Climb down from your high horse Mountie
Given the opportunity to reject or support Schlafly's ridiculous notion (assuming you are being accurate) I would reject it, but I'm under no obligation to tell you or anyone else here where I agree and disagree with prominent conservatives or Republicans.
Of course, women should get equal pay for equal work. Tell that to Obama, HRC and the DNC.
They should also be able to control their own sexuality if by that you mean the use of contraception or free of retribution in declaring themselves lesbian.
Controlling their bodies in terms of abortion is a glib argument that assumes a fetus is part of her body rather than a distinct human life. You can try pinning my rejection of abortion on a disregard for women's rights but then I will turn around a argue your acceptance of it is a disregard for human rights.
How heroic you are for admitting to boorish (or worse) behavior with a woman or women! You confessed and now all is OK. I, on the other hand, have nothing to confess in this regard. I am hardly a saint but I have never found myself imagining that any woman really wanted my sexual advances even though they were never invited. I have a lovely wife, daughter, and sister and would (and have) physically beat any man who pulled the **** Franken, Conyer, Keilor, Laurer et all have pulled.
Now that the Left is trying to clean up its act?
With what defenses of Franken and his fellow pervs?