monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 12 Nov, 2017 09:35 am
izzythepush wrote:

President Donald Trump has again traded barbs with North Korea, shortly before offering to mediate in a heated regional dispute.

He took to Twitter to complain he would never call North Korean leader Kim Jong-un "short and fat", after its foreign ministry called him "old".

It was one of a series of remarks he made on social media before volunteering his services over maritime claims in the South China Sea.
"I'm a very good mediator," he said.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-41958553<br />

And let's be clear. It's this "artificial Democratic hit job" that's ruining Trump's chances of working with Russia on the NK issue.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 10:00 am
blatham wrote:
Lash, the "Sanders supporter", finds another opportunity to troll the site with right wing talking points (and failing, again, to speak about Republican guilt, RNC guilt) Such a surprise.

Oh dear. Lash has had the gall to post facts in Blatham's thread. Can you imagine the nerve of someone daring to actually post facts here?

Good grief. Liberals are so goofy.

blatham wrote:
there's a difference between a 32 year old male messing with a 14 year old and two mature adults messing around,

The left's laughable excuses for Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct (to say nothing of all the felonies that he committed inside the White House to try to cover it up) is exactly why no one pays them any mind when they try to condemn other people.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 10:13 am
The National Rifle Association (NRA), the most powerful gun lobby in the US, has capitalised on the public perception of the mentally ill.

The article has this exactly backwards. It wasn't the NRA who tried to violate the gun rights of millions of people by wrongly labeling them as mentally ill.

Rather, it was the NRA who worked with President Trump to see that the malevolence of the Obama Administration was legislatively reversed.
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 10:43 am
Does the sun come up in the west in your universe?

Jut as the NRA has NOT forced Plump to reverse Obama's order to make lead hunting ammo unavailable within 3 years?

Sun 12 Nov, 2017 10:47 am
blatham wrote:
But because it is such a very bad idea given the nature of the GOP presently and given their success at gaining power at the state level, we'll probably be keeping an eye on this one.

all those tiny states with virtually no population but a great love of the GOP and states' rights. def makes me queasy.

then again, some of the states really don't seem to belong in the same country

if I could figure out a sensible way to recommend breaking the US into usable chunks, I'd recommend it


edit: or maybe one mid-size country and a pile of loosely affiliated states that kind of hang together for purchasing power
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 11:07 am
Interesting concept. I'd consider it. Not that I'm for a breaking up, but worth a mull to think re the multiple pros and cons.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 12:00 pm
What about all those strategic military bases and other national development labs in those small states? That is just one argument against a breakup. Another, what to do with Texas and Florida? Not small, but not Democrat either.
Walter Hinteler
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 12:21 pm
Former CIA Director John Brennan and ex-National Intelligence Director James Clapper both said Trump was mishandling Moscow ties even as a special counsel investigates possible collusion between Trump’s campaign team and Russia.

“I think Mr. Trump is, for whatever reason, either intimidated by Mr. Putin, afraid of what he could do, or what might come out as a result of these investigations... It’s either naiveté, ignorance or fear in terms of what Mr. Trump is doing vis-à-vis the Russians,” Brennan said in an appearance with Clapper on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Clapper added that foreign leaders who roll out the red carpet for Trump are able to manipulate Trump.

“I do think both the Chinese and the Russians think they can play him,” Clapper said.

Their comments came after Trump told reporters over the weekend that he had spoken with Putin again over allegations of Russian meddling in the presidential election and that the Russian president again denied any involvement.

“I really believe that, when he tells me that, he means it,” Trump told reporters. “I think he is very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country.”

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on the same show that the criticism leveled against Trump’s management of relations with Russia and China was “ridiculous.”

“President Trump is not getting played by anybody,” Mnuchin said.

Trump also took a swipe at Obama-era intelligence officials Brennan, Clapper and former FBI Director James Comey, calling them “political hacks” and questioning the findings of a U.S. intelligence report that concluded that Russians sought to tilt the election in Trump’s favor.

Facing sharp criticism, Trump walked back from some of those comments on Sunday, saying he has faith in the intelligence leaders he has hired.

Brennan on Sunday called Trump’s criticism of him a “badge of honor,” and Clapper suggested said Trump’s denial of Russian interference in the election “poses a peril to the country.”

When asked, Brennan declined to say whether he knows of any intelligence to suggest that the Russians have compromising or damaging information on Trump.

A dossier penned by a former British spy contains unverified claims that Russia does have embarrassing information on Trump.
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 12:50 pm
farmerman wrote:
Does the sun come up in the west in your universe?

