@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote:Then why haven't those laws been passed, and so many that have, been overturned?
Well, the simple answer is that politicians have taken advantage of our extreme polarization to avoid doing so, in order to please small parts of their base. For example, increased and mandatory background checks on gun and ammo purchases. Approved by anywhere from 70-85% of our citizens across ALL polling. But the GOP would die before pushing it because that 15-30% that opposes it is intensely concentrated among their activist base, and they would lose badly if they tried to push this.
Intensity of support among small groups overwhelms broad public agreement almost every time. You could just as easily use examples that point towards the Democratic party - support for a 20-week ban on abortions is pretty wide-spread, but the activist base that doesn't want any such thing is incredibly intense for the Democrats.
Or maybe tax raises. The voting public has LONG supported raising taxes on the wealthy. I mean, they really support this and have for pretty much the last three decades. And yet, the GOP constantly pushes the opposite despite the fact that their own voters ALSO largely support raising taxes on the wealthy.
C'mon man be intelligent when you post things, you shouldn't need these basic things explained to you