monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 25 Sep, 2017 04:44 pm
blatham wrote:
Easily explainable as arising from who and what he attends to for information.

The fact that I always ferret out the truth before I open my mouth is indeed the reason why none of you are ever able to challenge any of my facts.

It's called knowing what you are talking about. You might want to try it sometime.
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 04:52 pm
desperate attempts to make BLM into some kind of cop murderers
As we all know, there's nothing new in right wing media attacks on black activists which portray blacks as dangerous, murderous, criminal thugs. That is standard. Limbaugh has been doing it forever, as has Fox along with countless other right wing sites and voices. They'll keep doing it and their audience will continue to parrot the stuff because they have been made stupid. And hateful.
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 04:59 pm
I wrote:
You're really grasping - going along with Oralloy's desperate attempts to make BLM into some kind of cop murderers.

You wrote:
Tying someone to a position that they openly and actively fight for is hardly "grasping" or "desperation".

you also wrote:
I always ferret out the truth before I open my mouth

Prove you're not talking out of your ass, Oralloy. Show any evidence - any BLM material - any news report (besides the same "pigs in a blanket" chant from two years ago) that shows they "openly and actively" advocate for the murder of cops.Can you prove it? Since you're so careful before you "open your mouth", it should be no challenge at all to show where from you glean this damning information about BLM. Don't rant and babble that "everyone knows" this about BLM - don't upchuck a fresh bullshit post about how you don't have to show your sources.

You repeat it over and over and over... Prove that BLM advocates cop-killing.
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Mon 25 Sep, 2017 05:02 pm
(does anyone still watch television as television?)

Don't own one. The iMac 27 is big enough to enjoy a movie, if we feel the need.

Our govt is ensuring almost blanket coverage in our media for the Mudroch empire, so no point tuning in for the nooz, either.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 05:10 pm
In other news...

Susan Collins today announces that she's officially a No on the upcoming health-care bill Cassidy is pushing. Pretty sure this kills the bill. What more, as Reconciliation can't be performed after the 30th of this month, you can forget about more attempts for at least the next 18 months.

Tax reform and Infrastructure are also dead. There is a zero percent chance that any major bill that isn't insanely friendly to the Dem position passes, until after the next Congressional election. The Dems are going to take them to the cleaners on the Debt Ceiling bill in December or January. GOP voters are going to be (and rightfully so) livid, as their own Congresspeople and Senators lied to their faces, over and over, about repealing the ACA. They will have absolutely nothing to show for their time in Congress.

Mon 25 Sep, 2017 05:11 pm
The point for this thread, by the way, is that President Plump encourages right-wing nut bags like ......

Can you still vote in US elections? Living in Canada, I mean.
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 05:29 pm
They will have absolutely nothing to show for their time in Congress.

Oh, they all end up millionaires, so that's a small consolation, I guess.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 05:53 pm
Setanta wrote:
You haven't comer up with any evidence for your accusations about murders by members of black lives matter, or a will to murder, so why should I meet a standard which you don't.

No has asked for a cite until now. But others have linked to such evidence in the thread in the past couple days.

Here is a link showing that BLM thuggery is all about harshly punishing people who dare to defend themselves when black people try to murder them:

A couple of excerpts:
She’d been expecting a conviction, for manslaughter if not murder, but Zimmerman was acquitted. “It felt like a gut punch, you know?”
the afternoon before, in Ferguson, Missouri, 18-year-old Michael Brown had been shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a police officer.

This was a turning point for #blacklivesmatter. In the following weeks, as the slogan trended on Twitter and Facebook, it became synonymous with the protests taking place across the country, as close as the disparate movement came to a clarion call.

True that Mr. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain and not a police officer, but they still wanted to punish him for daring to defend himself when a black person tried to murder him.

Setanta wrote:
I've pointed out your errors time and again, but that's not the topic of this thread, so I won't drag it in here.

Falsely accusing me of errors when I am completely correct hardly counts.

Setanta wrote:
Not an ounce of evidence from you that NFL players are thugs, much less thugs who support the murder of police.

When someone openly supports what a certain group stands for, that means they are supporting the same goals that the group supports.

Setanta wrote:
You are seriously delusional,

Let's see you point out any fact that I'm wrong about.

Setanta wrote:
and your hatred in this case is directed at black people,

What is it with demented liberals that they always call people racists when they have no other argument?

Setanta wrote:
or those who support their protest at white cops shooting blacks, very often unarmed blacks.

Criticizing someone for their actual position is hardly an act of hate.

Setanta wrote:
In my book, that makes you a racist pig.

Falsely accusing people of racism is a poor substitute for a good factual argument. I do understand however that liberalism cannot be supported by facts.

