monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 2 Nov, 2017 11:45 am
“One thing Steve wants Trump to do is take this more seriously,” the Bannon confidant told me. “Stop joking around. Stop tweeting.”

on that note

Donald Trump's tweet calling for the New York terror attack suspect to be executed could prejudice the trial, legal experts have warned.

Presidents are typically advised to avoid commenting on active legal proceedings, as such comments can be used by defence lawyers to argue their clients cannot get a fair trial, The New York Times reports.

"Mr President, we all know he should get the death penalty. But when *you* say it, it makes it harder for DOJ to make that happen," Andrew C McCarthy, a former assistant US attorney said.
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 11:48 am
I slapped my head when I saw that. A first-year law student would get his client off based on such stupidity from Trump.

Thu 2 Nov, 2017 11:57 am
GOP has announced their tax bill today. It's a doozy, with cuts across the board but overwhelmingly for the very wealthy. Eliminates the Estate tax, limits the Mortgage deduction and SALT deductions. It's specifically designed to hurt 'blue' states. Eliminates the AMT and lowers corporate taxes tremendously. No mention of what deductions for corporations will be sunset. Also removes the Medical expense deduction and allows churches to engage in political activity while retaining their tax-free status.

Naturally, in our current deficit-heavy environment this bill is a total ******* stinker that everyone should be against. It's a giveaway to the wealthy and will add a ****-ton to the deficit.

Question: this has to be passed via reconciliation in the Senate, as they'll never in a million years get 60 votes for this. That being the case: how are they going to do so, given the fact that you can't use reconciliation to add to the deficit and this bill does so heavily?

Thu 2 Nov, 2017 12:20 pm
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they passed it in some kind of way, after all, the moneyed in the administration and the Senate and the house sold their souls when they elected Trump just for something like this bill and the host of deregulations for big businesses.
0 Replies
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 12:47 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I slapped my head when I saw that. A first-year law student would get his client off based on such stupidity from Trump.


Not really, may not be able to get execution. But I doubt that too. However, the total dimwitted action by tRump is not lost in this execution of stupidity, once again. The total stupifying of the Republican party continues!

To expand a little, it really only effects jury selection. The question asked is, "Are you aware of this fact and if aware can you set it aside and reach a just verdict." They will be able to find 12 jurors.
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 01:03 pm
My lawyer buddies locally were laughing about it. My lawyer friends from lower Manhattan are not laughing - they're furious at the stupidity of #45.
0 Replies
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 01:43 pm
Sofia Lash Goth and the olive tree are both welcome to take that Cllinton crap to a thread of their own. This thread is about President Plump and relevant contemporary events.

Remember, kids, only you can prevent conservative agents from derailing the thread.
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:00 pm
America is facing an epistemic crisis
What if Mueller proves his case and it doesn’t matter?

...But we are disturbingly close to the following scenario:

Say Mueller reveals hard proof that the Trump campaign knowingly colluded with Russia, strategically using leaked emails to hurt Clinton’s campaign. Say the president — backed by the Wall Street Journal editorial page, Fox News, Breitbart, most of the US Cabinet, half the panelists on CNN, most of the radio talk show hosts in the country, and an enormous network of Russian-paid hackers and volunteer shitposters working through social media — rejects the evidence.

...Epistemology is the branch of philosophy having to do with how we know things and what it means for something to be true or false, accurate or inaccurate. (Episteme, or ἐπιστήμη, is ancient Greek for knowledge/science/understanding.)

The US is experiencing a deep epistemic breach, a split not just in what we value or want, but in who we trust, how we come to know things, and what we believe we know — what we believe exists, is true, has happened and is happening.

The primary source of this breach, to make a long story short, is the US conservative movement’s rejection of the mainstream institutions devoted to gathering and disseminating knowledge (journalism, science, the academy) — the ones society has appointed as referees in matters of factual dispute.

Right wing media is presently engaged in a serious effort to discredit anything negative Mueller and his team might find. There's no reason to imagine this will decrease and good reasons to predict it will only increase.
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:04 pm
Did some research and answered my own question: the Senate will NOT be able to pass this bill without figuring out how to get rid of about 4 trillion dollars in debt that would be added by its' passage.

