monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:09 am
A liberal source calls the BLM movement "protest". This is true. There is protest.

A conservative source calls it "rioting". Also true. There is riots.

Now where you want to go with this is to go through credible reporting on these instances (pick three at random) and get a good understanding of proportions. That is, how many individuals (if there were any) who damaged property etc versus how many individuals present were not guilty of such acts.

If you do that, you'll have a much better comprehension of what went on and you'll find that your formulation I've quoted suggests a sort of equivalence that is simply false.
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:15 am
The liberal progressive democrat infotainment propaganda machine is always ready, willing, and able to twist the facts, tell half truths, and lie in order to further their oppressive anti-American agenda.
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:22 am
U.S. Sold $40 Billion in Weapons in 2015, Topping Global Market
NYT headline this morning

And, of course
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:37 am
No reason, we already agree. I understand most people are NOT rioting, I also understand it only takes 1 person to light a gas station on fire. Also the message from BLM is also something to REALLY look into.

Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:39 am
Mark 10:21-22 Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.

America’s concern for the poor is about to be tested

Poor Americans are facing the gravest threat to the federal safety net in decades as President-elect Donald Trump takes office accompanied by a Republican-controlled Congress. The risks to essential benefits for tens of millions of low- and moderate-income Americans include losing coverage extended to them by the Affordable Care Act, threats to the fundamental structure of the Medicaid health-insurance program for the poor and further reduction of already squeezed funding for scores of other important programs serving the most vulnerable Americans.

First, Republicans are expected to seek significant cuts in what’s known as non-defense discretionary spending, which includes many important programs for low- and moderate-income people, such as rental vouchers for low-income families, programs to fight homelessness, job training, funding for poor school districts, Head Start for young children and Pell grants to help low-income students afford college. The reason for these cuts is that, for the first time, starting next fiscal year, Republican leaders appear inclined to let the harsh “sequestration” budget cuts take full effect. That would shrink funding for this budget category to its lowest level in at least half a century, measured as a share of the economy. And even deeper cuts, as proposed by the most recent House Republican budget and the president-elect, are possible.
Breaking News - Trump tweets he will be giving away all his possessions
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reasoning logic
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:43 am
The aspect of all this I find very interesting is the right's hunger for enemies who can be cast as evil and as "the other".

It seems that many people on the right have a hard time seeing others as being similar to themselves. "A defect in empathy"
It seems to be an issues of being able to extend their empathic radius to include others that they see as their enemy, "The other people who see reality differently than them".

They do not get sociology the same as others.

0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:45 am
Then all is well with the world.
the message from BLM is also something to REALLY look into.

And what is that message? And where did you look to discover it? You'll have to be my guide in this.
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:58 am


We could go all day with this. Try finding any of these people asking for violent acts during the protests to stop.

Alicia Garza

Opal Tometi

Patrisse Cullors
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:06 am
The integrity and honesty of the Netanyahu crowd is a fine match for Trump and his crowd.
Israel has evidence that U.S. President Obama's administration is behind Friday's Security Council resolution, Israel's Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer told CNN on Monday.
"We will present this evidence to the new administration through the appropriate channels. If they want to share it with the American people they are welcome to do it," Dermer told CNN.

Let's expect (let's predict it) that Trump or spokespersons will thank the kind gentleman for this highly sensitive information but sadly recognize they cannot reveal specifics so as to protect Israel's sources. However, they will insist that this information is incontrovertible and that anyone who contests it's veracity is engaging in a repugnant anti-Semitic propaganda attack.
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:12 am
Good grief tony. Expand your sources. Your suggestion that those two examples define or represent the message of black lives matter does not represent reality. That you think it does attests only to the information you allow in.
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:18 am
A good Politico piece on something I mentioned earlier - What will Trump and supporters say if he doesn't make America great again (economy is unchanged or in decline)?
“He’s likely to be unsuccessful on any sort of broad increase in U.S. manufacturing jobs," said James Pethokoukis, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "That line may blip up or down based on how the economy is doing but these are long-term trends that aren’t likely to change.”

Trump transition officials did not respond to a request for comment on how the administration would measure economic success.

In the face of all these challenges, Trump could simply use anecdotal examples of new manufacturing and coal industry jobs, seize on any further increase in wages, decide the jobless rate is now legitimate and declare victory.

“The president-elect judges his own personal wealth based on his own feelings,” Pethokoukis said. “So on any given day, he could just decide based on his feelings that America is great.”

Trump does not admit failure. Ever. He's filed for bankruptcy numerous times and how does he speak about these?
Donald Trump pushed back against criticism of his companies' bankruptcy history Tuesday, repeating his argument that like other smart businessmen, he "used, brilliantly, the laws of the country" to his advantage.
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:27 am


ALL DAY. Show me one example of the founders asking for this to stop.
reasoning logic
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:40 am
ALL DAY. Show me one example of the founders asking for this to stop.

Have you ever considered different views of what is taking place other than what you find interesting?

