monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 3 Oct, 2017 01:00 am
Which scenario do you think is most likely?
1) He casually carried all those weapons in, and no one noticed.
2) People noticed the large number of firearms but extended an older white man the assumption of having some legitimate business for having them there.

You forgot 3) He's a manchurian candidate, and the guns were in the room when he got there.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 01:13 am
roger wrote:
oralloy wrote:
It is no surprise that liberals want to murder people who value freedom.

yabutt isn't it nice when people finally show their true but ugly colors?

I've always seen liberalism as the root of most evil, so from my perspective it's just more of the same ugly colors.

I'm just glad that liberalism is fading as a political force in America. The 2013 gun control debacle under the Obama Administration was liberalism's last serious attempt to destroy our Constitution. Liberals are going to keep saying increasingly nutty things over the next 20 years of Republican rule, but the voters will keep them well out of power so they won't be able to do any harm anymore.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 01:39 am
Builder wrote:
You forgot 3) He's a manchurian candidate, and the guns were in the room when he got there.

Sheesh! Mr. Green

How about: 4) He was a patsy and the real shooter was on the grassy knoll?
0 Replies
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 01:45 am
Yeah, that's witty, I guess. Can you two honestly say you'd have the same reaction to a young dark skinned person carrying several weapons into a hotel lobby as you would to an older white man?
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 01:51 am
snood wrote:
Can you two honestly say you'd have the same reaction to a young dark skinned person carrying several weapons into a hotel lobby as you would to an older white man?

My reaction would probably depend on how he was carrying the guns. Ready to open fire, or just slung over the shoulder?

Just slung over the shoulder I'd probably just complement him on his choice of guns.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 02:44 am
Ok, I accept you believe that would be your reaction. Add that he is wearing a turban. Same reaction?
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 02:52 am
Like a Sikh?

Anyway, yes. Same reaction. If a man has good taste in weapons, shouldn't that be complemented?

American open carry advocates frequently carry weapons in public expressly for the purpose of training the general populace to not go into hysterics when they see people carrying guns.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 03:09 am
Can you two honestly say you'd have the same reaction to a young dark skinned person carrying several weapons into a hotel lobby as you would to an older white man?

Was he seen carrying weapons through the foyer of the hotel? Or is this an assumption of yours?
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 03:10 am
[Liberals] hate the US and wish that evil dictatorships would defeat us.

On the contrary, liberals have been particularly concerned about the rise of a home-grown movement which embraces authoritarianism and ultra-nationalism and seems bent on establishing a repressive dictatorship itself. We won't need an "evil" foreign dictator to defeat us; we'll have voluntarily surrendered any guise of global leadership as we further retreat into consumerism and tribalism. Other countries will pass us by as we cling to our guns and our religion. Under those conditions I'd welcome the emergence of new science-based leadership on the international stage to help coordinated planetary efforts to deal with the many rapidly-materializing social and environmental problems that confront us.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 03:46 am
hightor wrote:
[Liberals] hate the US and wish that evil dictatorships would defeat us.

On the contrary, liberals have been particularly concerned about the rise of a home-grown movement which embraces authoritarianism and ultra-nationalism and seems bent on establishing a repressive dictatorship itself.

That liberals falsely accuse the US of authoritarianism and ultra-nationalism does not change the fact that liberals hate the US and wish us to be defeated.

hightor wrote:
We won't need an "evil" foreign dictator to defeat us; we'll have voluntarily surrendered any guise of global leadership as we further retreat into consumerism and tribalism. Other countries will pass us by as we cling to our guns and our religion.

Liberals may wish that the US will be passed by, but Trump will defeat liberalism and the US will continue to stand strong on the world stage.

hightor wrote:
Under those conditions I'd welcome the emergence of new science-based leadership on the international stage to help coordinated planetary efforts to deal with the many rapidly-materializing social and environmental problems that confront us.

Liberalism's support for terrorists and evil dictatorships over freedom and democracy is not likely to lead to a science-based global government.

But even if they really could create a science-based global government after destroying America, liberals will never be allowed to destroy America.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 04:07 am
I don't know. Can you answer the question about if your reaction would differ according to the appearance of a person carrying a weapon?
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 04:28 am
It's really impossible for most people to know if ethnicity would influence their reaction. For instance, I've never seen *anyone* carrying a gun through a hotel lobby. I can only speculate how I'd react.

I assume the demeanor of the person carrying the gun would count for a lot. A creepy person giving off a bad vibe? Someone who looks like they are carrying the gun to or from a gun show? Someone who looks like they are probably a plainclothes police officer? Someone acting furtive and jumpy?