This is a gigantic problem for them. They didn't repeal the ACA and can't count the savings from doing so towards their tax bill the way they wanted, but they didn't really pare the scope of the bill back! Reconciliation doesn't allow you to touch Social Security, so they'll have to either:

- Massively cut spending in other areas
- re-include tax raises / getting rid of popular deductions that the House bill omitted
- Reduce the scope of the tax cuts significantly
- Fire the Parlimentarian and try to ram this through against the rules by installing an apparatchik in her place

And, even if they did so, do you think that Collins and Corker and McCain and Flake will be tripping over themselves to pass this bill? I sure don't.

If it weren't for the fact that failure to pass SOME sort of tax bill will literally doom the GOP in the upcoming midterm, I'd give this an almost zero chance of passage. Even so, I think the odds are extremely low.

Here's a good article on it -

Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:10 pm
Lash's posts are notable in being precisely of the sort now being pushed by right wing media and by Russians working social media. That's her crowd.
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:16 pm
It would be nice if she contributed anything else to any other type of thread on this board. She's got one agenda and doesn't post on anything else.
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:16 pm
Cycloptichorn, I heard that the Senate could NOT take this under reconciliation because it increases the debt. If that be true; dead on arrival! Oh, the economy will increase to 4% is not a viable argument. We seen this "trickle down" theory implode in the past multiple times. The opposite has happened each time! The Dems are successful in recovering and expanding the economies the Reps destroy! Now they are trying to do it again. This economy still belongs to Obama.........
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:18 pm
Excellent piece by Andrew Cohen at NYRB
Why This Is Not Trump’s Watergate
...Which is why comparisons to Watergate are so facile. Never mind the obvious factual differences in the stories—the allegations of Russian collusion are far more grave—American law, politics, and journalism are far too different now to think that matters will unfold the way they did in the 1970s. As complex a story as Watergate was, it reads like a children’s book compared to what Mueller and his team are dealing with. As vicious and as partisan as the events were back then, they seem quaint in comparison to the poisonous atmosphere in which the current scandal is unfolding. We can still talk about the possibility of impeachment, but it will be an even more partisan process than it was in 1974.
Read it here
0 Replies
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:19 pm
That's close to correct - it increases the Deficit, which is already pretty dang big. Reconciliation rules are silent on the Debt itself. That's largely a technical difference tho so you're pretty much right.

I wouldn't pronounce it dead yet though, there's too much at stake for the GOP after the ACA repeal failure for them to do anything but try as hard as they can to pass this. I predict they will end up replacing the Parlimentarian after she announces that the CBO score matters, and not their bullshit 'dynamic scoring' attempt to show that mystical 'growth' will pay for the tax cuts.

Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:20 pm
I know. Apparently it's her trolling task.
0 Replies
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:23 pm
I added this to my reply, you may have missed it:

We've seen this "trickle down" theory implode in the past multiple times. The opposite has happened each time! The Dems are successful in recovering and expanding the economies the Reps destroy! Now they are trying to do it again. This economy still belongs to Obama.........
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:29 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
He is not my president.

I don't like tuna.

0 Replies
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:30 pm
Pretty much. Only thing I'd add is that the economy would have to grow at roughly 5% per year for the next decade in order to balance out these cuts. That's so farcical it's not even worth discussing as a reality.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:48 pm
According to the WaPo Fact Checker - The Dems propaganda in response to this plan is worth 4 Pinocchios which is just short of the top lying spot.

But keep on spreading the bilgewater.

What do you consider the "very wealthy?"
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 2 Nov, 2017 02:53 pm
Why don't y'all spend your precious time responding to her posts rather than disparaging the lady? Is anything she's posted blatantly false?

By your standards, most of you are being pushed by left-wing media and by God knows who the bogeyman de jour is working social media (China? Cuba? No, they would never do what the Russkies are doing)

You just don't want ripples in the Echo Chamber.

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