a corrupt scion of a liberal legend who had 10 times the talent of his son and twice the Mafioso ties. The cost of living and tax rates in the NY metropolitan area make it almost impossible to comfortably live there without exceptional wealth. The Upstate economy is, at best, weak and the lives of a generally conservative citizenry are determined by liberal politicians who while mocking them, confiscate their wealth through high taxes necessary to purchase the votes of government dependent Downstaters, and the support of public sector Labor Krakens. Corrupt Cuomo declares (accurately) that there is no place for conservatives in NY and is so anxious to take their guns away that he calls for stricter gun control laws in the aftermath of a NYC terrorist attack where the killer's weapon was a truck, not a firearm! As a result, hoards of New Yorkers (conservative AND liberals) and legions of corporations are evacuating the place...

...and for the last 30 years have headed South and Southwest, to places like Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and (God forbid!) Texas.

Back in 1985 the welcome Charlotte NC extended to me and my family as well as the 1,000 or so other families that a corporate relocation brought, a welcome that could not have been warmer. In retrospect, it turned out to be like Australians warmly welcoming rabbits to their ecologically isolated island.

People feel comfortable with the familiar and Charlotte in 1985 was not familiar to New Yorkers, but in a short period of time it won over the majority of those who made it their new home. Charlotte changed us all. Some a little, some a lot, but we had very little impact on the nature of the city. However, we did have family and friends back in NY who we encouraged to join us in the Promised Land. At the same time, the conditions that led to our relocation had not changed and the virtues of life in the South and particularly Charlotte became more widely known in the NE. We were the edge of the migration wave, but it was a tidal wave that followed us. As their numbers grew their willingness to change diminished and their demands that the City change to accommodate them grew. In time the city did change. The sad irony is that so many of the newer arrivals were proud of it. Foolishly proud that instead of allowing Charlotte to change them for the better, they changed the city for the worse.

Although I spent more than two-thirds of my life in NY and Charlotte and am quite sure I left far more friends and family in those two places than you did in whatever US locations you inhabited, I don't get 1/10th as upset about what is going on in those two places as you do about US affairs. I've not created a thread to report daily on the transgressions of liberals in NY or NC, and I no longer consider myself an expert (if I ever was) on the culture and politics of either State.

You might argue that this is just another sign of my self-absorption, and that I should care as much for these places as you do for America. Perhaps, but I think it far more likely that your obsession with the US is the oddity and a sign of something more than caring.

"The US borders Canada and so I have a large stake in how your country conducts its politics."

That would be true, but you have a much larger stake in how your country, Canada conducts its politics and yet we almost never see any commentary from you on o the topic. I recall a few "Harper sucks" bon mots but that was about it.

Arguably, the politics and conditions in Mexico are of far more importance to Americans than those in Canada and yet when do any of your acolytes ever discuss them? You have an excuse: Mexico doesn't border Canada, but apparently, you haven't been doing a very good job expanding their vision to match yours.They're too self-indulgent to care about Mexico I suppose.

"If more Canadians, Americans, Brits, Australians and French (I hope I've covered all the Nationalities represented here) had cared about what was happening in Germany in the 1930's, WWII may have been prevented!"

How? By writing letters to their local newspapers? By seeking out German pen-pals to convince they need to resist Hitler? Clearly the reach of those who wish to contain the rise of budding tyrants has expanded since the Nazis came to power in Germany, but even still, a Candian whipping up a frenzy about the Koch brothers on A2K is not likely to move the ball down the field very far. Still you gotta try if you really care about people. Right?

"Nationality is meaningless when it comes to opposing tyrants!"

This would be true too, but my response would be where is your opposition to all of the other tyrants in the world? If you devoted a third of the time you spend opposing Trump and the Koch brothers, to the tyrants in China, North Korea, Venezula, Iran, Sudan, Belarus, Cameroon, Rwanda, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Vietnam, Myanmar, Chad, Uzbekistan, Syria, Ethiopia et al (And our old friend Vlad Putin in Russia) surely you might strike a blow or two for human rights along the way. But then you wouldn't attract one-third of the attention and admiration you do with this thread.

No, I'm beginning to form the conclusion that you must be some sort of operative assigned to A2K (and perhaps elsewhere - a great many of your posts could easily be copied and pasted in other forums without any incongruency).

If I'm not mistaken, you've told us that your father was a labor organizer. That could easily have put you in touch with all sorts of leftwing contacts. Does Canada have a Communist Party? While Trump is the bogeyman du jour, it's quite clear that you see capitalist rightwingers the much greater threat and have been going on about them since well before Trump won the election.

Maybe you're a Russian operative. Not so far-fetched when you think about it, and apply the reasoning used to contend Lash is an operative. If Putin's goal is to destabilize the US and undermine the trust America has in its democratic institutions, general chaos is far more preferable than attacks and support that follow clearly defined lines based on the existing ideological division in the US. The notion that a crafty KGB fox like Putin would put all of his eggs in one basket (Trump) and a very wobbly and poorly constructed basket, has always seemed absurd. At the very least, it's not a very clever strategy.