0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:43 am
"government slaves". Are you kidding?


There's far more available. But you aren't looking. Do a google search "black lives matter leaders condemn violence" or some such.

If you demonstrate to me some capacity to rethink this stuff, to recognize that your notions are a consequence of your information diet, I'll speak to you further on this, otherwise I will not.
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:46 am
This is just scary.
Late last week, apropos of nothing, Donald Trump rattled much of the world with an alarmingly ambiguous tweet about nuclear weapons: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.” Within hours, the president-elect’s aides, eager to lower the temperature, downplayed the significance of the statement.

Kellyanne Conway told Rachel, for example, “What he’s merely saying is he wants us to be ready to defend ourselves and he’s not making new policy.” Jason Miller added soon after that the president-elect is not starting a new arms race.

Trump said the exact opposite on Friday morning, telling MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski:
“Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all.”

...The uncertainty, here and around the world, about what Trump means by “expand” and “them,” all while the incoming president contradicts his own top aides, makes an alarming situation considerably worse. Indeed, it’s not at all clear who Trump sees as our competitor in his newly imagined “race” – because it’s certainly not Russia, led by Team Trump’s closest international pal, Vladimir Putin.

What’s more, as we discussed last week, there’s a pattern of reckless incompetence on this issue. In one of the GOP primary debates, Trump seemed baffled by a simple question about the nuclear triad. In one of the general election debates, Trump was asked about nuclear first-use policy, and delivered two completely contradictory answers over the course of a few seconds.

This is the same Republican who, over the course of his campaign, suggested more countries – specifically South Korea, Japan, and Saudi Arabia – should develop nuclear-weapons programs for their own national security interests.

Around the same time, Trump seemed genuinely confused by the meaning of the word “proliferation.”

Now, however, he’s president-elect and prepared to start an international arms race. What could possibly go wrong?
Steve Benen
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 08:00 am
You do realize that most of the problems we have with terrorists was was caused by Bush 43 and his two insane wars. He established the organizations trying to blow up the west all by himself.

To a great extent that is true. But you are assuming I was coming from some BS partisan position. We can't fix the past, all my comments were directed at the situation we have right now. Unless we understand what drives terrorism there is no hope of managing it. Again, it's not poverty. Poverty is a real but separate problem that needs its own solutions.

If we can't understand that people don't make suicide weapons out of their own children because they are poor, we deserve anything that happens. It means we are too stupid to manage our own affairs. For example, how'd we get Hillary & Trump to chose from?

I now return you to your silly partisan bickering.
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 08:04 am
From Ezra Klein
The best book about the 2016 campaign is a Marvel comic about Loki

This is a strange article to write. A few months ago, I did not expect to be recommending a comic as the essential guide to the 2016 election. But then, these are strange times in which to live. We are watching a president-elect who really does lie to our faces, and seems to have found that we like it.

While I read these comics, Donald Trump was bragging that he’d won “a massive landslide victory.” In an official statement, his transition team called it “one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history."

Trump did not win one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. He did not win an above-average Electoral College victory. He did not win an average Electoral College victory. He did not win a slightly below-average Electoral College victory.

Trump’s Electoral College haul — 306 votes to Hillary Clinton’s 232 — ranks 46th out of the 58 presidential elections the United States has held. That puts him in the bottom 20 percent. The claim Trump is making is not debatable, it is not complex, it is not arguable. And the fact that he has made it repeatedly — and that his transition team has made it on official letterhead — means it is not a mistake.

Trump does make mistakes as in the "nuclear triad" example noted in an earlier post above. These mistakes arise from his broad lack of familiarity with countless subjects relevant to the post he's about to take over. He doesn't admit to such mistakes, of course, but they are evident as what they are.

His bald-faces lies, often repeated many times and even after being broadly debunked by conservatives and liberals and people in between, are something different. These are propagandist moves of the sort that have a heritage going back to the worst sort of fascist, communist and authoritarian regimes and dictatorships.
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 08:14 am
Winner of today's award for bestest algorithm tune-up
Google Fixes Algorithm to Remove Holocaust-Denying Results and Other 'Non-Authoritative Information'

Stormfront previously came up as #1 source. Wasn't that just special.
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 08:24 am
Two tweets. Let's review them with an eye to honesty and integrity.

Tweet #1
Donald J. TrumpVerified account
The world was gloomy before I won - there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!

Tweet #2
Paul Waldman ‏@paulwaldman1 10h10 hours ago
Paul Waldman Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Dow Jones avg the day Obama took office: 8,309

Dow avg the day before the 2016 election: 18,263

But the markets hate Democrats, I guess.
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 08:27 am
There IS "BLM leadership" saying that there is different ways to channel anger, but look at the head of the snake.

"Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz."-Yusra Khogali

“Quite frankly, many of our [Black Lives Matter] members are continuing to investigate what it would mean to have police-free communities. I think what we’ve continued to see over time is that no moral appeal is actually stopping the deaths of black people, whether they be armed or unarmed.” -
Alicia Garza.

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