Setanta wrote:
Originally called an "accident" by North Miami police, the officer in this incident has since been charged with attempted manslaughter.[/b]
For that incident, there is video of the victim laying on the ground with his hands in the air. This is the sort of thing that black lives matter is concerned with.

I'm unsure if there are enough public details to reasonably assess that case. Regardless, BLM are concerned with cases like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, both people who were shot while trying to murder someone.

Setanta wrote:
You are truly one ugly creep.

Liberals always have a such a freak out when people confront them with facts.
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 05:55 pm
snood wrote:
Prove you're not talking out of your ass, Oralloy. Show any evidence - any BLM material - any news report (besides the same "pigs in a blanket" chant from two years ago) that shows they "openly and actively" advocate for the murder of cops.Can you prove it?

Sure. Here is a link showing that BLM is all about wanting to harshly punish people who defend themselves when blacks try to murder them:

A couple of excerpts:
She’d been expecting a conviction, for manslaughter if not murder, but Zimmerman was acquitted. “It felt like a gut punch, you know?”
the afternoon before, in Ferguson, Missouri, 18-year-old Michael Brown had been shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a police officer.

This was a turning point for #blacklivesmatter. In the following weeks, as the slogan trended on Twitter and Facebook, it became synonymous with the protests taking place across the country, as close as the disparate movement came to a clarion call.

snood wrote:
Since you're so careful before you "open your mouth", it should be no challenge at all to show where from you glean this damning information about BLM.

Sure. It was trivial.

snood wrote:
Don't rant and babble that "everyone knows" this about BLM

Well actually everyone did know. It's not like the goals of these BLM thugs are a secret.

But it was still easy for me to point out their opposition to police officers defending themselves when blacks try to murder them.

snood wrote:
don't upchuck a fresh bullshit post about how you don't have to show your sources.

Come now. I've always made it clear that I will provide cites upon request.

snood wrote:
You repeat it over and over and over... Prove that BLM advocates cop-killing.

See the link I posted above about their wanting Officer Wilson to be harshly punished for defending himself from Michael Brown.

Mr. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain and not a police officer, but it's the same principle. They wanted him to be punished for defending himself from a black person who was trying to murder him.
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 06:10 pm
So, when people want police to be convicted for the killing of black people, in your mind they are basically promoting and advocating for the murder of police?
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 06:12 pm
They will have absolutely nothing to show for their time in Congress.
This seems likely to be a mixed blessing, cyclo. Since the 80s, every significant change within the GOP and US conservatism has been to move further right. Now, given the primacy or near-primacy of the Koch network in determining candidate funding and support, we can surely expect that the sort of turmoil you suggest is in the offing will follow this same trajectory. That part is definitely not good news.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 06:14 pm
It's called knowing what you are talking about.

Here are a few of oralloy's standard "facts":
1. Trump will be president for 8 years.
2. The Democratic Party should be outlawed.
3. BLM supports black cop killers.

You might want to try it sometime.

You go first!

Really, oralloy, your standard rhetorical procedure is to state some opinion and then repeat it ad nauseum, as if it were an established fact, as if repeating it enough times makes it acceptable. Like Trump and the Russia "hoax".
snood wrote:
[oralloy] has no reason, and it has little to do with thinking. It's just something he fixated his brain onto and just keeps replaying it like a broken demented record.

oralloy, you seem to ignore the fact that the incidents of police killing hostile suspects which give rise to public outcry are a very small percentage of the total. In most cases people don't even question the right of an officer to defend himself against armed criminals shooting at him. The problem between the cops and various low-income communities comes from the abuse of police power, not the justified exercise of it. Whatever Freddie Gray did — and apparently it was just running away from the cops — it's hard to see why he should die in police custody.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of BLM. I think there should be a larger organization called "PLM" — Poor Lives Matter. Because endemic generational poverty is the real common denominator behind abusive police tactics, not race.

Mon 25 Sep, 2017 06:17 pm
Builder wrote:

The point for this thread, by the way, is that President Plump encourages right-wing nut bags like ......

Can you still vote in US elections? Living in Canada, I mean.

Yes, ******* yes American citizens living abroad can vote in US elections. Why do you keep making a fool of yourself? Do you actually think you know more about American citizenship than people who are actually citizens????? Christ on a cracker...you and Finn and Oral must be pulling 'facts' out of each other's butts. Or since Finn seems to enjoy this image, each other's 'ample' butts.
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 06:41 pm
snood wrote:
So, when people want police to be convicted for the killing of black people, in your mind they are basically promoting and advocating for the murder of police?

It is pretty straightforward logic that if you want police to be punished for defending themselves from murderers, then you are trying to prevent them from defending themselves from murderers.

