monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 7 Oct, 2017 09:57 am
The media could be as fake as the sun is hot. Doesn't make Trump any less of a contemptible bag of lunch meat
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 11:08 am
This is what happens, Mueller proves tRump is guilty of Collusion and Obstruction. Congress impeach, or even if they don't, after he is out of office they bring RICO and/or Treason charges. And, then there is the NY State charges he can't pardon.

If they want, they can take down the entire tRump empire, him/daughter/son/son-in-lawyer/lawyers/cohorts; ie, RICO! Tax evasion, money laundering, illegal transactions with Russia, Real Estate scams, being a total jerk, what a tool tRump is!
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 12:00 pm
While I certainly would like to see President Plump gone, I must confess that I have no spirit of revenge. If he's gone, that's good enough for me. After all, he has proved completely ineffective, so there is nothing for which to revenge the nation; other, of course, than embarrassment--and I didn't vote for the fat fool.

It would be appropriate to go after his family, associates and advisors, and RICO might be the appropriate avenue for that. Of course, as has been pointed out, he has no power to pardon people convicted of state charges.
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 12:32 pm
he has proved completely ineffective

Show here what business or social group has been affected negatively by the Trump's administration.

Totally on the contrary, the economy goes firm and up, and no one has been attacked by this administration as act of discrimination, unjust prosecution, etc.

Illegals are treated according to the law of immigration, you won't expect the president going against the law, that is a no no.

This is to say, you are talking pure doo doo.
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 12:40 pm
This is what happens, Mueller proves tRump is guilty of Collusion and Obstruction. Congress impeach, or even if they don't, after he is out of office they bring RICO and/or Treason charges. And, then there is the NY State charges he can't pardon.

If they want, they can take down the entire tRump empire, him/daughter/son/son-in-lawyer/lawyers/cohorts; ie, RICO! Tax evasion, money laundering, illegal transactions with Russia, Real Estate scams, being a total jerk, what a tool tRump is!

And I thought that smoking opium was illegal... yours are opium dreams... opium dreams...
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 01:11 pm
...the economy goes firm and up...

Sure it does...for a while. But eventually society has to pay. We have to pay for the care of people without health insurance, we have to pay the costs of pollution and toxins in our air and water, we have to pay for the negative effects of unwanted pregnancies, we have to pay for the damage caused by increasing the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, we have to provide for the neglected underclass or face riots in the streets. Corporate profits are not the key to creating and maintaining a free and just society.
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 01:19 pm
hightor, the whole purpose of the far right is to return to a monarchical government with aristocrats composed of the ultra rich who control law, lands, money, people, military and power. They could care less for a "free and just society"
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 01:20 pm
Quote cameronleon:
Apparently you ignore that laws are made to protect us, not so to let what is chaos and wrong be accepted.

Oddly, I don't feel in the least bit chaotic if two people of the same sex get married. I am unaffected if they get married or not.

Quote cameronleon:
The number of "nose eating" people increases, and the number of sick people because that way of eating reaches a notorious amount in society. Sick because lack of saliva to kill bacteria, sick because irritation and bleeding of nose orifices, etc.

Many complaint of the increase of health insurance, doctors busy treating nose eating patients, government demanded to find a product for allow nose eating people to have av kind of lubricant with saliva characteristics to be used before eating thru the nose, etc.

Come up with the cost of death from venereal disease versus the cost of men shooting other men for sleeping with their wives, then we'll talk. It is very likely the human cost and monetary cost of heterosexual marriage dwarfs that of homosexual marriage by several hundred percent.

Quote cameronleon:
The court decided to enforce the making of such a lubricant, and declares that this nose eating people have the right to keep their nose eating method.

When the cost of heterosexual marriage, monetary and human, is compared to the cost of homosexual marriage, using your reasoning we might have to lock up every minister, priest, rabbi and justice of the peace who have been performing heterosexual marriages all this time.

Quote cameronleon:
Court is not suppose to protect a behavior which clearly is against nature.

Do you understand?

No. When the Constitution was adopted the life expectancy of Americans was 36.5 years. Now that's more than doubled to 78.8 years. By your reasoning, our lifespans due to better food supply, sanitation, and medicine has us all living an unnatural length of time and therefore these things must be made illegal. Everybody go back to cornmeal 4 times a week and throw out the dishwashing liquid. Cameronleon doesn't want any unnaturally long-lived zombies over 40 walking around loose.
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 01:40 pm
Camperlion there is obviously not a native speaker of English, and very likely is not a citizen. Whether it is or not, it's a troll. I ask others in this thread not to waste their time, and trash the thread by feeding said troll.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 03:31 pm
BillW wrote:

hightor, the whole purpose of the far right is to return to a monarchical government with aristocrats composed of the ultra rich who control law, lands, money, people, military and power. They could care less for a "free and just society"

OK, well that's the best possible way to demonstrate you know nothing of the "far right".