Note the fact that I'm the one who always exists in the real world.

farmerman wrote:
Jut as the NRA has NOT forced Plump to reverse Obama's order to make lead hunting ammo unavailable within 3 years?

I am unsure what specifically you are referring to. However, I have heard that among the many many good things that would be accomplished by the SHARE Act is the reversal of some Obama-era regulations over lead ammo.

Perhaps you should call your congresspeople and urge them to pass the SHARE Act.
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 01:02 pm
ehBeth wrote:

all those tiny states with virtually no population but a great love of the GOP and states' rights. def makes me queasy.

then again, some of the states really don't seem to belong in the same country

if I could figure out a sensible way to recommend breaking the US into usable chunks, I'd recommend it.

Happily the matter is not one in which you have a voice.

Your grasp of the facts seems deficient as well. Texas is our second state in a population ranking with about 1/3rd more people than New York.

Do you believe that Alberta is any less different from Ontario than are Wyoming (or Texas) from New York ?

An unusually stupid comment.
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 03:02 pm
ehBeth isn't alone in being smart. I have a US voice myself, and I'm no dodo.

I remember you didn't want to meet me, among all of us of varies views. Chickenshit, I say now, though I didn't say that then.
I must have said something about my father that pissed you off.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 03:08 pm
blatham wrote:
Psychopaths are not fond of the country song "Wayward Wind" or "My Sharona or "Money For Nothing"

What about "Seasons in the Sun"? Mr. Green
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 03:14 pm
what about them? if they can afford to maintain them, they can run them


Both Texas and Florida are at the leading edge of the demographic changes in the US. I am very interested to see how those pan out. They've certainly had an effect in other states.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 03:33 pm
Wondering if you can help me figure something…
During this whole nightmare reign of 45, I’ve noticed something about the coverage of him. Specifically, about the nature of the speculation about ‘why he acts this way’ about Putin and Russia.

It seems that almost daily I hear TV pundits asking each other why – why does he never denounce Putin, or even say anything critical of him – why does he keep insisting he’s not being investigated by Mueller – why does he appear to be trying to derail, distract from, or obstruct the investigation? They ask these things, and then they offer answers like “He is just scared that his presidency will be shown to be illegitimate”.

It seems to me that there is a much simpler, more obvious answer, but for some reason no one talks about it or mentions it in their endless speculations. Donald Trump is guilty of treason. He knows he’s guilty of treason. He has been talking with Putin and the Russians for years and they planned to try to help him get in office so that they could do all their financial dirty tricks from a position of power. Putin wanted sanctions removed, Trump wanted more power and money; so they decided to team up and see what they could get.
The reason Trump acts so funny toward Putin and the Mueller investigation is because HE KNOWS he’s got a lot to keep hidden. It isn’t because he is worried about his “legitimacy”, or anything like that.

Occam's Razor, anyone? Just like the MSM avoids calling the man the inveterate liar that he is, they avoid even the hint of suggestion that he is a freaking traitor. Why?
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 03:39 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Trump is about, essentially, noise and bluster.

Lots of countries have dealt with this, some badly. I'm no wise woman, but listening.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 03:56 pm
SHARE is insidious becaue of what it doesnt say. It trqnfers several pieces of land for reasonable "conservation and exploration" of resources.
The fact about Pb ammo is that theres no damned doubt that it poisons wildlife and people. The PA game commission just recovered a 30 year old(plus) eagle .It was one of the original "hacked "eaglets that was brought in from Northwest Territories to restock the eagles that were killed off by DDT poisoning , It had a crop and blood full of lead and hd symptomology consistent with lead toxicity
In Pa and W Va, Eagle deaths by "unknown causes" have, by autopsies, shown to have been poisoned by Pb shards in parts of carcasses of deer (nd gut piles). Obama made a date to remover Pb from sport loads. (Most shotgun loads are now soft iron covering tungsten beads. Energy impact is more associated with increased shot speed than lost mass by substituting for lead.
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 03:57 pm
Note the fact that I'm the one who always exists in the real world

Youre hardly the one capable of making that conclusion
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 04:03 pm
farmerman wrote:
SHARE is insidious becaue of what it doesnt say. It trqnfers several pieces of land for reasonable "conservation and exploration" of resources.

The SHARE Act does many things. It also removes all federal restrictions on AP rifle ammo. And all federal restrictions against the mass import of dirt-cheap AK-47s.

Lots of hunters are looking forward to the removal of federal restrictions on silencers so they can easily hunt with silenced rifles.
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 04:04 pm
farmerman wrote:
Youre hardly the one capable of making that conclusion

That is incorrect. Such assessments are well within my capabilities.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Nov, 2017 04:07 pm


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