revelette1 wrote:
Anyway, it is amazing the politically religious conservatives support Trump. I would like to ask them just what it is about him they find to support.
I can't speak for them because I'm not one of them, but I do know a couple. I think you would find that their reason is pretty much the same as would be that of a moderate or socially conservative Democrat supporting Sanders in a race against Trump or feminists who supported Bill Clinton: For all their failings and unsupported positions they are/were better than the alternative.
Despite what you and many others may believe, they are not all religious fanatics looking to establish a theocracy. Generally, they want a candidate who states he or she is Pro-Life and not Pro-Choice and this will excuse a number of sins. They also want a candidate who isn't looking to curtail religious freedom, but protect it. They want a candidate who freely refers to God without hesitation. They are afraid and angry that the nation is losing its tether to Judeo-Christian values.
There may be more they want, but I think this pretty well sums it up based on what I know.
May not be the best criteria for choosing a president but is it any worse than the voters who vote Democrat because they are counting on getting more free stuff, or who support fining or jailing someone for using the wrong pronoun?
The American people are, in the main, not a bunch of ignorant dolts. Whether they vote Republican or Democrat they know what they believe will make this a better nation for themselves and their children, and who are any of us to say that we know better than them? Condescending idiots talking about people voting against their interests really only mean they are voting against what they want to see.
The two groups are obviously not always in agreement which is why there are two parties. They are, on both sides, overly susceptible to the lying of people who want power and will promise anything to get it. You would think that by now we would have figured the con out and stop falling for it, but apparently, hope springs eternal or a sucker is born every minute.
Every single president elected in my lifetime has made campaign promises and then failed to deliver on some key ones that got them votes. Everyone. We accept it and then we fall for it again.