BTW, when people like you refer to the "far right" which group is that? The racists? The evangelists? The business men? The militia folk? The rich?

They are not one in the same... you guys do know that, yes?
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 04:17 pm
blatham wrote:
If Mueller comes down with an indictment against Trump, then the obvious question arises - how might this sociopath respond? Initiate a war hoping that this diversion will somehow insulate him and get him out of trouble?

Setting aside the fact that Trump isn't a sociopath, the response would be mass pardons of course.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 04:18 pm
engineer wrote:
Trump can also respond by pardoning all Mueller's witnesses removing any incentive they have to testify on anything or against anyone.

The point of pardoning people is not to remove their incentive to testify. It is because this entire witch hunt is outrageous, and it will be appalling if these witch-hunting scumbags manage to harm someone.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 04:19 pm
@reasoning logic,
I don't think it was even a little sick. You were only being a little silly.

Given the serious nature of this depressing topic, we all need some comic relief every now and then. Speaking of which, . . .

0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 04:19 pm
blatham wrote:
Re pardons. Aside from the legal issues, I find it hard to imagine that such a move would be acceptable even to this modern GOP (particularly given that key power-constituencies would prefer him gone and Pence in his place). Then impeachment becomes possible, particularly if Mueller's case is both solid and involves crimes of significance.

It's pretty unlikely that Mueller will come up with a solid case against Trump. But if he does, no one is going to care after the Democrats let Bill Clinton commit all those felonies.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 04:21 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Trump can't pardon state level crimes. Most of these actions took place in NYC, and Eric Schneiderman, AG of NY, is working closely with Mueller to levy state charges simultaneously with Federal ones specifically to avoid that issue.

What are the odds that a member of the Trump administration committed any state level crimes within the statute of limitations?

Pretty slim odds I think.

But if this witch hunt does cause damage, it will only inspire more interest in outlawing the Democratic Party in America.
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 04:23 pm
BillW wrote:
This is what happens, Mueller proves tRump is guilty of Collusion and Obstruction.

Collusion is not a crime. And the Democrats are imagining an obstruction statute that doesn't exist.

BillW wrote:
Congress impeach, or even if they don't,

After Bill Clinton, Congress wouldn't impeach over real charges. They certainly aren't going to impeach over imaginary charges.

BillW wrote:
or even if they don't, after he is out of office they bring RICO and/or Treason charges.

Pretty slim odds that such a crime took place. Pardons will take care of the problem if it did.

BillW wrote:
And, then there is the NY State charges he can't pardon.

Pretty slim odds that any such crime was committed by anyone close to Trump. If this witch hunt does do damage to someone close to Trump, it'll just be another reason for outlawing the Democratic Party in America.

BillW wrote:
If they want, they can take down the entire tRump empire, him/daughter/son/son-in-lawyer/lawyers/cohorts; ie, RICO! Tax evasion, money laundering, illegal transactions with Russia, Real Estate scams, being a total jerk, what a tool tRump is!

Only in the very unlikely chance that they all committed state charges within the statute of limitations.

Most likely this witch hunt will just provoke America to outlaw the Democratic Party.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 04:57 pm
Today Dotard Plump tweeted "Only one thing" will work with North Korea. What in the hell is this shitgibbon thinking?
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 05:10 pm
Well obviously we're going to have a nuclear war with North Korea just as soon as they acquire the ability to nuke us.

He's probably planning our retaliatory strike. Something nice and thorough that will result in South Korea becoming an island.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 06:25 pm
Sure it does...for a while. But eventually society has to pay. We have to pay for the care of people without health insurance, we have to pay the costs of pollution and toxins in our air and water, we have to pay for the negative effects of unwanted pregnancies, we have to pay for the damage caused by increasing the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere, we have to provide for the neglected underclass or face riots in the streets. Corporate profits are not the key to creating and maintaining a free and just society.

"It's the economy, stupid" (Bill Clinton)

Yes, we always have to pay for people without health insurance, for CO2 in the atmosphere, and for that and that.