And how are they carrying the gun? In their hands ready to fire? If so, do they look like a nutcase who thinks he's living a video game, or do they look like a police officer who has their gun drawn because they are confronting a dangerous criminal? Although maybe that's a sign to take cover either way. Is the gun slung over their shoulder? Sealed in an obvious gun case? Sealed in a not-so-obvious gun case?
0 Replies
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 04:57 am
Unfortunately it appears that you have mischaracterized my response in order to repeat yours for the umpteenth time.
That liberals falsely accuse the US of authoritarianism and ultra-nationalism...

My description was directed at a political movement avtive in the country, not the USA itself.
Liberals may wish that the US will be passed by...

I never said that I "wished" this to happen, only that it appears to be underway, and as an alternative to militaristic US hegemony I'd welcome it.
Liberalism's support for terrorists and evil dictatorships over freedom and democracy...

This is just ill-informed opinionated nonsense.
But even if they really could create a science-based global government after destroying America, liberals will never be allowed to destroy America.

This statement isn't even rational. Global government isn't "destroying" the USA: inward-looking resentful conservatives are.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 05:03 am
This will come as a shock to you.
Since taking office in February, Mr. Trump’s E.P.A. chief has held back-to-back meetings, briefing sessions and speaking engagements almost daily with top corporate executives and lobbyists from all the major economic sectors that he regulates — and almost no meetings with environmental groups or consumer or public health advocates

...Many of those players have high-profile matters pending before the agency, with potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in regulatory costs at stake. Some of these same companies and trade associations were allies of Mr. Pruitt when, as Oklahoma’s attorney general, he sued the E.P.A. at least 14 times to try to block rules Mr. Pruitt is now in charge of enforcing.
A real-world example of Trump/GOP swamp draining. Because they really, really care about that.
0 Replies
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 05:18 am
How far-right trolls named the wrong man as the Las Vegas shooter
Gateway Pundit, no surprise, was a part of this avalanche of false information.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 05:54 am
The NRA is promoting a culture of death, a culture of murder. They are the real murderers. It's high time they taste their own medecine.

Some people seem to think faster when bullets are flying by. One of the country singers who was in Vegas changed his mind about gun control only after this mass killing, because his own ass was on the line... Make the NRA think about gun control. Make them think hard, based on their own personal encounter with the busines end of a gun. Make them understand first hand the value of gun control, and they will support gun control.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 05:56 am
This is not the first time The Gateway Pundit, a blog connected to the “alt-right" that has regularly published misinformation, has misidentified a suspect in a killing. In January, the blog misidentified the alleged shooter at Fort Lauderdale’s airport. And in August, the blog wrongly accused a Michigan man of being the driver who drove over and killed counterprotester Heather Heyer during the white supremacist gathering in Charlottesville, VA. Nor is it the first time Gateway Pundit pushed a false claim from 4chan’s /pol/. In May, the blog hyped forged documents uploaded on the message board alleging that then-French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron was evading taxes. Additionally, in January, Gateway Pundit falsely accused a Washington Post reporter of taking photos of now-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s personal notes at his confirmation hearing, spurring online harassment.

The blog, which President Donald Trump’s favorite morning show, Fox & Friends, has frequently cited or otherwise drawn from, was granted White House press credentials in February. It has since been denied a press pass to cover the Senate, a decision it said it planned to appeal.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 05:58 am
The press, branded the 'enemy' by Trump, increasingly trusted by the public: Reuters/Ipsos poll
The poll of more than 14,300 people found that the percentage of adults who said they had a “great deal” or “some” confidence in the press rose to 48 percent in September from 39 percent last November. Earlier this year, Trump branded the entire industry as the “enemy of the American people.”

The percentage of those who said they had “hardly any” confidence in the press dropped to 45 percent from 51 percent over the same period.

Confidence in Trump’s administration moved in the opposite direction.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 06:13 am
Read this to get a clear idea of how the NRA and pro-gun lobby has absolutely crippled America's ability to quickly and effectively trace weapon ownership.
There's no telling how many guns we have in America—and when one gets used in a crime, no way for the cops to connect it to its owner. The only place the police can turn for help is a Kafkaesque agency in West Virginia, where, thanks to the gun lobby, computers are illegal and detective work is absurdly antiquated. On purpose. Thing is, the geniuses who work there are quietly inventing ways to do the impossible.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 06:17 am
That's been a federal law, thanks to the NRA, since 1986: No searchable database of America's gun owners.

The last time Congress seriously addressed the notion of creating a way to keep track of America's guns was 1968.

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