Far more clever and effective to inflame and reinforce distrust on both sides of the divide. For all of the hyperbolic nonsense about Trump establishing a dictatorship, that will not happen. This is not to say that the US is immune from a tyrannical form of government, or for that matter that there is no scenario in which Trump might be the tyrant, but at this point in our history, our institutionalized defenses against the rise of a tyrant remain far too strong for it to happen. They are, assuredly, weakening, due far more to forces that are internal rather than external, but assuming Putin is working to erode them, it's a long-term play and not something that will happen within the next three to seven years. A truly catastrophic event that brings America to its knees could easily open the door to a tyrant and since he is currently president, Trump could be that tyrant, but he isn't intelligent or crafty enough to pull something like that off. To do so would require the support not only of the military, but the police (secret and otherwise). While he has support in the military, it's not even close to the level needed and he is currently fighting with federal police and intelligence agencies. Moreover, he has frustrated supporters by not doing much more than sniping to counter the Deep State opposition he faces. A much more crafty and powerful strongman would most likely arise and do away with Trump as the first order of business.

In any case, Putin or someone like him could never reliably predict such a catastrophe unless he was able to launch it and if he could launch it he wouldn't be currently screwing around with relatively minor meddling.

No, the much more plausible strategy is to encourage the division that is weakening our defense against tyranny and that means working for and against both sides simultaneously. Assuming that you are correct about the Koch Brothers (it's ridiculous but let's play) and they are the extremely powerful force behind the conservative movement, we have to also assume that they pull a great many if not all of Trump's strings. Why would they be interested in any sort of deal that made Putin the puppeteer and why would Putin be willing to help them gain greater control over the American system? Let's also assume he was capable of providing them with the last piece of the puzzle, what assurance would he have that they would continue to see him as, at least, an ally, let alone their superior? Maybe you can dredge up from some leftwing conspiracy website some evidence that the Koch Brothers are such admirers of Putin that they might be willing to sublimate their control over America to his, but it's absurd just based on the historical dynamics of power and powerful men.

Unless Putin isn't the crafty KGB fox who was capable of fairly quickly taking full control of Russia from oligarchs, reformers and organized crime in his country, he would never engage in a strategy that is as facile as the one the Resistance insists he has.

Which brings us back to you.

If, as I contend, Putin is working for and against both sides of the American divide with the intent of escalating their clash and increasing chaos in our system and society, he needs agents capable of working within and in support of each side.

It's been asserted that Lash is an operative for some particular group and Russia has been one named on more than one occasion. Her job, the theory goes, is to sow discord and despair among Democrats. Not to steadfastly defend Trump, because that would put her in the same position as oralloy and she might be ignored. Instead, it's her job to continuously undermine the credibility of the various pillars of the Resistance and especially the main one, the Democrat Party.

Your job, on the other hand, is quite obvious: Paint Trump, the GOP and conservatives in the ugliest colors possible, and stir up anger and resentment towards them from our resident leftwingers, but just as importantly, it is to stiffen the spines of conservatives residents who feel compelled to defend a man and a party they might otherwise criticize if they didn't feel it meant letting liberals feel like they won. You can only do this though with the sort of hyperbolic nonsense you constantly post, but it's brilliant. On the one hand, it's red meat for the Resistance fighters and on the other, it is inedible, rotten meat that conservatives will never agree to taste.

So it's settled, Bernie Latham is an operative working for either the forces of Western Communism (perhaps receiving a stipend from George Soros) or for today's KGB (what do they call it now?) and, by extension, Vladimir Putin! Cool

Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:13 am
Other than Layman, did anyone misunderstand what I said.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:13 am
Builder wrote:

one of the biggest political scandals in American history.

And one that will get the least media coverage.
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:14 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

“They should be heard, and they should be dealt with,” Haley responded. “And I think we heard from them prior to the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.”

Of course the have the right to speak up. They also have the "right" to be sued for their last dollar for malicious defamation if they're lying.

Which might explain why they have virtually all just "disappeared" and refuse to say anything, now that the imminent election has passed.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:15 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I, for one, found this to be a touching love letter shared between you two Finn. It's not often people take the time to do that anymore, especially such a long one and on a message board.
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:18 am
glitterbag wrote:

Right, 17 year old girls think 34 year old men are young carefree guys. Face it, the guy was and is creepy. I wish 'hot' Kathy liked you back in high school, maybe then you wouldn't have turned out so bitter.

Once again you read what you want to see rather than what is written.

I've never suggested Moore wasn't a creep. In fact I think even called him one.

I wish Hot Cathy had liked me too, or at least I did at the time just as 99% of the male student body did. She was a stunner!

You calling anyone bitter is so rich it's given me a tummy ache.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:18 am
OK, here's a psychological, sociological, political question.