Still, this is a problem that the whole administrations in the past and the current one have faced as "routine".

Under Obama's administrations, the corporate companies made more profit than never ever, just check how much the national debt increased in his administrations. The debt money came because them and will be paid to them as well.

Look at the trick.

Watch the Bush and Obama's administrations.

With President Bush


President Bush signed into law Friday a historic $700 billion bailout of the financial services industry, promising to move swiftly to use his sweeping new authority to unlock frozen credit markets to get the economy moving again.

President Obama enforced that law and 700 billion dollars plus additional billions were given "to help the automobile industry" from bankruptcy.


The New York Times wrote Bush had "balked at allowing the automakers to tap into the $700 billion bailout fund, despite warnings ... that General Motors might not survive the year."

A month later, Bush announced a $17.4 billion bailout for Chrysler and GM that provided short-term financial relief through March 2009. He handed off to the incoming Obama administration the decision on how the companies would have to restructure themselves. The investment would grow to about $23 billion in short-term loans by the time Bush left office.

As Politico noted in December 2008, Bush’s move was a "reversal for the White House," adding that, "President-elect Barack Obama and Democrats had long advocated that course, and Bush had resisted it."

The New York Times reported that Obama "embraced the plan," though he did not comment on the details.

Obama swears that these companies returned up to the last cent of the loan.

"Last month, the rescue of the auto industry officially came to an end," Obama said Jan. 7 in Detroit. "The auto companies have now repaid taxpayers every dime and more of what my administration invested in."

Those words of president Obama weren't the total truth.

To get to Obama’s claim that the "auto companies have now repaid taxpayers every dime and more of what my administration invested in," the White House is taking credit for all of the money recovered from the auto companies in the last six years.

This is somewhat problematic. Why? Obama is essentially saying ignore the money Bush invested and only look at what my administration spent on the bailout when calculating the "expenses" side of the ledger. But for Obama to make the claim he has recovered everything he invested "and more," he’s including money paid back on loans also given out under Bush.

You might ask, "Why not just look to see which loans were repaid?" It’s a good question. Unfortunately, it’s a lot more complicated than that.

Lets take aside the return of the money for a moment and lets see beyond the loans themselves.

It happens that the US government borrowed the money given for bailout under the condition of paying interest for that money.

This is to say, the hundreds of millions were given back from those companies, but the US government even returning that money to the banks, is now obligated to pay the interest for that loan.

The right way to help those business was to have the US government as "guarantor for those billions of dollars" given directly from the banks to those companies, and after their recovery, the companies return the money and pay the correspondent interest.

This kind of corruption is not happening under president Trump.

Then, what do you complaint about?


If president Trump have problems with congressmen and others, is not because he is a bad president, but because he is the only president in recent years who is not a servant of big corporations.

President Donald Trump himself stop the contract of a company charging billions of dollars for an Air Force 1. Don't you remember now? Today, the company won't charge but millions only for the construction of such an airplane.

This is why, by being a president who is not a servant of big corporations, many of these big business don't like him.

The best servants of these big corporations have been Democrat presidents, while Republican presidents just negotiated with their "comrades".

President Trump did run for Republicans without being one of them, for this reason even Republican corrupt politicians don't like him because they can't have him under their feet. Lol.

0 Replies
Sat 7 Oct, 2017 06:36 pm

Oddly, I don't feel in the least bit chaotic if two people of the same sex get married. I am unaffected if they get married or not.

Totally in error.

I myself won't care of what men and women choose as sexual partners, the problem is having the government involved in this issue.

Come up with the cost of death from venereal disease versus the cost of men shooting other men for sleeping with their wives, then we'll talk. It is very likely the human cost and monetary cost of heterosexual marriage dwarfs that of homosexual marriage by several hundred percent.

False. Check with doctors. They themselves recommend the AIDS test to homosexuals hundred percents more times than to heterosexuals.

If you pretend denying that homosexual behavior is the first in place having more victims of sexual diseases and AIDS, then you your source of information comes from Disney world.

When the cost of heterosexual marriage, monetary and human, is compared to the cost of homosexual marriage, using your reasoning we might have to lock up every minister, priest, rabbi and justice of the peace who have been performing heterosexual marriages all this time.

Unfortunately you have nothing to back up your opinion.

No. When the Constitution was adopted the life expectancy of Americans was 36.5 years.

Then, you are now 41 years old and the Constitution doesn't apply for you. Is this what you want to say?

Come on.

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