Good for you...
I was beginning to think you'd all sunk into the depths of paranoid delusion. Trump has some of you more shook up than I originally imagined.
Not appreciating someone's opinions is one thing, ascribing them to a deliberate attempt to confuse, misinform, and dismay a target audience as a third party agent is something entirely different and so obviously reeks of paranoia that I'm surprised anyone has made the charge once let alone repeatedly.
In the end, I, Lash, Builder or whomever else anyone believes to be an operative or
troll, can only succeed in our sinister mission if those in our cross-hairs allow us to. I mock him, to be sure, but Set keeps giving you all good advice that many of you don't care to follow (even he doesn't). Robert has provided you with the solution to eliminating what you believe to be
distractions: It's called the "Ignore" feature. If you all really want to put an end to being diverted from pursuing your crucial consideration of all things Trumpian you could do it overnight.
You don't even have to use the "Ignore" feature, just resolve to pay no mind to the
distractions, including those posted by your colleagues in response to the disrupptive messages from
Quote:I thought this thread was devoted to Trump's relevant events, not necessarily all relevant contemporary events. Guess I'll leave that question to blatham.
The thread is what it is and the idea that anyone exclusively owns it is silly considering that such a thing has never been the case in all the years I've participated here, however perhaps blatham should have been clearer when he began the thing and explained that it was reserved for bitching about or bemoaning Trump and his administration; and all other topics (such as anything to do with Charles Manson) are not welcome...unless, of course, they are posted by blatham or one of his attendants.
See, now you are a generally reasonable person whom I would never describe as belligerent and who genuinely seems to find real value in this thread, however, you just invited me to post a rather lengthy distraction from the topic of President Plump, which I graciously accepted.
Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with engaging with others on whatever they post or, for that matter, bringing up Charlie Manson, but it's pretty funny that so many people here are trying to blame others (and in a particularly unflattering fashion) for their own inability to stay on point.
Posting here is something like an addiction I can't seem to overcome. If at some point you all self-enforced a rule to ignore me (or Lash or anyone else for that matter because I'm sure it would work with them too ) eventually I would be forced to move on. A journal is a much better way to record one's thoughts and I'm sure I could figure out how to still communicate with like-minded individuals or just folks I appreciate, but there is some value in knowing that people are reading what I write, and every time someone responds to me, regardless of whether it is positive or negative or there is even any evidence that they understood what I was saying, I get the desired feedback. Take that away and it's back to my journal or searching out another site.
You would all be doing me a favor...I would be freed of this monkey on my back.
If you are a fan of vampire novels or films you know that the undead can't cross your threshold without an invitation (In Transylvania you folks would be bled dry in 48 hours!). You also know that the vampire secretly hopes that a Van Helsing figure will drive a stake through his heart to release him from his damned existence. Do an Archfiend a solid would you?