What makes large groups of people move to far, far rightwing ideological platforms that take their freedoms away? The movement is on and authoritarian rule is in the future unless these distressing trends are stopped, now! Remember, in the 50's, it was hard to find a German who was in favor of Nazis in the 30's and 40's, yet we all have seen the films.

glitter, It's much more than a "whiff"!
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:23 am
Wow, Finn’s got it bad. I’m not sure it’s healthy.
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:26 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

So it's settled, Bernie Latham is an operative working for either the forces of Western Communism (perhaps receiving a stipend from George Soros) or for today's KGB (what do they call it now?) and, by extension, Vladimir Putin! Cool

Bingo. Very astute, Finn.

It's "settled science" ya might say.

It has long been manifestly obvious that Blather is a commie-ass stooge.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:26 am
glitterbag, I wouldn't leave him alone anywhere near my granddaughter - Moore or tRump either!
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:28 am
One reply wasn't enough? Two in a row? A sure sign of obsession and, frankly, bitterness...You whip off the first one but you're still stewing and then a new killer jibe comes to mind and you fire it off...unfortunately your mind isn't quick enough to come up with the new zinger in time to just edit the first one. Smile

See you didn't read what I wrote again...Hot Cathy wasn't dogged by a school administrator, she had a consensual affair with a teacher which years later she didn't recount as traumatic. Can't say she recalled it as the love of her life, but she certainly didn't seem to have any regrets. Do you really find that impossible?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:30 am
ehBeth wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

I can't imagine a 17 old year fine looking young lady wanting to go out with a grandfather unless he is loaded or something...but whatever.

First of all, Moore wasn't

that wasn't about Moore - it was about the poster rev was responding to. they have claimed to be a grandfather and also indicate an ummm availability to 17 y.o's who might be in pursuit of them.

My mistake then and I apologize to rev.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:33 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Builder wrote:

one of the biggest political scandals in American history.

And one that will get the least media coverage.

And Builder's summary doesn't even include the fact that McCabe, Comey, et al, contracted to pay for furtherance of the dossier with tax-payer money (after Dems had paid $9 million for this fiction), eh?

Nor does it show that the dossier was used and abused far more extensively than simply obtaining spying warrants by deceit. The whole idea behind it was for it to become public in order to influence the election, and not just be held secretly in the hands of the FBI.

It was aggressively shopped to virtually every media outlet in the country, with pleas that it be published.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:49 am
These people are easily led, they are manipulated by fear and by imaginary grace of God. They’ve been convinced it’s them against utter destruction/loss of importance. I can only hope the fair minded among them will sober up and realize that they are not ‘winning’ and making democracy strong......they are attempting to destroy the very foundation....they may not understand it right now....but these so-called ‘conservatives’ will start turning on each other. When you are in a contest to be the most righteous everybody loses. Those ‘good, decent, Christian hypocrites will be shooting each other in the back.

That’s from where I think the whiff of desperation emanates. Think of Jonestown and Kool aid.
Walter Hinteler
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:55 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
So it's settled, Bernie Latham is an operative working for either the forces of Western Communism (perhaps receiving a stipend from George Soros) or for today's KGB (what do they call it now?) and, by extension, Vladimir Putin! Cool
That includes a lot more, especially here in Europe, from the left to the right - excluding the far right and neo-Nazis.

In Belarus, it's still called KGB, Rusia will obviously change their secret services (back) again, but the former KGB there is since 1991 the FSB and the SVR RF.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Dec, 2017 11:56 am
Does anyone else detect a whiff of desperation?????
I'm not sure whether you refer to our local right wing people or to GOP leadership. I'll assume it's the second.

This morning, I have been going through statements from Republicans on the subject of Roy Moore. As we all know, Trump, McConnell, Ryan and the RNC (and some others) have softened their position on Moore with Trump now even campaigning for him. McConnell (and many others in the party) are acutely aware of the damage Moore is doing to the Republican "brand". They are even more acutely aware of how this damage will only increase if Moore wins. They understand as well that the media focus on Moore's apparent sexual/moral depravity has a direct correlation with their President (even if Moore's theocratic and political beliefs tag closely behind as a PR problem). So, if these very real dangers to the identity of the party exist, why are they not standing steadfast and screaming loudly in opposition to Moore?

Bannon's support is not difficult to grasp. Everything Bannon does is motivated by the urge to promote division and discord, even within the Republican party. Bannon (and Mercer, it seems) hate government with such a burning passion that they want to bring down as much of the existing governing institutions as they can manage. I can discern no notions or plans they have for what might replace it. Probably, William Buckley's description of the John Birchers tells us what we need to know. He described them as anarcho-libertarians.

What about the Koch machine? As we know, their dad was a founder of the John Birch Society. As we also know, the sons (aligned with other wealthy right wing political extremists) have crafted an extremely sophisticated and influential and wide range of connected extra-governmental institutions which have the singular purpose of destroying as much of government as they can manage while, I presume, keeping in place as much of the policing, military and intel functions as needed to
Well, as if I hadn't learned the lesson before. Don't delete until you see the full copy posted. Too much work to redo it.

Anyway, GOP behavior re Moore is all about the tax bill. They desperately wish to keep that Senate seat.

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