And if you are trying to prevent them from defending themselves from murderers, you trying to make the murders succeed.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 06:42 pm
hightor wrote:
Here are a few of oralloy's standard "facts":
1. Trump will be president for 8 years.

That's not a fact. That is a prediction.

The Republicans will hold the White House for the next 20 years by the way. Or 19 and some fraction, whatever.

And even after 20 years of Republican rule the voters will refuse to contemplate a Democratic president again until the Democrats purge all of their liberals and nominate someone like Trump.

hightor wrote:
2. The Democratic Party should be outlawed.

That's not a fact. That's a policy preference.

hightor wrote:
3. BLM supports black cop killers.

There you go. THAT's a fact.

hightor wrote:
You go first!

I've been providing informed commentary to this site ever since I started posting here more than a decade ago. Shame on you for implying otherwise.

hightor wrote:
Really, oralloy, your standard rhetorical procedure is to state some opinion and then repeat it ad nauseum, as if it were an established fact, as if repeating it enough times makes it acceptable.

No. My procedure is to state established facts. If people repeatedly deny reality I may end up repeatedly responding with the same fact, but my repeated responses are due to their repeated posts.

I think facts are naturally acceptable on their own merits. I don't perceive any need for facts to be made acceptable.

hightor wrote:
oralloy, you seem to ignore the fact that the incidents of police killing hostile suspects which give rise to public outcry are a very small percentage of the total. In most cases people don't even question the right of an officer to defend himself against armed criminals shooting at him. The problem between the cops and various low-income communities comes from the abuse of police power, not the justified exercise of it.

BLM protests case after case after case where the exercise of power is 100% justified.

hightor wrote:
Whatever Freddie Gray did — and apparently it was just running away from the cops — it's hard to see why he should die in police custody.

It's also hard to see how most of the police officers who were charged were in any way responsible for his death.

hightor wrote:
Personally, I'm not a big fan of BLM.

Me either.

hightor wrote:
I think there should be a larger organization called "PLM" — Poor Lives Matter. Because endemic generational poverty is the real common denominator behind abusive police tactics, not race.

If you form such an organization I hope you see to it that they protest real abuses and don't protest legitimate police actions.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 06:51 pm
Of course. He's done a lot of stupid ****, and that ranked at the top for me.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 07:12 pm
blatham wrote:
"Limousine liberal" doesn't strike me as a right-wing conception

Note I said "conceptions/cliches/talking points". There's a rich tradition of populist left voices poking fun at rich liberals who (it's presumed in this framing) aren't involved in political activism and who just ride along, selfishly, on their good fortune. But in the last several decades in America, the term has had far greater currency on the right as a propaganda device and ad hominem

I don't doubt the term has currency among the right especially, I just see little suspicious or counterintuitive about a socialist using it either. It's not just about "rich liberals who aren't involved in political activism and who just ride along," no? Doesn't it also apply to wealthier/upper-middle class liberals who are on board for all the feel-good liberal-sounding stuff, but balk at any "scary" radicalism that might put their comfy privilege at risk? And/or who are all about liberal, lefty-sounding policies as long as they're not going to experience any material discomfort over it themselves?

Huh. Now, through Google, I'm reading this NY Times article. Mostly underscores your point, though I feel it's got something to confirm both of our takes. On the one hand, reviewing Steve Fraser's book about the "limousine liberal" notion, it describes how the specific label has a history of being used by the right against liberals, after having been test-driven by a Democratic politician. (You probably know all of this already, and were arguing from that knowledge.) On the other hand, the author ties in this review with one of Thomas Frank's leftist-populist critique of Democratic liberals, directly comparing the two and their overlap in rhetoric and sensibility:

Frank is hardly the first critic to remark upon a disconnect between the lives of wealthy liberals and the grittier constituencies they supposedly serve. As the historian Steve Fraser demonstrates in his wide-ranging new book, the idea of the “limousine liberal” has a long and messy history all its own. [etc.]

If someone were to genuinely shift, politically, from a stridently conservative world view to a much more hybrid sensibility where a lot of left-populist views and policy preferences got mixed in, even as the more visceral preoccupations of their old political identity survived, they could seamlessly hold on to the perception of "limousine liberals". They could even keep applying it without it ever seeming particularly out of place for their new-found beliefs and allies. Just sayin'.

That Thomas Frank book sounds awesome, by the way. Talking visceral responses, I'm totally on board for his message. Ever more so as I get older, too.
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 07:26 pm
Your entire rant here has been fact free. Nothing new there.
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 08:09 pm
In response to your request for a cite, I provided a link showing that the BLM goons indeed are protesting for police officers to be punished when they defend themselves from black people who try to murder them.

It is highly dishonorable of you to falsely accuse me of not providing facts.
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